Diana Shurygin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Instagram", Divorce 2021



Diana Shurygin became a media person after the appearance in the talk show "Let them say", which is broadcast on the central first channel in Prime-Tima. The story of the rape of a 16-year-old girl divided society into two halves, disputes between which they still do not subside.

Childhood and youth

Diana Alekseevna Shurygin was born in the summer of 1999 in Ulyanovsk in a low-income family. Father earned money by working the driver's chauffeur. Mom worked by the seller in a hypermarket. Outdoor sources float information that Mom Natalia Shurygin gave birth to Diana at the age of 15. Father at the time of birth of the girl was 19 years old.

The younger daughter Karina appeared when olders were 10 years old. Family lived in a hostel, later removed the apartment. Diana Shurygin attended choreographic school, fond of athletics. Having received incomplete secondary education, entered the Ulyanovsky Vocational Pedagogical College.

The Internet is replete with the scandalous details of the biography of Shurygin. In May 2015, a 15-year-old girl left home. Mom appealed to the police, stating his daughter's disappearance. I found missing Diana in the apartment of her boyfriend - 18-year-old Vlad Trochin. The guy was awarded a year of conclusion (conditionally) under article 134 for contact with a minor.

Rape and TV projects

Fame to an ordinary girl came after the scandalous release of the show "Let them say", in which the family of convicted Sergey Semenov tried to call on society and the judicial system to revise the case of rape.

According to Diana Shurygin, rape occurred on the night of April 1, 2016 at a party, where Dasha's friend invited her. In a removable cottage with a sauna, the guys celebrated the 20th anniversary of a friend. After a certain number of drunk, the girl was inxicane. The 21-year-old Sergey Semenov was associated with her, who forced her to Intim. To Diana did not resist, the guy hit her face and turned on the music of the pogrom.

The convict version was different from the words of shurgina. Sergei's friends confirmed that Diana herself pursued Semenov, seeking intimate communication and not ceasing to eat alcohol.

Parents who came for her daughter saw Diana drank, bloody and with a broken lip. In the car she told about rape, and parents went to the ROVD. According to Father Diana, the daughter later passed three medical examinations, which confirmed characteristic of rape damage.

During the 8-month investigation, the judge was sentenced to Semenov: 8 years of imprisonment. In December 2016, Sergey was sent to the colony of a strict regime, but in January 2017, the guy softened the sentence by changing it for 3 years and 3 months of staying in a strict regime colony. The guy served no more than a year and at the beginning of 2018 went on par. Now he works as a taxi driver and plans to create a human rights project on "Yutube".

An unprecedented attention to the person of the victim attracted five issues of the scandalous talk show Andrei Malakhov "Let them say". The first issue, called "in the midst of a party," came out on January 31, 2017. The initiators of the release were members of the family of Semenov. Later, in the live show "In fact," Diana was checking on the detector of a lie, confirming that her words about violence are true, but it did not save the girl from the rising wave of hatred and threats.

To get rid of persecution and threats, shurgins settled in the capital hotel. According to rumors, paying housing Native Diana could at the expense of funds from the contract signed by the girl with the first channel.

The hype around the story of Shurygin rose after the announcement of the sentence Sergey Semenov. In the social network "VKontakte", groups of support for the "victim" and its "rapist" were formed. On the side of the convicted one turned out to be the majority. Diana was accused of lies and provocations, her words about the fact that she was not drunk and "drank only on the bottom", became an Internet meme.

The persecution of Diana and her relatives began. The girl's mother told that the unfriendlies did not regret even the younger daughter Karina: the girl was threatened, journalists were caught, asking her sister. I had to contact the police.

The popularity of the affected resident of Ulyanovsk was indignant to bloggers. Mariana Ro placed an angry post without censorship, because of which Diana had a nervous breakdown.

There is in the history of jerking and positive moments: a girl, the owner of an attractive figure (ROST Diana - 168 cm, weight - 52 kg), fell asleep with designers and photographers. Stylist Iza Anokhina said he was ready to provide her work in the beauty salon.

It is believed that Shurygin is a successful media projector, expensive and promoted purposefully. Blogger and Prachka Anton Vuyma is confident that the victim of rape is a project on which tens of millions of dollars. In his opinion, the girl resembles a beginner model, and their spinning with the help of crime "enters into fashion". Thus, any mention of Diana regardless of the color plays the "brand" hand.

At the end of 2018, Shurygin decided to try himself as a singer. She announced that she was looking for a pair for a duet. The partner of Diana became the performer Sasha Act, with whom she recorded 4 songs and released the clip "Litter Roses". Also, the girl posted a video in which she accompanies his singing dancing on the pole. Subscribers on social networks noted that their creativity is similar to the "factor-2" and "dullness", and agreed that the vocal abilities of Diana still leave to desire the best.

Personal life

In October 2017, Diana married the operator of the first channel Andrei Shatnyna. He is Muscovite, 11 years older than his chosen. The novel between young people developed rapidly: to the campaign to the registry office there were 4 months.

The wedding was celebrated at the South Butovo Restaurant. For such a significant celebration, the bride acquired a dress for 75 thousand rubles. The event was attended by a sexologist Pavel Rakov, with whom Diana became friends even during the ether of the first channel. Later, the girl visited his seminars. Guest made a bride a chic gift - exquisite underwear for the first marriage night.

The happiness of the young lasted not long. In mid-2019 in the "Instagram" girls appeared a photo with another young man, with whom she went on holidays on Bali. Later it turned out that a young businessman from Donetsk Denis Rebrov became the chosen one of the beauties. Now he lives in Moscow, where he successfully develops his business.

The husband's shrimp did not endure treason, so in August, the spouses were driving, and in the fall officially announced a divorce. According to Andrei, he does not regret that he broke up with the scandalous girl of Russia. Ex-spouse wishes her a little longer to stay happy.

The new boyfriend girl is a millionaire, so its "instagram" is now shot by photographs from luxury resorts. She herself earns a lot, mainly on advertising on social networks.

Diana Shurygin now

In the summer of 2019, Diana Shurygin starred in a frank clip, the director of which was the porn trader Bob Jack. For filming, the girl went to St. Petersburg. Her video partner was the musician and Showman Stas Baretsky.

Comments on your personal life Girl gives not only on pages in social networks. In August, she visited the transfer "in fact" dedicated to her relationship with his spouse and a new novel.

In September 2019, Comedy Club released a parody of Diana, removing the humorous release of the Mutu program. In it, heroine was painted Alina Davalova. Later, the roller appeared on the same topic on the Yutiub-channel Konstantin TV: in the video "On 50 shades Darker" Diana was presented as a beloved Sadist's beloved. The musician Egor Creed was noted by a parody clip about the girl.

At the beginning of the 2020, Diana laid out on his page in "Instagram" a frank shot on which almost naked chest has demonstrated subscribers. In the comments, she asked advice whether it is worth corrective with a plastic surgery. Opinions were divided, but most nevertheless opposed radical changes in the appearance of shurgina.

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