Postman Pechkin - biography, character and image, winged phrases


Character History

Winged phrases of the inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino Many of us will remember even at night. Funny cartoon was often shown on TV, but few people wondered: what is he, this restless and curious postman Pechekin? And what else is there in the life of the missed bore, except for your favorite work?

History of creation

Meet the postman Pequin took place thanks to the story of Edward Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, a cat and dog." The book appeared on the shelves in 1974. The plot of fairy tales tells about the first meeting of the main characters: Uncle Fedor, Matroskin, ball and postman Pechekin.

Later, the story of the adventures of a city boy in the village turned into a cartoon script. In 1975, the first attempt was made. The cartoon called "Uncle Fyodor, the cat and the dog" did not like the young spectators and was quickly forgotten.

Edward Uspensky

"Three from Prostokvashino" - the second attempt to tell the story of an unusual boy. This time the cartoon broke the popularity records and even turned into a series. From this point on, the Voice of the actor Boris Novikov is firmly associated with a colorful character named Ivan Ivanovich Pechkin.

"Vacation in Prostokvashino" and "Winter in Prostokvashino" - continuation of the adventures of favorite heroes. The new series about the adventures of Uncle Fedor and his friends came out in 2011. The cartoon is called "Spring in Prostokvashino". Screenwriter - Eduard Asspensky.

Monument Postman Pechkin

The image of a village employee of mail, despite the love of the audience, received negative reviews. The habit of abiding rules and formalities is not always relevant curiosity and constant complaints - signs of flawed Soviet psychology. Such a statement was made by Dr. Philosophical Sciences Professor Khrenov.

However, folk love for the character did not pass and today. Certificate of this is the regular appearance in social networks of funny collages, the release of new computer games and constant retells of jokes about the famous rural postman.

Biography and plot

Ivan Pechkin - a resident of the village of Prostokvashino. The man grew up in the city of Vyshny Volochek, located in the Tver region. Ivan Ivanovich recently turned 59 years old. All his life, Pechkin worked on a rustic mail.

The man has a favorite brown raincoat, which hero wears in any season and any weather. Another accompanying character attribute is a headdress. WITHOUT URANKA IVAN IVANOVICH turns out to be just once - the dog of the ball shot the hat of the postman, training in the accuracy.

Postman Pechkin

The hero often falls into ridiculous situations that are withdrawn from themselves. For example, Tychonok Uncle Fedor, who constantly pronounces the same phrase, annoying the postman noticeably. Pechkin believes that he is talking to man, and not with an intelligent bird:

"- Who's there?

- Yes, no one !!! "

Pechkin loves tea with rams and candy, gossip about local residents and animals. Few people know, but the hero has homemade favorites - Chestnut dog. Sometimes a smoky mail worker visits the sister of Akulin.

Once a boy with a strange name Uncle Fedor arrives in Prostokvashino. The child accompanies cat Matroskin. The boy was not allowed to leave the animal at home, so Uncle Fedor moves into an abandoned house. Duet joins the dog of the ball.

Matroskin, Uncle Fedor and Ball

Parents, concerned about the disappearance of the child, give the announcement in the newspaper. In a reward for information about the boy, a bike was promised. The announcement comes across the eye Pechkin. A man goes to visit a new tenant to make sure of his own suspicions. The eaten postman even measures the boy to get evidence.

Cheerful adventures of the child are fast. Uncle Fedor fell ill angina, and animals write to the family of a boy letter, which brings mom with dad from equilibrium. The native quarrel ends with reconciliation, and Pechkin, who issued a child's location, receives a bike as a gift.

Postman Pechkin with Bicycle

In the second part of the adventures of the unusual company, Uncle Fedor returns to the village on vacation. In a rustic house, life goes by his guy: Matroskin Grow a cow and a calf, the ball goes to hunt, and Pechkin performs the duties of the postman.

Once again, attending Uncle Fyodor, Ivan Ivanovich does not give the parcel to the boy. Everything is simple - the child has no documents, and Pechkin has no right to give the box without the right papers. Friends play a gullible postman and strongly offend Ivan Ivanovich.

Parents of Uncle Fedor come to the village. Upset Pechkin in details tells spouses about the adventures of the company. As a conciliatory gift, Matroskin gives the postman's post-shirt.

Postman Pechkin in Cooker

The new year is approaching. Pechkin often comes to the animal to visit to check how Matroskin and the ball are. It turns out that the cat and dog in a quarrel and do not talk to each other. Pechkin is trying to reconcile the heroes by methods that are available to a frequency character.

Ivan Ivanovich does not cope with the task and sends a letter to Uncle Fedor with a request to influence animals. The child comes to Prostokvashino with his father. Heroes invite Pechekin to meet the holiday together. Ivan Ivanovich helps to repair the TV, dresses with friends a Christmas tree and rejoices the new year's offensive.

Postman Pechkin

Spring comes in Prostokvashino. Pechkin retired, but continues to work in the mail. Animal comes next letter from Uncle Fedor. The boy reports that he comes to the village on vacation.

Before the villagers, the question arises where to place Uncle Fedor with his parents. Heroes write a letter to a construction company that builds a cottage for heroes. Pechkin with matroskinkin open the production plant for the production of sour cream. And Uncle Fedor helps local troubles solve environmental problems: the heroes are building the road from the recycled garbage.

Interesting Facts

  • Attentive viewer will notice that gradually Ivan Ivanovich Pechkin turns into Igor Ivanovich. What is the name of the name of the name - incomprehensible.
  • In 2008, the postman Pechekin was honored with a bronze statue. The monument is established in the city of Lukhovitsa of the Moscow region.
Postman Pechkin and Citizen Kurochkin
  • Postman Pechkin vaguely reminds the character of another animated film - a citizen of Kurochkin from the "Adventures of Vasi Kurolesov". In addition to appearance, the heroes have a common voice - Boris Novikov reads the lyrics of both characters.
  • Cartoon creators are planning to shoot new episodes dedicated to the favorite heroes. From 2018 to 2020, 30 new series will be released.


"Parcel, just I will not give it, because you have no documents. Early you have more documents. And the tailed documents are not laid at all. "" Is that why I used to be angry? Because I didn't have a bike. "" This is me, the postman Pechekin, brought the magazine "Murzilka" for your boy! "" Wait, a citizen, kissing, let's look at the conflict first! "" So does not happen that the children themselves were . Children must someone else! "

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