Alexey Mitrofanov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Mitrofanov Alexey Valentinovich - Russian politician, member of the LDPR Party from 1991 to 2007 and the Fair Russia faction from 2007 to 2011, deputy of the State Duma 1-4 and 6 convocations. Showman, publicist, producer.

Childhood and youth

Alexey was born on March 16, 1962 in the family of the Nomenclature Chief of the USSR. By the time of the son of the Son, Valentine's parents and Zoe Mitrofanov had already grown up the eleanor of the 1953 year of birth. Subsequently, the girl went into politics and became the authorized ambassador of the Russian Federation with UNESCO. According to rumors, Zoya Mitrofanova was Victoria's cousin, Leonid Brezhnev's wife. Alexei Mitrofanov himself was called the grandson of Andrei Gromyko, as well as the extramarital son Yury Andropov.

Alexey Mitrofanov in 2017

At 7, Alexei was given to the elite special secret school, after which the young man entered the Faculty of International Relations of MGIMO. In 1983, Mitrofanov received a diploma of an economist-international and in two years he settled into the Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna and the USSR Foreign Ministry. In 1988, the young man entered the graduate school of the US Institute and Canada.

Economist Alexey Mitrofanov

Returning to his homeland in 1991, Mitrofanov took up the show business. The creative talent of Alexey implemented on TV studio "Ostankino", engaged in the promotion of the program "Music forecast" and the festival "Step to Parnas". Mitrofanov composed scenarios for the first Russian show, wrote poems in English to the songs of Igor Nikolaev, Aziza. The former international officer took over the production of the "Mask Show" rating projects and the "Gentleman-Show".


Alexey Mitrofanov came to politics in 1991 during the creation of a film about the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. Politician positively appreciated the honest journalistic view of Mitrofanov and invited a young man in the ranks of the party. Originally, Alexey Valentinovich was adopted in the LDPR youth unit, which was headed by the writer Edward Limonov.

Alexey Mitrofanov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky

In 1993, Mitrofanov was transferred to the main batch of the party and soon got into the State Duma's deputy chair among the elected candidates from the LDPR in parliamentary elections. Mitrofanov immediately took a significant post of deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs, two years later, Alexey Valentinovich received the position of Chairman. Mitrofanov participated in overseeing the international situation in the hot spots of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Visited in the late 90s politician and in Cuba as a guest at the World Festival of Youth and Students.

The muralness of the deputy was manifested during participation in the election race of 1999 for the chair of the Mayor of Moscow, when politician threatened to deal with foreign tobacco companies British American Tobacco and Philip Morris, whose activities destroyedly influenced Russia's gene pool. Having lighted the election, Mitrofanov received a member of the State Duma Committee on Banks. Mitrofanov did not retreat and brought the case to the trial. But the claim for $ 500 million was rejected by the Cuntsevian court of the capital.

Epatage Politician Alexey Mitrofanov

Alexey Mitrofanov's stay in the Duma was always accompanied by loud statements policies. In 2001, the Deputy from the LDPR urged to attract foreign political leaders to criminal responsibility: Bill Clinton, who had already left the presidential post, former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and the former NATO Secretary General Javier Solana.

In 2002, Alexey Valentinovich urged amendments to Russian legislation, providing for the punishment for non-traditional relations between women. In the same year, politician spoke with a protective word in favor of the Palestinian leader of Yasser Arafat with a proposal to provide him with political asylum in Russia. A year later, after the US attack on Iraq, called the Russian president to start the supply of armaments to the Iraqi government.

Alexey Mitrofanov in the State Duma

In 2003, Mitrofanov took the post of chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation in the State Duma. At the same time, Alexey Valentinovich continued to produce doubtful projects. Under his leadership in 2005, Yulia's porn film was released, in the main characters of which images of the Ukrainian policy of Yulia Tymoshenko and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili were guessed. Two years later, Mitrofanov issued a continuation of history - the film "Misha or New Adventures of Yulia". Since 2006, Alexey Mitrophanov began to participate in the talk show "Let them talk" as a permanent guest of the program.

In the mid-2000s, the attitude of Alexey Valentinovich to the LGBT community changes radically. Mitrofanov begins to help the Russian group "Tatu" and even puts forward the candidates of singers to the rewarding of friendship. Since the beginning of 2007, Alexey led the preparation of the sex minority march, which was supposed to take place in the capital in May.

Alexey Mitrofanov and Julia Volkov from the group

In 2007, after a number of prosecutors, the leadership of the LDPR Mitrofanov came out of the faction and became a member of the "Fair Russia". But in the first elections from the branch of the party in the Penza region, Mitrofan was defeated and did not get into the fifth convocation of the State Duma.

In 2011, Mitrofanov, representing "fair Russia", got into the deputy chair for the fifth time. A year later, Alexey received the position of Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy and Communications. But in the same year a large corruption scandal with the participation of Mitrofanov, which had a radically affected by the deputy's political biography.

Alexey Mitrophanov

Mitrofanov was imputed to the extortion of a bribe in the amount of $ 200 thousand, which the politician was supposed to receive at the Renaissance Hotel's restaurant from Businessman Vyacheslav Zharov. Approximate deputies were trained in the case - Alexander Villagers and Radiš Sautiyev, who were detained at the time of money transfer. Mitrofanov himself, possessing deputy inviolability, did not suffer.

At the time of 2012, a land plot in 50 hectares, three Moscow apartments and 7 foreign cars, which included BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Toyota Land Cruiser were in the assets of Mitrofanov.

Alexey Mitrofanov lost the deputy authority

The SC of the Russian Federation made a request to the State Duma with a request to assist in the detention of the suspect. In 2012, the deputy was excluded from the Fair Russia party in connection with the support of the Mitrofan candidacy of Dmitry Medvedev to the post of head of government. In the summer of 2014, Alexey lost his deputy authority and lost the post of Chairman of the Information Technology Committee.

Immediately, the SC of the Russian Federation presented a policy of fraud in the organized group. Alexey Mitrofanov preferred to immediately go abroad, referring to a shameless health. In Europe, the whole politician settled in the capital of Croatia Zagreb. In October of the same year, the Court of the Doromilovsky District of Moscow decided it was decided to deprive Mitrofanis part of the property on the repayment of debts on receipts in the amount of 1.4 million euros.

Personal life

Alexey Mitrofanov married on a journalist, the former specialist "RTR" Lillely Marina Nikolaevna born in 1960. Son from the previous marriage Spouse Ivan Alekseevich was born in 1984, after school he graduated from MGIMO.

Alexey Mitrofanov with his wife

Ivan adopted from the stepfather of Alexey Valentinovich Love for the shock: the young man never shy to give interviews to journalists about the life of golden youth. The son of Mitrofanova spent his free time in the elite Moscow clubs, where, by rumors, they used light drugs. In 30 years, the young man decided to be cooled and went to the transfer "Let's get married" look for a companion of life. Currently engaged in bank audit, helped the reception office in deputy activities.

Alexey Mitrofanov with Son Ivan and his daughter

In the family of Mitrofanov and Lillely, the common daughter of Zoya 2003 is brought up. Now the family is located next to Alexey Valentinovich in Zagreb, where Marina Nikolaevna is engaged in real estate entrepreneurship.

Alexey Mitrofanov Now

With the name of Alexei Mitrofanov, rumors about love relatives with media persons are connected. Back in 2014, politics were suspected of close relationships with the leading "House-2" by Olga Buzova. At the end of 2016, after a loud divorce Olga and her husband Dmitry Tarasov, a novel broke out between former lovers. In confirmation of facts on the Internet, joint photos of Buzova and Mitrofanov appeared. But, except for rumors, no information applied.

Alexey Mitrofanov and Olga Buzova

In 2017, BMW Bank officially announced Alexei Mitrofanov bankrupt in the case of non-payment of a loan in the amount of 79 million rubles. At the expense of debt repayment, the Khamovnic District Court charged the necessary amount from the Mitrofanov family, and arrest was imposed on all Russian property of the former deputy.

Now Mitrofanov is threatened by deportation from Croatia due to the expiration of the term of passport, and the politician will be forced to return to Russia. In Motherland, according to the lawyer Alexander Zorina, Alexey Valentinovich can expect a new accusation of malicious fees from paying debt. Punishment for this atrocity provides for the term of imprisonment for up to 2 years.

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