Vsevolod Chaplin - biography, photo, news, cause of death



Vsevolod Anatolyevich Chaplin - Archpriest ROC, former Chairman of the Synodinal Department for the interaction of the Church and the Company of the Moscow Patriarchate, a former member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. In early 2016, he was appointed abbot of the temple of the PRP. Theodore of the Studit in Nikitsky gates of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

Vsevolod was born on March 31, 1968 in Moscow in the family of a scientist in the field of theory and technique of antennas, Professor Anatoly Fedorovich Chaplin. Parents of the future priest did not participate in the life of the Orthodox Church, and the boy came to faith on his own at 13th. At School, Sawa studied without a special zeal, receiving low assessments in physics, chemistry and mathematics.

In 1985, after graduation, he received a service to the publishing department of the Moscow Patriarchate, after which he received recommendations from Metropolitan Pitirim (Nechaeva) for study in the Moscow spiritual seminary. In 1990, Vsevolod Chaplin became a student of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, which he graduated in 1994 with the title of Candidate of theology, defending his thesis on the topic "The problem of the ratio of natural and body-level new tightening ethics in modern foreign non-Christian thought."


Since 1990, Vsevolod becomes an ordinary staff member of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate. In 1991, Vsevolod Anatolyevich handshaked to Diacon and raise in office to the head of the public relations sector, where Chaplin worked for 6 years. In 1992, Vsevolod became the Jewelry of the Orthodox Church for Christmas. At the same time, Chaplin is included in the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches and the Conference of European Churches.

In 1996, the Father Vsevolod invite to a public post to the Council on cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation and the OSCE expert group on freedom of religion and belief. After a year, Chaplin receives the post of Secretary of the OSCS MP in connection with the Metropolitan Cyril (Gundyaev) structural reorganization.

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In 1999, the father of Vsevolod is handicraft in protochelle. In 2001, the priest becomes the Deputy Chairman of the OSDS MP. Since 2005, he is included in the group of experts of the Holy Synod to develop a "conceptual document that sets out the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the field of interreligious relations." At the end of 2008, it becomes a member of the Commission on the preparation of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, which took place at the end of January 2009.

In March of the same year, he receives the position of the Chairman of the Synodal Department for the interaction of the Church and Society, since May begins work in the Council on cooperation with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2010, he worked as part of the Patriarchal Council for Culture.

Blog and scandals

Vsevolod Chaplin regularly performed on television and on the radio. On the TV channel "Soyuz", the priest led the program "Comment of the week", on the radio "Russian News Service" - "Hour of trust", on radio stations "Radonezh" and "Voice of Russia" - the transfer "On the main thing." In 2003, an interview was published in the press, in which Archpriests defended the believers who defeated the exhibition "Caution, Religion", who passed in the museum. Sakharov. The expositions featured paintings, installations and photos, insulting feelings of believers.

The conservatism of the Father of Vsevolod manifested itself in calls to Muscovites ignore the performance of the American singer Madonna, which was held in Moscow in 2006, as the Christian symbolism was used in the scenes.

In 2010, Vsevolod Chaplin urged to introduce the subject of the Orthodox Culture "Basics of Orthodox Culture Program and replace them with" the foundations of religious cultures and secular ethics. " The public has met Clearing Clear RPC negatively. In the same year, Archpriests spoke about the appearance of Russian women, which often causes sexual aggression in men. Chaplin proposed to develop a all-Russian dress code, but then the petition did not go.

In 2012, after the scandal that occurred in the Church of Christ the Savior with the participation of the Women's Pussy Riot group, the Father Vsevolod called on society to give the right legal assessment of the Hamsky behavior of feminist. In the same year, Chaplin received a proposal to create a Christian political party, which will be able to fully participate in the political life of the country.

The priest ROC also opposed the evolutionary theory of Darwin, calling it a hypothesis, against euthanasia, abortion and homosexual marriages.

By 2015, the relationship of Archpriest and Patriarch Kirill began to worsen. Vsevolod Chaplin entered the controversy with the head of the church about the conducted dialogue with the authorities. Archpriest voiced his statements on the official ROC website and on a personal page in LJ. Chaplin also criticized the unwillingness of the Patriarch to solve many questions collegially.

According to the Archpriest, the ROC should not crush in either government officials or the public and if necessary, should firmly defend their point of view. In August, Vsevolod Chaplin called on the corrupt political elite to free the place for believers of political and economic leaders. As a result, at the end of 2015, the Synodal Public Relations Department ceased work, and Vsevolod Anatolyevich was removed from the Steering Post. The resignation of the priest and the closure of the Holy Synody department explained to the optimization of inefficiently working departments.

In 2016, Vsevolod Chaplin is excluded from the lineup of an interstarial presence, after which the Archprioeus appears in LJ "Orthodox Policy" about the Patriarch Kirill as a heretic. In February 2017, the book of the Father of Vsevolod "Vera and Life" is published, in which the priest describes the facts of its own biography and the inner structure of the ROC. In the spring in the transfer to the radio "Echo of Moscow", Chaplin spoke positively about Stalin, calling the dictator "the unwitting of God of the servant," through which many communists received a sentence.

In June 2017, the program "Let them say", in which it was about the Ilona Novoselova, the participant of the "Battle of Psychics", and its tragic death, Vsevolod Chaplin expelled from the studio. Before the start of Ether, the priest was invited to comment on the situation around the suicide of the girl, but relatives, having learned about the participation of the representative of the ROC on the air, asked not to let him into the studio.

In 2017, the news and the press went on an active discussion of the news related to the film "Matilda" director Alexei Teacher. Vsevolod Chaplin placed on the video hosting Youtube appeal to citizens of Russia with a call to require a ban on the show of this film, which is "spitting to our story" and desets the memory of Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II.

Personal life

Vsevolod Chaplin led the monastic lifestyle, he had no family and children.


January 26, 2020 Vsevolod Chaplin died on the 52nd year of life. The official cause of death has not yet been voiced. According to eyewitnesses, the abbot of the temple in Nikitsky gates died in front of the church.

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