Well Rapass - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Well, Rapass, in Hilda's Maiden Numen Norurn - Swedish actress, who performed the main roles in the films "Girl with a dragon tattoo", "Sherlock Holmes: the game of shadows", "Prometheus".

Well, was born on December 28, 1979 in Sweden in the city of Hudiksval, which is located north of Stockholm. The girl's family belonged to artistic circles: Mom - Swedish actress Nina Nornor - worked in the theater and starred in the series, Father Rokhelyio Duran arrived from Spain and engaged in a musical career. In 1981, the mother of Numi met the entrepreneur from Iceland by Herbreen Karlsson, who bred horses, and left her husband.

Actress and Rapass

When the girl was five years old, she, together with his mother and stepfather moved to Iceland to the village of Fludir. Two years later, well chosen in cinema, playing a small role in the historical film of Swedish-Icelandic production "Shadow of Crow". Participation in the filming made a big impression on well, and she decided to become an actress in the future.

Well, rapas

In 1988, the family returned to Sweden, where they went to study at the Steiner alternative school. The learning process in the educational institution proceeded individually, at the pace, acceptable to the psyche of the child. In adolescence, he threw her studies and was fond of alternative music. The girl painted into the blonde, made a piercing, contacted the company in which alcohol and drugs used.

Numi Rapass in 2017

In 15 years, he went to Stockholm, where he entered the theater school. During his studies in the capital, the girl realized that he had big spaces in knowledge. Well, left bad habits and engaged in self-education.


At 17, a beginner actress starred in the role of Lucinda Gonzalez in the Swedish TV series "Three Crowns". In 1997, well, they were invited to the drama about the rivalry of adolescents "True or courage". Swedish family drama received two prizes at the Berlin Film Festival. In the early 2000s, he worked on television, filming in the series ("Big Theater", "Love, Love and Once again love", "Brotherhood"), and participated in the productions of the Stockholm city and royal drama theaters.

Starting actress and Rapass

In 2003, the Swedish director of the Iranian origin of Reza Backer invited the girl in the main composition of the family drama "Caprician". In 2005, they lit up in the criminal detective "Blood Brothers". In the new films, the girl has already appeared under the pseudonym Rapass that in French means "a predatory bird".

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In 2007, Danish director Simon Stope invited them to the main role of Anna's heroine in the social drama Daisy Brilliant, describing the history of the fall of the girl who decided to become an actress. For the work of the actress, in Denmark the National Award "Bodil" and the main prize at the Robert Danish Film Festival. European critics spoke about the creative biography of Numi Rapass.

In 2009, the actress filmography was replenished with the main role in the Swedish blockbuster Niels Arden Opolev on the Book "Millennium" Sting of Larsson "Girl with a dragon tattoo." Well, played by the heroine Lisbeth Salander, a girl who has uncomplicable intellectual abilities, but suffering from mental disorder.

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To work on the film Rapas was preparing for half a year, born into the role. In addition, a low girl whose growth was 163 cm, and the weight - 57 kg, had to sit on the diet to lose weight to the desired volumes. Following the first film, two more episodes of franchise were followed - "The girl who played with fire" and "The girl who exploded the air locks." Parabe with Rapaus played Swedish actor Mikael Nyquysist.

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In 2010, Kinokartina received the National Swedish Prize "Golden Beetle" and the International Bafta Prize. Well, Rapass itself was nominated for the award of the European Film Academy, BAFTA and Saturn Awards. In 2010, the Millennium project starts at Swedish television, in which the main role is also given by Rapass. The series brought the creators a national award "Kristallen" and international - "Emmy".

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In 2011, after the success of European colleagues, Hollywood filmmakers decided to repeat the shielding of the trilogy. The cult director David Fincher, who invited Daniel Craig and Rooney Maru for the main roles.

In 2011, well, together with his spouse, Oloa Rapass plays in a social drama about complex relationships inside the family "on the other side." The picture received the Prize of the Venetian Film Festival "International Critics' Week Award" and the reward of the Northern Council. In 2011, the Swedish actress also participates in the filming of the horror movie "Babicl".

In the same year, the director Guy Richie invites Rapass in the main staff of the Detective film "Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows", in which the main characters played Hollywood stars Robert Downey Jr., Jude Lowe, Jared Harris. A year later, Swede appeared in the prequel to the fantastic horror film "Alien" - "Prometheus". For the cash project, Ridley Scott, in addition to well, Rapass chose the actors of Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Guy Pierce. In 2012, welly participates in the filming of the erotic thriller "Passion" director Brian de Palma together with Rachel Makadams, Carolina Herfurt and Paul Anderson.

Well, Rapass and Tom Hardy

In 2013, Niels Oplov invites them to a new picture - a "one less" thriller. The girl got the role of Beatrice. Colin Farrell became partner of the workstation at the workplace. A year later, the premiere of the criminal militant "COMPLETE" with the participation of Rapass and Tom Hardy. In 2015, the same acting duet appeared in the picture "Number 44", describing the history of the Soviet maniac Chikatilo.

Personal life

While still a student of the theater school, well, he became the wife of the Swedish actor. Ola Nillilla, who sooned the pseudonym Rapass. In 2003, the Couple was born the son of Lion, whom the father called in honor of the Soviet football player of Lion Yashin. But on the threshold of the decade of living together well and Ola divorced.

Well, rapas with a former husband

Since 2011, the actress fully subjugated the personal life of the acting career. The actress has its own page in "Instagram", as well as fans create publics dedicated to the work of his beloved actress, where they post news, photos and videos with a ripus.

Well, rapas now

In 2016, a picture of the "Secret Agent" director Michael Preshaled director, telling about the preparing terrorist attack on London and special services trying to prevent the attack on the screens. The main roles in the militant were performed by Rapass, Orlando Bloom, John Malkovich, Michael Douglas. In the same year, the Swede appears in the same science fiction thriller "Transformation".

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In 2017, the sequel of the film Prometheus "Alien: Testament" took place in 2017, in which he again reincarnated to the brave heroine Elizabeth Show. Now the actress is working on the new project "The Mystery of Seven Sisters", which plays seven twins. Detective history will appear on the screens at the end of the year. In addition, Rapass participates in the work on the film "Price", "Knockout", "Callas", "Life is loneliness", "genius", "Stockholm".


  • "True or courage" - 1997
  • "Blood Brothers" - 2005
  • "Daisy Brilliant" - 2007
  • "Girl with a dragon tattoo" - 2009
  • "Sherlock Holmes: Shadows game" - 2011
  • "Prometheus" - 2012
  • "One less" - 2013
  • "Passion" - 2013
  • "Top" - 2014
  • "Number 44" - 2015
  • "Transformation" - 2016
  • "Alien: covenant" - 2017

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