Fedor Tyutchev - biography, photo, personal life, poems



A bright representative of the Golden Age of Russian Poetry Fyodor Tyutchev skillfully concluded his thoughts, desires and feelings in the rhythm of the four-stranded yamba, allowing readers to feel the complexity and inconsistency of their surrounding reality. To this day, the poems of the poet read the whole world.

Childhood and youth

The future poet was born on November 23, 1803 in the village of Ostustig Bryansky County of the Oryol province. Fedor - the middle child in the family. In addition to him, Ivan Nikolayevich and his wife Ekaterina Lvovna had two more children: the eldest son is Nikolai (1801-1870) and the youngest daughter - Daria (1806-1879).

Portrait of Fedor Tyutchev

Writer grew in a calm benevolent atmosphere. From mother, he inherited a subtle mental organization, lyricity and developed imagination. In essence, the entire ancient patriarchal family of Tyutchev possessed a high level of spirituality.

At the age of 4, Nikolai Afanasyevich Flazov (1770-1826) - a peasant, who was bought out of the fortress dependence and on a voluntary basis, entered the service for noble count.

House Fedor Tyutchev in Anglas

Competent, a pious man not only gained respect for the Lord, but also became a publicist for the future with a friend and comrade. Flags witnessed the awakening of the literary genius of Tyutchev. It happened in 1809, when Fyodor barely fulfilled six years: while walking in a grove near a rural cemetery, he stumbled upon a dead town. An impressionable boy gave a bird funeral and composed an epitaph in verses in her honor.

In winter, 1810, the head of the family was carried out by the cherished Word of his wife, bought a spacious mansion in Moscow. Tyutchev went there for the time of winter cold. Seven-year-old Fedor really liked his cozy bright room, where no one interfered from the morning to night to read the poems of Zhukovsky, Dmitriev and Derzhavin.

Fedor Tyutchev in childhood

In 1812, the peaceful routine of Moscow nobility violated the Patriotic War. Like many representatives of the intelligentsia, Tyutchev immediately left the capital and left for Yaroslavl. There, the family remained until the end of hostilities.

Upon returning to Moscow, Ivan Nikolayevich and Ekaterina Lvovna decided to hire a teacher who could not only teach their children the basics of grammar, arithmetic and geography, but also to instill a non-foreign language for foreign languages. Under the persistent leadership of the poet and translator Seeds Egorovich Raich Fedor studied accurate sciences and acquainted with the masterpieces of world literature, showing genuine interest in antique poetry.

Fedor Tyutchev in youth

In 1817, the future journalist as a solo luster attended lectures of the famous literary critic Alexei Fedorovich Merzlyakov. Professor noticed his outstanding talent and on February 22, 1818 at a meeting of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature, studied ODU Tyutchev "For the New 1816". On March 30 of the same year, the fourteen-year-old poet was awarded the title of a member of society, and in a year his poem "Epistle of Horace to Metsenitu" appeared in the press.

In the fall of 1819, the suggestive Hope of the young man was enrolled in Moscow University at the Faculty of Literature. There he became friends with the young Vladimir Odenovsky, Stepan Shevyrev and Mikhail Pofodiny. The University of Tyutchev graduated three years before the deadline and released from an educational institution with a degree of candidate.

Fedor Tyutchev

On February 5, 1822, the Father brought Fedor to Petersburg, and already on February 24, eighteen-year-old Tyutchev was credited to the service in a colleague of foreign affairs with the Gubernsky Secretary. In the northern capital, he lived in the house of his relative Count Osterman-Tolstoy, who subsequently overthrown him the post of freelance attache of the Russian diplomatic mission in Bavaria.


In the capital of Bavaria, Tyutchev not only studied romantic poetry and German philosophy, but also translated into Russian the work of Friedrich Schiller and Johann Goethe. Fedor Ivanovich's own verses published in the Russian magazine Galatei and Almana North Lira.

Poet Fedor Tyutchev

In the first decade of life in Munich (from 1820 to 1830), Tyutchev wrote the most famous poems: "Spring Thunderstorm" (1828), "Silentium!" (1830), "Like the Ocean Ball Ground ..." (1830), "Fountain" (1836), "Winter is not angry ..." (1836), "Not that Manti You, Nature ... "(1836)," What are you going about, wind night? .. "(1836).

Fame came to the poet in 1836, when in the magazine "Contempor" under the heading of the "poems sent from Germany" were published by 16 of its works. In 1841, Tyutchev met Wencesla Ganka - a leader of the Czech national revival that had a great influence on the poet. After this dating, the ideas of Slavophilism received a bright reflection in journalism and political lyrics of Fyodor Ivanovich.

Since 1848, Fedor Ivanovich consisted of senior censorship. The lack of poetic publications did not prevent him from becoming a noticeable figure in St. Petersburg literary society. So, Nekrasov enthusiastically responded about the work of Fyodor Ivanovich and put it in one row with the best poets-contemporaries, and Fet used the works of Tyutchev as proof of the existence of "philosophical poetry".

In 1854, the writer issued his first compilation into the world, which included both the old poems of the 1820-1830s and new creations of the writer. The poetry of the 1850s was devoted to the young beloved Tyutchev - Elena Denysheva.

Books Fedor Tyutchev

In 1864, Muse Fedor Ivanovich died. Publisser very painfully experienced this loss. He found salvation in creativity. The poems of the "Denyshevsky cycle" ("All day she lay in forgetting ...", "there is both in my suffer-stroke ...", "On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1865", "Oh, this south, oh, this nice! .. "," There is an initial autumn ... ") - Top of the love lyrics of the poet.

After the Crimean War, Alexander Mikhailovich Gorchakov became the new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. A representative of the political elite respected Tyutchev for his turning mind. Friendship with the Chancellor allowed Fedor Ivanovich to influence Russia's foreign policy.

The Slavophilic views of Fyodor Ivanovich continued to be strengthened. True, after the defeat in the Crimean War in Quarterly, "I do not understand Russia's mind ..." (1866) Tyutchev began calling people not to political, but to the spiritual association.

Personal life

People who do not know the biography of Tyutchev run fluid with his life and creativity, consider that the Russian poet was in kind of windy, and will be absolutely right in his conclusion. In the literary salons of the time about the amourous adventures of the publicist, legends were made.

Amalia Lehernefeld

The first love of the writer was the extramarital daughter of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III - Amalia Lehernefeld. Pushkin, and Nicholas I, and Count Benkendorf, admired the beauty of the girl. She was 14 years old when she met Tyutchev and he was fascinated strongly. Mutual sympathy was little.

The young man who lives on parents' money could not satisfy all requests from the demanding young lady. The love of Amalia chose material well-being and in 1825 married Baron Cudner. Liverfeld's wedding was so shocked by Fedor that the Messenger of the Dashkov Vorontsov, in order to avoid a duel, sent Mount Kavalera on vacation.

Fedor Tyutchev and his first wife Eleonora

And although Tyutchev obeyed fate, the soul of Lyrics throughout his life was eaten from the unatolya thirst for love. For a short period of time, his first wife Eleanor was able to put out a fire raging inside the poet.

The family grew, one after another daughter was born: Anna, Daria, Catherine. The money was catastrophically lacked. With all his mind and insights, Tyutchev was deprived of rationality and coldness, because of which the promotion was in service went by seven-mile steps. Fedor Ivanovich in family life. The society of children and spouses he preferred noisy companies from friends and secular intrinsics with ladies from the highest society.

Ernestina von Pfffel

In 1833, the Balu Tyutchev was represented by an invested Baroness Ernestin von Pfffel. Their novel spoke the entire literary bond. During the next quarrel exhausted with jealousy, the wife in a rustling of despair grabbed the dagger and hit herself into the chest. Fortunately, the wound was not deadly.

Despite the scandal, which broke out in the press, and the general renewal by the public, the writer failed to part with his mistress, and only the death of a legitimate spouse put everything in its place. 10 months after the death of Eleanora, the poet legalized his relationship with Ernestina.

Fedor Tyutchev and Elena Denyshev

The fate played with a baroness the evil joke: a woman who destroyed the family for 14 years shared a legitimate husband with a young mistress - Dency-Elena Alexandrovna.


In the mid-60s-early 70s, Tyutchev unequally began to take positions: in 1864, the beloved of the writer - Denysheva Elena Alexandrovna died, in two years, did not become the mother of the Creator - Catherine Lvovna, in 1870 a hot beloved brother of the writer Nikolai and his Dmitry's son, and three years later, the daughter of the publicist Maria went to the world.

Grave Fedor Tyutchev

Reniece of deaths negatively affected the health of the poet. After the first strike of Paralye (January 1, 1873), Fyodor Ivanovich had almost rising from bed, after the second she lived several weeks in painful suffering and died on July 27, 1873. The coffin with the body of Lyrics was transported from the royal village in the cemetery of the Novodevichi Monastery in St. Petersburg.

The literary heritage of the legends of the Golden Age of Russian poetry has been preserved in poems collections. Among other things, in 2003, in 2003, the "Prophet in his fatherland Fedor Tyutchev" was filmed by the TV series "Love and Pravda Fedor Tyutchev". The director of the film was made by daughter Sergey Bondarchukanataly. She is familiar to the Russian audience as in the film Andrei Tarkovsky "Solaris".


  • "Arp Scald" (1834);
  • "Spring Thunderstorm" (1828);
  • "Day and night" (1839);
  • "How unexpectedly and bright ..." (1865);
  • "Reply to the address" (1865);
  • "Italian Villa" (1837);
  • "I knew her even then" (1861);
  • "Morning in the mountains" (1830);
  • "Fires" (1868);
  • "Look like grove green ..." (1857);
  • "Madness" (1829);
  • "Sleep to the sea" (1830);
  • "Soothing" (1829);
  • "Encyclica" (1864);
  • "Rome at night" (1850);
  • "Congue feast, silent chores ..." (1850).

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