Mark Anthony - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Mark Anthony is a popular American singer and actor. Although many of his songs are written in Spanish, the American public accepted the brand heat, and after some time the singer repeatedly managed to conquer musical ratings and hithets. True name Mark Anthony - Antonio Munis. The singer was born in New York in 1968. Parents-Puertorikans appreciated national traditions, culture and, of course, music.

Mark Anthony in 2017

Biography Mark Anthony is typical for a child born in a creative family. His father, Felipe, was a fan of the Mexican artist Marco Antonio, in whose honor and called the Son, as well as Latin American music. It was the Father who was the first to teach a little brand with a good guide and playing musical instruments. In addition, the brand has revealed vocal data.

Mark Anthony in youth

Numerous brothers and sisters Mark Anthony were also not averse to play, sing or dance, and soon all the districts knew about such family concerts. Someone was like a similar creativity, somehow, on the contrary, annoyed because of constantly sounding music, however, for the brand, these cute improvised performances became the beginning of a successful career.


It is quite possible, Mark Anthony's songs would remain famous only to a narrow circle of friends and relatives, but, as often happens, a happy case helped. Comic performance Mark at one of the parties saw David Harris, a musical producer. The spark that flashed in the manner of the execution of Anthony attracted the attention of the experienced Harris, and he began to invite a singer to musical projects.

Singer Mark Anthony

First, the brand was trusted to work only on back-vocals. He lit up on the same scene with popular and experienced groups and performers. Then he was born on the light and his pseudonym - Mark Anthony, because the producer David Harris found that two Marco Antonio Munis would be too many for world music. Soon the dream of a solo album was born, which did not slow down to incarnate.

In 1991, Mark, together with his friend, DJ Little Lu Vegoy, recorded the album When The Night Is Over. The plate quickly became popular, and the Ride on The Rhythm composition was even able to reach the vertices of some charts. The second album - Otra Nota - became no less important in Anthony career. Mark, constantly looking for new styles and manners of execution, discovered the salsa. And it is this combination of Argentine Tango, Cuban Rumba and Samba from the Caribbean Islands for a long time has become his business card.

In addition to the incendiary rhythms, Salsa Mark performed and lyrical ballads. And traditional hard-fat motives, seasoned with Latin American rhythms, brought him true popularity. The fourth album of the singer, published in 1997, was named the "best Latin American album" according to the jury "Grammy". Clips Mark Anthony begin to twist in America and other countries more and more often, which also makes it an increasingly recognizable and favorite performer.

Mark Anthony and Pitbul

Two years later, Mark Anthony decided to move away from the usual image and released an album with English-speaking songs. This step allowed the singer to win new fans and attract the attention of new producers. In 2011, the singer again tries himself in the new capacity. This time, the brand is awarded music in the style of rap. American rapper PitBull (Pitbul) and Mark Anthony are recorded by the Rain Over Me song, which is still loved by many. This track has repeatedly occupied the first places in many global hitters.

Personal life

The personal life of a talented and emotional artist turned out to be as saturated and bright as a career. The first wife Mark became a girl named Dabeby, who worked at that time in the police. The couple got married in 1994, and soon the first daughter of Mark appeared. However, it was not possible to save the relationship for a long time in love.

Mark Anthony and Dainar Torres

In 2000, Mark fell in love with the beauty Dainar Torres, which won on the beauty contest "Miss Universe". The spouses were born two sons, and the fans of the star couple hoped that this happiness would not end. But this marriage soon collapsed.

In 2003, the heart of the popular artist was again filled with love: this time the name of the singer became Jennifer Lopez. This novel became the longest in the life of the singer: Mark Anthony and Jennifer Lopez stayed together for 8.5 years. In 2008, Jennifer presented the brand of his son and daughter. The couple broke up in 2011, the official divorce former spouses issued a year later.

The following two singer's novels were fleeting: Shanon de Lima, a model from Venezuela, won the attention of windy handsome only for 10 months, and beauty from Russia named Amina happiness to be together with the idol fell a couple of short months.

Mark Anthony now

According to the latest information, now Mark Anthony is again happy in relations. The last girl Mark Anthony, Marianna Dowuning, younger singer for many years, but age for passionate love is not a hindrance.

Mark Anthony and Marianna Dowuning

Lovers have already managed to relax in the Caribbean, in addition, Marianna accompanied the beloved in the creative tour in 2017. Mark Anthony, for his part, tries not to give comments about the new passion. On the creative front, things are not less bright: despite the frequent tours, Mark prepares a musical surprise for his constant fans.


  • 1993 - OTRA NOTA
  • 1995 - TODO A SU TIEMPO
  • 1997 - Contra La Corriente
  • 1999 - Marc Anthony
  • 1999 - Desde un Principio: from the beginning
  • 2001 - Libre.
  • 2002 - Mened
  • 2003 - Éxitos Eternos
  • 2004 - Amar Sin Mentiras
  • 2004 - Valió La Pena
  • 2006 - Sigo Siendo Yo (Grandes Exitos)
  • 2007 - El Cantante Soundtrack
  • 2010 - iconos.

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