Michael Kiton - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Director, Producer, Instagram 2021



Michael Keaton is a famous American actor, producer and director. In his air service, more than 50 legendary roles in full-length films and serials that entered the history of world cinema and left an indelible mark in the hearts of the audience.

Childhood and youth

Michael John Douglas (real name of the artist) was born on September 5, 1951 in the town of Kora Beopolis, located near Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania (USA). Future idol grew in large children (Michael is the younger of seven children) and a family of Scottish-Irish family distant from the work.

Father George A. Douglas was the only breadwinner and worked as an engineer-builder and a surveyor, and Leon Elizabeth's mother, a native of the city of Mc Rocks, led a household and brought up children in harmony with strict Catholic traditions. Despite this, Michael walked by a disabled child, and on a school bench because of the lack of adjacent and care, the boy did not succeed.

After graduating from school, Douglas moved to the state of Konsky Chestnut - Ohio, where the rhetoric was compiled in Kent University. But in two years, Michael was bored with philological discipline, so the young man, went into all the grave, went to conquer Pittsburgh. In the city of the young guy he worked as a model, guard, and also one time was preparing alcoholic cocktails in the bar. The dream of the starry future rushed into the head of Douglas by chance, and he went to local clubs, hoping to conquer the public with the help of sparkling humor.

According to Michael's memories, work in the stand mode is the best training for a beginner artist, because if there is the right to make a mistake in the cinema, then there is no such right in a live speech before the audience. And if the comedian does not conquer the audience sympathy in a matter of minutes, then next night will remain without bread. Therefore, this practice in the life of Douglas came to him only on his hand. In addition, he tried himself in his youth as a theatrical actor and operator, but Michael's career in Pittsburgh was not set. Therefore, in 1975, the future star moved to Los Angeles - his creative biography began.


Michael began his career with small serial roles. When a young man got a job in a movie, he was told that there are already such an artist on TV screens, which is Michael Douglas, so to avoid confusion, the guy was invited to come up with a creative pseudonym. Thille thinking and listed all the familiar names according to the alphabet in my head, the novice film actor stopped at Kiton. Thus, his nickname, which became associated with a great guide, Michael chose at random. Although some sources claim that in this way, a young man gave tribute to the comedian Basher Kitonu or actress Dian Kiton.

Michael Kiton debuted in full meter in 1982. It was a comedy of the famous director of Ron Howard "Night shift." It is noteworthy that Michael played far from Billy Blacessi's main character, but the novice actor was noticed by the audience and awarded the film critics from Kansas City for the best male role of the second plan.

In 1983, Michael participates in the filming of the film "Mr. Mommy", the plot of which tells about the dismissed employee of a large company Jack Batler. But by a happy coating of the circumstances of the Jack's spouse, in the image of which the Teri Garr appeared, unlike the beloved, climbing the career ladder. For this reason, the burden of housekeeping and supervision of children falls on men's shoulders.

In 1984, Kiton replenishes its filmography of the comedy thriller Amy Hegerling "Dangerous Johnny" filmography, and in 1986 he plays a major role in the picture "Entusiast". In 1987, Michael was fortunate enough to take the director Roger Yang in the Blef cult militant. In this movie, Kitton reincarnated in the simple gambler Harry Berg, who, playing in a detective, is trying to expose the lottery mahinators of New York.

In 1988, a not very low artist (Kiton's height - 175 cm) plays an eccentric "specialist of the exorptionism of the living" Bitldjus in the Makabric Comedy of Tim Berton. It is noteworthy that Originally Michael refused the hystical creatures, because he failed to understand what the master of phantasmagoria wanted. Yes, and Tim was not able to explain everything that happened in his head. However, after the second meeting, Burton and Kitton found a common language, thanks to which the audience saw a cult film about extravagant ghosts.

By the way, the director said that the main criticism went to the "faceless" game of actors Aleka Baldwin and Gina Davis. However, Kiton, the on-screen time of which was just over 17 minutes, managed to make a picture of bright and unforgettable, for which it was nominated for the Saturn Prize in the category "The Best Male role of the second plan". In an interview with Collider, Michael told about the freedom of action, which Burton provided him:

"I just could say - my character would not do that! - And replay a frame. "

In 1989, Kiton (the Mel Gibson was originally considered) reincarnated in a superhero in the sensational gothic fairy tale Tim Berton "Batman" with Kim Bacyinger. The plot of a fantastic thriller is familiar with almost every movie and fan of comic DC: being a boy, Bruce Wayne witnesses the murder of his parents and since then hates the criminal world. Thus, when the night comes, the "bat of a bat" cleans the city from the bad and saves the lives of innocent citizens. But, as a rule, any protagonist has an antagonist. This honor fell out a villain to Joker (Jack Nicholson).

For the film "Batman returns" (1992), where Michel Pfaiffer was a partner, Michael Kiton received a fee of $ 10 million. However, after the celebrity career, a creative crisis has occurred. Some subsequent pictures shot with alternate success, so to rehabilitate, Michael starred in the militant Quentin Tarantino "Jackie Brown" (1997). You can also allocate remarkable films "Jack Frost" (1998), "Victory price" (2000), "Live Ether from Baghdad" (2002), etc.

The new stage in the acting life of Michael Kiton begins in 2013. He participates in the filming "Penthouse with a view north," where the sadist and the psychopath of Hollander playing, and in 2014 it is removed in the remake of the film of the floor of the floor of Vervehen Robocop.

In the same 2014, Kiton is waiting for a dizzying success, because the painting "Berdman", where he fulfilled the major role of Riggan Thomson, brought the artist more than ten prestigious kinonagrad, among which the Golden Globe Prize, "Independent Spirit", "Oscar", " Satellite ", etc. In addition to Michael, Edward Norton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts and other famous star movies starred in this black tragicomedy.

In the same year, Kiton appeared in the episode of the criminal thriller "Need for Speed: Thirst for Speed". A small fragment with Michael, according to fans, at times raised the level of the film.

In 1916, the Biographical Drama "Founder" was published with Michael Kiton in the lead role. The plot talked about the history of the very largest network of restaurants in the world. And, of course, about the life path of the founder of McDonalds, Ray Krock.

In 2017, the director John Watts pleased the fans of superhero saga about the adventures of Peter Parker film "Spiderman: Return home." In the tape appeared the villain Eduian Tums on the nicknamed "Vulture", the role of which went to Kiton. Also in the cast Pictures included Tov Tov, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tome, Gwyneth Paltrow and other celebrities.

In 2019, the audience was remembered by the game of the artist in the film Tim Burton "Dambo". The star played the next screen villain of the Vandemer, the owner of the amusement park "Country Country".

Personal life

It is impossible to say that the personal life of the on-screen Batman has developed successfully. In 1982, Michael married Caroline Makueliams, whose relationship was launched until 1990. From the former wife, the actor was born first-mentioned Sean Maxwell Douglas (1983). It is also known that one time Kiton met with the famous actress of the series "Friends" Courtney Cox.

According to rumors, a man is very close to his son. For example, in order to pay Shaona as much time as possible, Michael Kiton refused to participate in the shooting of the cult "police academy", "Fly" and the series "Lost". The attention of the father and the concern for the education of the heir did not pass in the gift - Sean Douglas grew up a talented composer and a musical producer. In the piggy bank of achievements, he already has a cherished Prize "Grammy".

It is noteworthy that Kyton is not chasing the glory and money, but it works for pleasure. For example, a $ 15 million was offered to him for the film "Batman-3", but because of the stupid (according to artist), he refused to participate in this project.

In the free from the shooting time, Michael travels, goes to long walks with a dog, engaged in sports and sick for the favorite baseball team "Pittsburgh Pairats". Now Kiton enjoys a popular network "Instagram", where the personal and working photos are postponing. He is also divided by thoughts and news with fans in Twitter.

Michael Kiton now

In 2020, American Judicial Drama Aaron Scrobin "Court of Chicago Seven" was released on the screens. Keaton played a secondary character, ex-lecturer Ramsey Clark. The coronavirus epidemic did not allow the film industry to work at full capacity.

Big plans for 2021 - work on Flash and comic based on the comics horror "Morbiius". The trailer of the last painting liked far from all film crimits. Observers from Forbes and Collider compared the film with the "Venomy". In The Verge found the idea of ​​ridiculous. Journalists drew attention to some parallels with the world of man-spider. As well as in "Spider", Michael fulfilled the role of a vulture winged superzlode.


  • 1982 - "Night shift"
  • 1983 - "Mr. Mommy"
  • 1984 - "Dangerous Johnny"
  • 1987 - "Bluff"
  • 1988 - Bitljus
  • 1989 - "Batman"
  • 1992 - "Batman returns"
  • 1997-2010 - "King of the Mountain"
  • 1998 - Jack Frost
  • 2005 - "Crazy Racing"
  • 2008 - "Merry Mr."
  • 2013 - "Penthouse overlooking the North"
  • 2014 - "Robocop"
  • 2014 - Berdman
  • 2015 - "In the center of attention"
  • 2016 - "Founder"
  • 2017 - "Mercenary"
  • 2017 - "Spiderman: Return home"
  • 2019 - "Dambo"
  • 2019 - "Spiderman: away from home"
  • 2020 - "Morbiow"
  • 2020 - "Court of Chicago Seven"

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