George Martin - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



George Martin is an American science fiction writer, the laureate of many literary awards, the author of the famous "Song of Ice and Flame" cycle, based on which the popular series "Game of Thrones" has been removed. In 2011, the Magazine "Time" included Martin in the top 100 of the most influential people in the world.

Childhood and youth

On September 20, 1948, in the provincial town of Beyonna in New Jersey in the family of a simple port loader Raymond Collins Martin and his wife Margaret Bradie Martin born the firstborn, who in the future will be the famous writer. George Raymond Richard Martin Ros and was brought up in a large familiar family who lived in a social house on the first street. It is known that a rattling mixture of blood of various nations flows in the velocities of the writer. George's father is a descendant of Italian and German emigrants, and the writer's mother originated from the notable kind of Irish gentlemen who at one time played an important role in the life of Beyonna.

Writer George Martin

The writer also traces French, Welsh, English and German roots. The history of Margaret about the family heritage of the Braddy dynasty and about the asian golden age and forever imprinted in the mind of the boy. In an interview with the popular magazine Rolling Stone, the master of the pen admitted that his relationship with his father was not laid. More precisely, dad and son were not close: they saw each day, however, they exchanged only a pair of phrases. The only thing that Jordja and Raymond tied, is love for sports. In his free time, Martin-Sr. loved to drink, because of what the family had no own vehicles: according to the father of the writer, strong alcohol and the availability of a car - things are incompatible.

George Martin in childhood

Flusted reality paints, monotony and everyday bustle led George in longing. And only a wonderful world from books of favorite writers made bright colors on the gray canvas of life. Martin recognized that for the first time I got acquainted with the works of Western classical literature due to comics produced by Marvel Comics. It is noteworthy that in 1965, George, inspired by the adventures of superheroes, received the first award - the Alley Awards Award for the story "Powerman VS. THE BLUE BARRIER. "

George Martin in youth

When Martina turned 10 years old, he was presented by the book of American scaffold Robert Khainlanine "I have a skaander - ready to travel." Then the Mystic Howard Lovecraft and Legaldarium John Tolkina appeared in George's life. The future writer with a mop read out terrible fairy tales about the great and terrible Ktulhu and presented himself with a wanderer in the Magic Mediterranean.

Young George Martin

Young Martin studied at Mary Jane Donahue High School in his hometown. During the boring lessons, George composed the stagnant's blood stories about monsters and sold them for pennies to his comrades. On the money received, a gifted young man bought a Milky Way's favorite chocolate.

After graduating from school, Martin moved to Illinois to Evanton's city. There, the young man studied journalistic skill in the Northwestern University. Although George received a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, it was not possible to find a job in a specialty: since 1978 Martin began to teach English at Clark University. In the 1980s, John moved to Hollywood, where he wrote scenarios, and also worked as an editor and producer.


George began to think about literary activities in adolescence. After reading the Roman-epic Tolkina "Lord of the Rings" in 1965, young Martin tries to write. Then George comes up with a story about Rhlorine, a Herbro-Prince, who travels through the Dotracian Empire in search of demons and monsters who killed his grandfather Barriistan brave. The young man did not finish this story, however, the names of the main characters are reflected in the further works of Martin.

"When I read Howard, I thought: the day would come, and I can write no worse than he. But above the pages of Roman Tolkien, I fell into despair. Never be able to do as he, even get closer! " - Martin said in one of the interviews.

In 1971, George took place a debut in this journal (before that, Martin was published in Fencine): Galaxy Science Fiction printed his story "The Hero" ("Hero"). It is noteworthy that Fortuna smiled at the young man not immediately: before that, the work of the young George "Additional security factor" received a refusal of editors of a record 42 times. In 1976, the debut collection of the stories of George R. R. Martin "Song about Leah", who was awarded the literary award "Locus".

Books of George Martina

From the biography of the writer, it is known that the genius began to seriously engage in writing after the death of American fantasty Tom Rimy (Tom Reamy), who died from a heart attack on November 4, 1977, sitting behind a typewriter. This tragic event Martin perceived as a sign over.

George Martin with his book

In 1977, Martin publishes a science fiction novel "Dying Light", which in 1979 was nominated for the British Fantasy Awards Award. The plot of the books tells about the fictional planet Warlorn, which is engaged in the expanses of the Galaxy, moving away from stars and sources of life in the kingdom of the cold and darkness. Thus, Martin tells about the destruction of the world, where the main characters are trying to adapt to the harsh realities of being.

Books of George Martina

Also, the writer composes the collections of the stories "Sand Kings" (1981), "Tafa Travel" (1986), Memel "Meeting Knight" (1998) and many other fantastic works. But the recognition of the wide audience Martin brings the cycle of novels "Song of Ice and Flame". The series has become so popular that it was translated into 45 languages ​​of the world, and total sales by April 2015 exceeded 60 million copies.

"Song of Ice and Fire"

Initially, a series of books "Song of Ice and Flame", the beginning of work on which was supposed to be in 1991, wondered by martin as a trilogy, but at the moment the cycle has grown to five volumes:

  1. "Game of Thrones" (1996)
  2. "Battle of Kings" (1998)
  3. "Storm of Swords" (2000)
  4. "Pir of Vultures" (2005)
  5. "Dance with dragons" (2011)

Thanks to the works of Troubadur, many readers, having heard the word "Middle Ages", represent the foreheads of the forensic kings and princesses, which are sharpened in a gloomy castle, guarded by the monster.

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In his novels, Martin destroys these stereotypes, the narratives not only about bloody wars and civilians, but also talking about injustice, poverty, religious intolerance and sexual promiscuity in those troubled times. Thus, in its fictional world, the Master is trying to recreate something similar to the era of feudal fragmentation, providing her fabulous dragons and undead.

George Martin

In Martin's books, there are really many acting persons and plot lines, in which initially you can get confused. But, despite the abundance of names, all the characters of the "Songs of Ice and Flame" are not at all random: Master returns to them during the narration, revealing the reader inner world even a very small character. It is noteworthy that the American genius of literature is not afraid to raise the public, the hero is severely removing from his work, which managed to love readers. According to the writer, it is impossible to write a good book in which no one dies.

By the way, a similar idea of ​​sharp pulling characters from the plot of George inspired Picture of Alfred Hichkoka "Psycho", where the main character dies after forty minutes after the film starts. In 2011, on the motives of the "Songs of Ice and Flame" on the HBO TV channel, one of the most large-budget series of modernity was launched - "The game of thrones", which, despite the abundance of sex and cruel scenes, received enthusiastic reviews of the famous critics and avid kinomans.

Personal life

The first beloved Martin became the little-known writer Lisa Tattle, in co-authorship with which George wrote a story "Storm in the Harbor of the Winds" (1975). Fortunately, or unfortunately, the relationship of two creative natures suffered fiasco. In 1974, the Master offers the hand and the heart of Gale Bernik, from which it is divorced after five years of coaching.

George Martin and Lisa Tattle

According to rumors, during this period Martin led a stormy life and enjoyed popular with female. It was in 1975 that a fateful meeting of the writer was happening with his future wife (and part-time with the fan of his novels) - Paris McBride. In 2011, George and Paris decided to legalize their relationship. There are no children from spouses.

George Martin and his wife

Among other things, George Martin is Philanthrop. He founded Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary - a charitable foundation in support of wild animals in New Mexico. It is worth noting that the genius of literature does not like excessive attention of fans.

"I became famous and just just can not walk. And these "I can do Selfie with you"! I swear: if in my power it was to burn all the phones with cameras, I would do it without thinking, "the American told reporters.

George Martin now

In 2017, the writer works on the penultimate part of the Saga "Song of Ice and Flame" under the name "Winter Wind".

George Martin in 2017

The exact release date of the novel is still a mystery: presumably the book will be published in 2017 or 2018. The last part of the Spring Dream cycle is scheduled for 2020.


  • "Song of Lii" 1976 (collection of stories)
  • "Dying light", 1977
  • "The path of the Cross and Dragon", 1979
  • "Sand Kings" 1981 (Collection of Story)
  • "Harbor winds", 1981 (together with Liza Tatl)
  • "Dreams of February", 1982
  • "Piercing darkness", 1985 (collector of stories).
  • "Tafa Travel", 1986 (Collection of Story)
  • "Plague Star", 1993 (novels and stories)
  • Cycle "Song of Ice and Fire" (from 1996)

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