John Gudman - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



John Stephen Gudman - Actor of American Cinema, Laureate of the Golden Globe Premiums for the role in the series "Rosanne" and "Emmy" for work in the film "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip".

John was born on June 20, 1952 in the town of Lower Echton, located next to the Independent City of Missouri Saint Louis. Being a 2-year-old baby, Gudman lost his father who died of heart attack. The family remained three children - the 15-year-old son Leslie, John and the newborn daughter Betty. Mother Virginia had to get a job in several places. Leslie took care of her brother and became support for him for many years.

Actor John Gudman.

As a child, John performed for the school football team and was engaged in the Theater Studio. After graduating from a local school, in 1970, the young man entered the college. Not wanting to stay in my hometown for a long time, John soon successfully passed the entrance exams at the University of Missouri to the Faculty of Drama, where the actors Kathleen Turner, Tess Harper, Don S. Davis were studied at different times.

John Goodman in youth

In 1975, the Gudman family moved to New York, where John at first had to work at the festive events for children and to be filmed in advertising. In 1978, Gudman's debut on the theater scene was held in the "Sleeping Night" on the play of William Shakespeare. Soon, the young artist has already participated in the musicals on Broadway, the most memorable of which became musical performances "Losing ends" and "Big River".


On the movie screen, John first appeared in 1983 in the criminal thriller "Sheriffs" in an episodic role. A year later, the artist littered in the drama Andrei Konchalovsky "Beloved Mary" with Nastasya Kinski in the lead role. In the second half of the 1980s, Goodman appears in the episodes of the film "Raisin", "Big Kayf", "truthful stories". In the movie Cohen Brothers "Education Arizona", John reincarnated in Gale Snouotz - a criminal who escaped from prison.

Young John Gudman

In 1988, Gudman received the main role of Dan Connor in the comedy TV series "Rosanna", which was broadcast on the ABC channel for 9 seasons. For 6 years, Sitkom occupied the first positions of the ranouts of the TV channel, in 2002 it was included in the list of the 50 best shows of all time. In 1993, John Gudman received the Golden Globe Prize in the nomination "The best men's role of the first plan in the series."

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In the fantastic drama of Steven Spielberg "Always" in 1989, John Gudman gets into the main cast along with Richard Dreifuss, Holly Hunter, Audrey Hepburn. A year later, the actor receives a major role in the comedy David S. Ward "King Ralph", in which the main character, showman and the singer from Las Vegas becomes the only heir to the royal crown. Musical abilities were useful to the actor later when creating the Comedy "Brothers Blues 2000", in which he got the role of singing Barman Mac Mactira.

In 1992, Kininkomedya Joe Dante "Matinenik", where John Goodman gets the main role of the Louuren's film producer. In 1994, the Actor is transformed into the head of the family, a resident of the Stone Age, in the Flintstone Comedy. Elizabeth Perkins, Holly Berry, Elizabeth Taylor, Kyle Maclahlen took part in the film.

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In 1998, the Cohen brothers again invite John Goodman on shooting in the Criminal Comedy "Big Lebovski" for the role of Walter Sobchak. In the late 90s, the actor starred in the horror movie "Fallen" and in the Thriller "Mad Money". In 2000, the artist lit up in the musical comedy "Bar" Ugly Koote ", in which Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia, Maria Bello, Michael Bay, Taira Banks played the main roles. The film collected $ 114 million at all.

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In the film "Dirty Deliche", together with Brian Brown and Tony Collett, John Gudman reincarnated to the mafia representative. In 2006, John Gudman took part in the shooting of Sitkom about the work of the fictional NBS TV channel "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip", for which in 2007 awarded the AMMI premium. Two years later, the comedy actor filmography was replenished with the role of Pope Sergius in the biographical drama Zenka Varthmann "John - a woman on the papal throne."

John Gudman as a Pope Roman

During these years, John Gudman appears in various roles: the comedy hero Graham Bloomwood in the film "Shopogolik", the influential cinematographer of Ela Zimmer in the Drama "Artist", Agent Joseph Kinen in the red state thriller. In the sports drama "Twisted Ball" with the clint of Oristology, John is reincarnated in the hero of Petya Klein.

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In 2013, Gudman enters the main acting Drama Kohen Brothers "inside Lewin Davis" with Oscar Aizek. In the film about the history of the fear of folk rock in the US, John plays Jazzman Roland Turner. A year later, the actor took part in the filming of the Military War "Treasure Hunters" with George Clooney, Matt Damon and Kate Blanchett.

In addition to working on film polls, John Gudman takes part in creating animated films. The actor's voice is talking to the heroes of the cartoon "Adventures of Rocky and Bulluninkle", "Jungle Book 2", "Emperor's Gruel", "Monsters Corporation", "Tags".

Personal life

John Gudman is an exemplary husband and father. In 1988, on the set of the film "When I fell in love", a young artist met Annabeth Hartzog. A significant meeting occurred during a friendly party. Soon young people began to meet, and in a year got married. In 1990, Goodmans were born a daughter Molly, with which parents moved to Los Angeles.

John Goodman with his wife

The appearance of the actor during the creative biography has undergone significant changes. In 2007, with an increase in 183 cm, John's weight reached 180 kg. Excess volume delivered a lot of health problems with a lot and interfered to work fully. Goodman had to seek help to professional trainer Maku Chilestone, who determined the star of the screen diet and prescribed physical exercises.

John Goodman before and after weight loss

For three years, the artist lost 45 kg, which is visible in the photo before and after the dietary complex. In 2013, the weight of the artist increased again, which demanded the next intervention of the nutritionist. Now the weight of John Gudman is 130 kg.

John Gudman now

In 2016, John Gudman played the main hero of Howard in the postpocalyptic thriller "Kloverefield, 10" directed by Dan Trachtenberg. Film for the year of rental gathered $ 110 million. On 8 March 2017, a premiere of a fantastic militant from a series of films about the big monkey "Kong: Skull Island", covered the film "Godzilla", filmed two years earlier. John Gudman fulfilled the role of official William Randa.

John Gudman in 2017

On March 10, a solemn opening of a star with the name of John Goodman took place on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory". The artist, who was present at the ceremony, after a thankful speech in a joke posed by photographers lying next to a memorable place.


  • "Rising Arizona" - 1987
  • "Always" - 1989
  • "King Ralph" - 1991
  • "Motorenik" - 1993
  • "Flintstones" - 1994
  • "Big Lebovski" - 1998
  • "Mad money" - 1999
  • "Bar" Gadsky Coyote "" - 2000
  • "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip" - 2006
  • "Shopaholik" - 2009
  • "John - a woman on the papal throne" - 2009
  • "Artist" - 2011
  • "Inside Lewina Davis" - 2013
  • "Kloverefield, 10" - 2016
  • "Kong: Skull Island" - 2017

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