Ellochka-ogood - biography, vocabulary, image


Character History

The satirical novel of Ilf and Petrova "12 chairs" tells about the adventures of the Pluto and Fraudster of Bender. The book tells about the search for jewels, sewn into the upholstery of chairs. Deciding to mined the treasure, the main character is forced to face representatives of the Soviet society. Among the actors there are few noble personalities who are not spoiled by vices and disadvantages. With the help of characters, writers make fun of society and its vices.


Ellochka-ogood - an episodic character. Her image is colorite and unforgettable. The heroine in the appearance of an attractive girl of the beginning of the twentieth century has interesting properties of character and manner behavior, on which the attention of Ilf and Petrov will focus. The character is dedicated to 22 head of the novel "12 chairs".

History of creation

In an effort to ridicuing the vices of modern society, Ilf and Petrov emphasized the bureaucracy, theft, laziness and idleness, wiping, deception, extortion. They focused on dreams of quickly worn wealth. Bright and organic, Ellochka - a typical character of an era, a collective image of a particular warehouse. Her name was subsequently used as a nominal one.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov

The description of the Ellochka-ogilovka was carefully thought out by writers. The vocabulary of the heroine was to consist of only 30 words. He paid special attention to him, analyzing every chosen word. Who wrote a complete list of favorite expressions of the heroine? Some replicas, like "fat and beautiful", the authors borrowed. The mentioned phrase loved the poetess Adeline Adalis. And the famous Ellochko "Mark" often repeated the artist Alexey Radakov.

Adelina Adalis

The girl personifies the middle class representative, a celebrated consumer who lives the acquisition of new items for creating an impression. Ilf and Petrov sought to create the image of a woman, in whose life there is no meaning. The main interests of Ellochka were fashionable destinations and attempts to comply with them in the absence of a sufficient budget. Ellochka is not distinguished by intelligence. Taking advantage of its superficiality and thirst for a rich life, Ostap Bender revenge the chair, leaving the Golden Sitchechno instead.

Ellochka-ogood and Ostap Bender

People like Ellochka - the tragedy of the Soviet era. For the XXI century, such characters are a familiar phenomenon, but in the 1930s, the girl was considered a tune. According to the whims of the authors, Ellochka gained the nickname "cannibal". He was justified by the lexicon heroine. Commenting on the character's phrases and words used by the character, the authors mention that, unlike literary classics, the Goddoden tribe Mumbo-Yumbo costs 30 words. The "secular lioness" by Ellochka is enough to build communication.


Ellochka is not burdened with thirst for professional implementation or sublime spiritual values. She lives on a husband's salary, which is hard to grab on expensive whim. Engineer "Elektrosila" Schukin married a girl due to an attractive appearance. The relationship of spouses is far from ideal. Schukin long withstands her and runs away, leaving accommodation and content in the form of half of the salary.

Ellochka-otech and her husband Ernest Shchukin

The real name of the character - Elena. But on the wave of modifications and modes for uncommon names, Elena was transformed into ELLA. Equiming on foreign diva, the girl sewed his suit, designed to emphasize elegance. The trim of the outfit served as a dog skin, which turned through the heroine fantasy into the skin of the exhaust.

By the way, the Mexican Tushkan and Shanghai leopard mentioned by Her, are invented animals that do not exist in nature. Chinchilla Palatine for Dutymanship embodied from a hare. Extravagant girl, easily running on experiments, replaced the braid on a short haircut and painted the hair in red color.

Ellochka-ogoodok in Boa from

Nearby and vulgar cute girls living for someone else's account, familiar to representatives of any generation. Such ladies are easy to meet today: the image does not lose relevance. The dialogue between Bender and Ellochka Shchukina demonstrates the poverty of her inner world.

The stupidity that the girl shows in the scene of bribe, inherent in it because of the lack of spirituality with an unbearable thirst for a beautiful life. Like a candy in a bright wrapper with a cheap stuffing, Schukina is not able to interest, show the seamless and avoid deception.

Ellochka-cannibal and sitchechko

Ellochka - a bright and expressive character in the work of "12 chairs". It symbolizes a wretched person, representing an example of the boss. Adjusting to favorable living conditions, Ella will not disappear under any circumstances. Schukin's surname is nothing to do. She says, because Pike is a freshwater predator. The essence of the Ellochka character is disclosed with this visual reception.


Ilf and Petrova "12 chairs" was repeatedly shielded. In the role of Ellochka-ogood, talented artists performed, embodying the image with the entire latitude and polyhedra of talent.

Alice Freindlich as Ellochka-ogood

In 1966, Alexander Belinsky put the same-nameed television performance, where the amusing Alice Freundlich spoke in the Ellochka image.

Natalya Vorobyova as Ellochka-ogood

In 1971, Leonid Gaidai removed the picture "12 chairs", where the executor of the role was Natalia Vorobyva.

Elena Shanin as Ellochka-Butter

In 1976, Elena Shanin was reincarnated in Elena Shanin in the film Mark Zakharov.

Natalia Buzko and Angelica Varum as Ellochka-ogood

In 2004, Ellochka played Natalia Buzko, and in 2005 - Angelica Varum.

Interesting Facts

In 2006, Kharkov opened a monument to a curious character invented by Ilfom and Petrov. It is located on Petrovsky Street at the entrance to the Rio Cafe and depicts a folly girl with a chair in Boa. The prototype for the monument served as an actress Elena Shanin in the image of Soviet duty.


The language on which the Ellochka-ogoodovka is expressed is considered the most small. For reference: Basic English dictionary consists of 850 words. At the same time, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin used 12,000 words for writing works.


Lexicon Ellochka-ogoodov was limited to 30 words. The phrases that she lined up with their help were not eloquent. The skillful use of a variety of intonations helped the heroine to inform emotions to the interlocutor and delivered from the common replicas. It is curious that Ellochka's spouse understood her with a half-word, despite the fact that phrases like "Ho-ho" or "Oh-th" could be regarded in a variety of interpretations.

Some expressions used by the Ellochka became covered and are distributed in the speech of contemporaries. So, for example, a replica

"Do not learn me to live"

I became favorite for representatives of many generations. She involuntarily leads to the memories of the famous replica Irina Muravyeva in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears":

"Do not learn me to live, better help materially."

The manner of communicating heroine vulgar. She called a man of any age "boyfriend", for a negative assessment of what was happening the word "darkness" used. Periodically, heroin had to talk, building detailed suggestions, but during the dialogues it had rarely and was absolutely unknown to the character.

There is no analogue of the Ellochka-cannibal in Russian literature. Ilf and Petrov became pioneers in creating the image of the Soviet fashionista, who picked up and developed cinematographers of the Soviet period.

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