Alexander Ivanov - biography, news, photo, personal life, songs, group "Rondo", "Former", age, singer 2021



Alexander Yulievich Ivanov - Russian Rock Singer, Rondo Group leader. In popularity on the territory of the former USSR, the music team was compared with Rolling Stones, and the soloist himself was called "Russian Rod Stewart." The idols of several generations, whose creativity, according to American journalists, "Ice melt on Alaska", their songs the hall always sings the choir.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born on March 3, 1961 in Moscow. Since childhood, he was distinguished by weak health, so the father began early to accustom his son to sports and hardening. The boy became fascinated by physical education, running, played football, went skiing.

In the 2nd grade Sasha fell into the sports section "Youth", where he began to engage in sambo. At the age of 12, he moved to the Judo section and soon got a black belt. Ivanov regularly became the winner at competitions in Moscow and the region, so he planned to become an athlete. But the work already existed in the life of Alexander: he was listening to the company with a friend to participate in the rock opera "Balysh-Kibalchish".

In the youthful age, Alexander appeared another passion - rock music. On the tape recorder "Jupiter" Sasha regularly listened to the favorite compositions of foreign bands LED Zeppelin and Deep Purple, after which he decided to start their own to master the guitar game, which went from the elder brother who went to the army.

After graduating from school, Ivanov also went to serve in the ranks of Ca. The young man was determined in the tank troops located in Germany in the city of Plauen. A year later, on the basis of the Army Orchestra, Alexander created his own musical team, which specialized in the performance of rock compositions.

In the army, the musician met Nikolai Safonov, with whom she subsequently worked for a long time in the Rondo group. The soldier's ensemble often played on buildings, holidays and festivals that were arranged between the military orchestras of garrisons. During this period, the creative biography of Alexander understands that he wants to associate life only with music.


After the demobilization of Ivanov, he became a vocalist VIA "Raduga", and then collaborated with the teams "Hello" and "Airport". In 1984, the singer gathered the "Crater" group together with the musicians Alexander Ryzhov and Alexander Firsov. The ensemble performed at the prefabricated concerts in the capital and cities of the Soviet Union.

In 1985, Crater participated in the XII World Youth Festival. In the same year, Alexander moved to the team of Vladimir Miguli "Monitor", which almost daily gave concerts for the 10-20 thousandth audience. Intense concert activity in youth served Ivanov an excellent stage school, which came in handy in his further career.

Rondo Group

In 1986, Alexander Ivanov, on the recommendation of the colleague Evgeny Havtan, became a member of the Rondo Group of Jazzman and Saxophonist Mikhail Litvin. Together with Ivanov, Yevgeny Rubanov came to Litvin. The team was created in 1984, but the head still formed a strong composition.

2 years before that, the group managed to release the "Turnip" album, in which the Glam-fatal music style was established. At concerts used a large number of bright decorations, theatrical techniques, makeup. According to Ivanov, it was necessary to wear female pulling tights from a dense material, and for some speeches to acquire real Japanese kimono.

For the first time, the musicians of the Rondo group used a rhythm computer. Stas Namin began to cooperate with the bright team, helping the group to travel abroad to international festivals and forums.

Clips "Rondo" appear in the rotation of the MTV television channel, the Soviet musicians write foreign editions "New York Times" and "Dale News". For 2 years, the Group has time to take part in the Rock Panorama of Central Television, acts in the transfer of the "Telemost with America", writes the "Rondo" record in the company "Melody". The team musicians are officially becoming artists in the Moscow Philharmonic.

In 1987, Alexander Ivanov with other participants of the group is separated from the head and begins to work on its own projects, leaving the original name. Mikhail Lytvyn, without having achieved former fame with the new composition of the group, in 1989 emigrates to the United States.

In 1989, Ivanov with colleagues go to Japan at the Armenia Aid festival, the fees from which went to support the victims of the earthquake in Armenia. The first hits of the group appeared in 1989, the song was "too part of the Universe" and the duet of Alexander Ivanov with Vladimir Presnyakov-younger "I will remember." During these years, the "Inflatable Ship" tracks are created, "buckle".

In 1991, 2 albums were released - the lyrical "I will remember" and the English-speaking disk in the style of pop rock "Kill me with your love", which appeared under the impression of a tour of the United States. In 1994, after visiting Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, Rondo Group recorded Alla Pugacheva's new album "Welcome to Paradise" in Studios Alla Pugacheva. The sound of songs is withstanding in a cheerful vigorous style, despite the fact that in Thailand, the musicians had to visit the local prison.

By the 10th anniversary, which took place in 1996, the band released the "Best" Rondo "ballads", which included 10 lyrical compositions. A festive concert with the participation of Friends "Rondo" - Gorky Park Group - passed in the Moscow Palace of Youth.

Solo career

In 1997, having started the solo career, Alexander Ivanov immediately became the winner of the Golden Gramophone premium for the execution of the Hit "God, what a trifle." In the same year, the musician produces the first Solnik "sinful soul sorrible" with the tracks "Night" and "I am a bed to you under the legs of the sky", which received all-Russian fame.

All hits for the new album wrote Sergey Trofimov, with whom the former Frontman Rondo met back in 1995. The solo plate of the singer quickly took the first lines of musical ratings and had a cashier success. But commercial disagreements arose between the author and the performer, after which the cooperation stopped.

In 2000, Alexander released the album "When wings will grow," I got another hit Trofimova "My Nelskaya Rus", Mikhail Sheleg's songs "My Bright Angel", "Moscow Autumn", "Crystal House", "Over Bells", Caver Version of the Lotos Group "Two Happiness.

In 2003, together with the musicians of the Rondo Group, Alexander recorded the code "Code", which was completing for the collective. In 2005, Ivanov created its own recording label A & I. After a year, the premiere of the disk "Passenger", the author of the songs for which Alexander Dzübin became. The album includes musical compositions "Dreams", "she bluffs", "permanent", "Birthday", "Fifth Avenue". The plate fell into the collection "Golden Collection" along with two DVD records of living concerts and video clips of the singer.

In 2008, Ivanov published the "Normat" disk with the tracks "no longer a meeting", "circles on the water", "Moscow", "I believe Fire", "First Snow", "Merry Christmas". In 2011, for his 50th anniversary, the singer replenished the discography with a new job - the album "It was me," where the hits of "rain", the "ex-" and "city is waiting". Later, the collections "Space" and Drive appear. In 2015, the premiere of the single "in the clouds of the waterfall" took place.

In September 2016, the premiere of Alexander Ivanov's song was held, at the end of March 2017 - the release of the last solo album of the singer "this spring". On June 30, the "Radiomanian-2017" award ceremony was held at Crocus City Hall, on which Alexander Ivanov attended the laureates.

At the festive concert, in addition to the musicians of the Rondo group, Valery Meladze, Valery, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Valery Syutkin, Leonid Agutin were also performed.

In 2019, the Group noted the 35th anniversary of a large-scale solo. The guests of the evening were "A-Studio", Vladimir Presnyakov, Leonid Agutin, Valery Syutkin, "City 312", Emin. Leading invited Dmitry Guberniev.

In addition, Ivanov replenished the repertoire of the Duette composition "War", which was fulfilled with the Arkhipov novel. This is not the first song on a witness: Earlier, the musicians released tracks "on one land", the "guardian order", and also performed the hits of Sergey Trofimov "Moscow" and "I Believe Fire".

Personal life

Alexander Ivanov was married twice. With the first wife of Elena Ivanova, choreographer by education, the singer met at the beginning of a musical career. In 1987, young people played a wedding, a karina daughter was born in the family in a year. In 2004, the girl entered the acting faculty of Rati and became the winner of the beauty contest "Miss Moscow". Now Karina is removed in Russian cinema and works abroad.

In 2007, the first family broke up, but after a year of Ivanov married the second time in Svetlana Fedorovskaya, who presented the spouse of two children: in 2009, the son of Alexander was born, and in the 2015th daughter Svetlana. Both children show creative abilities. Sasha plans to master the profession of the director, and the girl dreams of an acting career.

According to the singer, personal life affects his work, and a happy relationship for him is a source of inspiration for creating new tracks.

Alexander Ivanov now

Alexander Ivanov leads his own account in "Instagram", which places concert photos and posters of upcoming performances. In 2020, the artist, together with the musicians, has given several online concerts in the social network "VKontakte". Later, the rock musician became the hero of the project Yuri Grymov "Cultural Code".

At the end of January 2021, Ivanov on the personal Yutiub-Channel laid out the song "Arrow", which entered the track list of the new album of the Rondo group, permeated with a nostalgic mood. The author of the musical composition was Arkady Babayan, with whom Alexander Yulievich met through social networks.

The Rondo Group, led by Alexander Yulievich, does not leave large concert sites. In March 2021, the music team spoke with a solo concert in Crocus City Hall, noting the 60th anniversary of the soloist on stage.


  • 1997 - "sinful soul sadness"
  • 2000 - "When the wings grow"
  • 2006 - "Passenger"
  • 2008 - "Unformat"
  • 2011 - "It was me"
  • 2014 - DRIVE.
  • 2017 - "This spring"

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