Evgeny Stems - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Theater, Health 2021



Congenital talent of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Evgenia Steblov is reasured really difficult: this actor participated in such paintings, which with the time became classic genre. Evgeny Yuryevich showed himself as a diverse artist, for example, he managed to act as Johann Sebastian Baha and reincarnate in the medieval character of Iparati.

Childhood and youth

In 1945, the Great Patriotic War ends: on the evening of May 8, the Armed Forces Adolf Hitler's armed troops are capitula that it becomes for the USSR the beginning of life from pure sheet. The people appear in a bright future, and the leadership of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Stalin develops the fourth five-year plan, which must restore the national economy and the country's industry. It is in this vague and still not clear time on December 8, 1945 in Moscow a future great actor was born - Yevgeny Stems.

Evgenia's family comes from an ancient kind of nobles: His Prapraded - Pavel Akinfiyevich - served at the Demidovsky factory, and the son Pavel Pavlovich was a general, a deputy of the city Duma, as well as the director of the male gymnasium in Rybinsk. According to rumors, the Museum of this city stores photography of Vladimir Alexandrovich, Brother Alexander III: The Grand Duke is captured in the picture, surrounded by the first persons of the Yaroslavl region, among whom is the great-grandfather of the actor, and Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is a distant relative Nikita Mikhalkov.

It is noteworthy that the grandfather Eugene - Viktor Pavlovich - behaved modestly and did not make his noble origin of the public, preferring to point out in the column of social status, that he is not from the kind of nobles, but from the "employees." Little Zhenya grew and brought up in the mid-duty apartment of Soviet type, which was located near the North-Eastern District of Moscow - Marina Grove. As you know, this area had bad fame and was associated with the inhabitants of the capital as a criminal area. Therefore, night noise on the street and fights of hooligans has become familiar to many families.

Father of the future actor - Yuri Viktorovich - worked by a radio engineer and was jarryly fascinated by his profession; The mother of Eugene - Martha Borisovna - worked as a teacher, and later became the director of the school. In an interview, the actor recalled that every celebration on the table, together with a festive cake, stood a new radio collected by his father (though, then Yuri him still disassembled him and was taken for a new one). Also, due to the specialty of the head of the family in the house of the stem, a TV appeared, which for those times was considered unprecedented luxury. Thanks to this, the wonderful apparatus of Zhenya acquired numerous acquaintances: even the oteligans were trying to communicate with the intelligent boy.

Evgeny Yuryevich told that in childhood he did not go to the kindergarten to other children: in the summer, the child hung in the village, and in winter, as long as the parents were at work, relatives looked after Zhenya. Most of her time, the boy spent with his grandfather: they often walked along the Ostankinsky Park and visited museums. It is noteworthy that the Sheremetyevsky Theater left the boy in the soul of an indelible impression.

Watching the colorful play of the actors, Zhenya was inspired by the fact that all heroes are not fabulous characters, but ordinary people, disguised in stage costumes and masks. Therefore, when the rest of the boys dreamed of a cosmonaut or fire profession, the young man realized that his fate would certainly be associated with acting skills. In the room of Zhenya, even his own puppet theater was even, and all the toy "hypocrites" were made by his grandmother.


Yuriy and Martha did not prevent their passion from their Chad, but still dreamed that Zhenya would choose a humanitarian path. In the hope that their son in adulthood will become a teacher of philology, mother and dad of the future actor did not regret money on the tutor in literature, which, in their opinion, was to send the young man on the "True Way". But ironically, the teacher turned out to be a passionate lover of the theater, and it was he who advised the skener to sign up in a dramatic circle.

Evgeny Yuryevich often recalls the former times spent in the studio with the Dramatic Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky. And this is not surprising, because the actor had to communicate with the future matrails of the Russian cinema - Inna Churikova, Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Pashutin and other famous figures.

After graduating from school, the stems did not obey the parental will and became a student of the Theater Institute named after Boris Schukin - one of the most prestigious universities of the country. According to rumors, the Russian actress Cecilia Mansurov (familiar grandmother Eugene) helped a young man in preparing for entrance exams. Initially, the future actor wanted to become a student of Mkat, but the admission commission did not like the performance of Eugene, who passionately read the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

After graduating from the university, since 1966, Evgeny Yuryevich served in Lenkom, where at that time the director was Sergey Stein. Due to misunderstanding with the director, the actor was forced to leave the troupe. From 1967 to 1968, he went to the scene of the Theater of the Soviet Army, and in 1969 he moved to the theater named after the Mossoveta, on the stage of which Fain Ranevskaya was published. He played in such classic performances as "old man" (M. Gorky), "Cherry Garden" (A. Chekhov), "Vasily Terkin" (A. Tedovsky), "Indian Summer" (A. Menchell).


For the first time in front of the chambers Evgeny Yuryevich appeared in 1958 - it was the drama "Youth of our fathers." However, the fleeting role did not bring popularity to the stem (the name of a young man did not indicate in the credits). But already in 1969, the actor took part in the cult film, which was hearing almost every Soviet schoolchild and adult. It was a picture of Georgy Deltera "I walk in Moscow", where Eugene played an outstanding young man who dreams of a delay in the army, Sasha Shatalova. The company on the stage platform was made up of young stars of the Soviet cinema - Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexey Loktev, Galina Polish.

From the first days on the set, the young man showed himself as a professional actor. Therefore, it is not surprising that eminent directors almost every year invited Steblov in their films. In the filmography Evgenia Yurevich, there are remarkable works that entered the history of cinema. This is the drama "Goodbye, boys", and the tragicomedy "Literature Lesson", and the comedy "Taimyr causes you."

Despite the fact that cinema is keeping in time with time and new technologies appear, Russian audiences still give preference to the domestic paintings, which were filmed in the USSR.

Evgeny Stems in the film "I'm walking around Moscow"

Friendship with Nikita Mikhalkov, which Evgeny Yuryevich carried through his whole life, influenced his work. Colleague and director gladly invited him to his projects. So, in the movie "Slave of Love", the stems reincarnated in a star of a silent movie, in the film "For several days from the life of I. I. Oblombova" played the father of the main character in childhood, and in the famous "Siberian Tsier" - the Grand Prince Alexei.

Among other things, in 1981, the actor together with Vasily Livanov, Vitaly Solomin and Rina Green played in the cult detective on the novel of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Dog Baskerville," where Eugene fulfilled the role of Mortymers's mysterious doctor.

In 1982, the sacrons starred in the children's musical "I don't want to be an adult", in which I reincarnated in Dmitry Konstantinovich Orlova, Father Pavlik. For this role, the artist was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR Nadezhda Krupskaya. Natalia Varley, Pavel Vinnik, Nina Agapova, Valentina Ushakov and other actors participated in this picture.

The main roles were delivered to the Contractor and in other popular film players of their time. This image of newlyweds in the lyrical comedy "on family circumstances", the role of a hairdresser in a full-length picture "Do not go, girls, marry". Together with Larisa Guseaire Stems appeared in the film Vladimir Khotinenko "St. Sleeping car.

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In the new century, the actor infrequently appeared on the screen. He played episodic roles in the series "Detectives", "Moscow. The Central District, "appeared in the comedy" Election Day ". The dramatic image of the stems embodied in the melodrama "Live further". In 2019, the historical film "Copper Horseman of Russia" was published with Evgenia Yurevich, the director of whom was his longtime friend and colleague Vasily Livanov.

Now Evgeny Yuryevich rarely appears in the public, but periodically becomes a guest of popular TV shows. In 2018, the film crew "when all at home" program visited his apartment, and the actor himself visited the Tele Show Studio "Revealing the Secrets of Stars".

In early 2019, the state of the actor's health caused an alarm from his fans. During the farewell ceremony with a colleague Sergei Yursky, which was held at the Mosovet theater, Evgeny Stems fainted. The star of the screen is increased behind the scenes, where he was given medical care. The hospitalization of the artist was not needed, insult information was not confirmed.

Personal life

In an interview with Evgeny Yuryevich, he recalled that in childhood he was pretty in love: when the boy was 12 years old, he showed feelings for a neighbor girl. According to rumors, in the youth, the static stems (the growth of the actor - 185 cm) enjoyed high attention in the female. However, it is worth saying that Evgeny Yuryevich is an approximate family man.

In 1971, the actor found his happiness and made a proposal of his hand and heart Tatyana Osipova, who worked as a financier. In 1973, the wife gave him the Son of Sergey. The pregnancy of Steblov's wife decided at an existing fatal diagnosis - heart disease. Despite the fact that the doctor who took childbirth was skeptical to the patient, everything ended well.

Subsequently, the disease often made himself felt, and Evgeny Yuryevich was always morally ready to lose his spouse. After Tatiana's death in 2010, Evgeny Stems married the second time on love Glebova. In an interview, the artist noted that the first wife was blessed for a new marriage. A month before death in a conversation with her husband, she dropped the phrase: "You marry!"

On the personal life, the actor spoke on the fate of the person. According to Stboard, he waited for the heir to continue the kind, but this did not happen. After the death of his mother, the son went to the monastery, although he was married in his youth, built an acting and television career. He accepted monasticism at Solovki, having passed the way from the chalk and the ink.

From the biography of the actor it is known that he is a believer. In 1976, a man fell into a car accident and miraculously survived. Before the event, almost ending the tragedy, Evgenia Yurevich was invited to the picture of Mikhalkov "An unfinished play for mechanical piano". However, the skeleton was not destined to participate in this film, since after an accident, the rehabilitation months needed. The car accident made him anew to look at life.

"Then the Lord stopped me:" Candle! Rewind your life. What is your place in it? " And, perhaps, it was one of the essential shocks to the change of my worldview. It pushed me to God. Maybe it used to live in me, but I did not understand, "the actor confessed in an interview.

Among other things, Evgeny Stems tried himself as a writer: in 2005 his book was published against anyone? ". It is also known that the actor is not indifferent to politics, for example, in 2014 he supported Vladimir Putin's strategy in Ukraine and the Crimea.

Evgeny Stems now

In 2020, Evgeny Yuryevich noted the anniversary - 75 years. In honor of the solemn event on television, there was a show of popular gears dedicated to the actor, as well as the documentary "You do not know me at all."


  • 1963 - "First Trolleybus"
  • 1963 - "I'm walking in Moscow"
  • 1968 - "Literature Lesson"
  • 1971 - "Egor Bulychov and others"
  • 1973 - "Vasily Torkin"
  • 1973 - "Stories Mark Twain"
  • 1973 - "A few days from the life of I.I. Oblomov "
  • 1981 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
  • 1985 - "Do not go, girls marry"
  • 1990 - "Catalac"
  • 1999 - "Dinner in four hands"
  • 2003 - "Evening ringing"
  • 2008 - "Hello, Kinder!"
  • 2013 - "Studio 17"
  • 2015 - "Save my speech forever"
  • 2019 - "Copper Rider of Russia"

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