Eduard Radzukevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "6 Frames", Actor 2021



Edward Radzyukevich is the Russian actor and cinema actor, Writer, presenter, teacher. One of the most famous artists of humorous television programs. Popularity has acquired after the release of the project "6 frames", but there is still a lot of decent roles on his account.

Childhood and youth

Edward Vladimirovich Radzukevich was born on July 11, 1965 in the capital of the Republic of Karelia - Petrozavodsk city. Zodiac sign - Cancer. About the nationality of Eduard information is not.

The father was a military man, and the mother is a professional skier who died when his son was barely 5 years old. The specifics of the work of the family of the family obliging it to constant travel. There was no possibility to carry a little heir with him, so at 6 years old, Edward moved to his father's parents to Moscow. Grandfather instilled Radzukevich the love of sports, giving a boy on an athletic, and grandma brought in peace and independence in it.

Contrary to popular belief, in childhood, Edward did not dream of the career of the actor. Already at the age of 10, he realized that he wanted to go at the footsteps of his father and become a military. For six months before the release from school, the guy filed documents to the School at the Committee of State Security. He was sure that the selection would be easily. Diathesis revealed at the last moment caused Radzukevich's commissioning. The young man who is not accustomed to lower his hands, entered the evening branch of the Technical University of Mirea, in parallel working at the factory.

From the biography of the actor theater and cinema it is known that Eduarde managed to master eight working specialties, such as the chamber-driver-driver and a fitter-collector. Realizing what to be realized, standing at the machine, he will not succeed, in 1987, a young man quit his job, left the institute and filed documents to the MCAT studio.

Ambitious guy brilliantly coped with the introductory tests, but the country refused to receive education in one of the most prestigious universities. Radzukevich entered the Schukinskaya school, where the passage from the works of Vasily Shukshin "My son-in-law was decorated from the works of Vasily" and Ivan Krylova "Wolf and a lamb".

Personal life

About the personal life of the artist of arts never spread. Despite the fact that the reincarnation wizard was officially married twice, there is extremely few information on the network regarding his relationship with female representatives.

With the first wife of Elena Lansk, the actor met in Schukinsky School. The novel developed rapidly, a couple of months after the acquaintance, young people legabiled relationships. However, a year later, the couple's conceived life realized that he was not ready for the routine of family realities, and filed an application for divorce. There are no children from the first marriage.

The second wife of the director became his student Elena Yurovsky. With the girl, Edward met in Gitis, where he was engaged in teaching activities. Because of the considerable difference in the age of the age of her husband for 17 years) Radzukevich did not decrease his sympathy for a long time. According to the scenario, it took him 2 years to make the first step towards the girl. On the day, when he volunteered to hold a student to the house, their first conversation for souls took place. After that, the artist finally made sure the strength of his feeling.

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In the summer of 2003, the pair legalized the relationship. In winter, Elena gave birth to Eduard Son, who was named George. Like many representatives of humorous genres, Radzyukevich - a cheerful balagen only on the screen. In everyday life, producer is an extremely serious person with incredible exposure and patience.

Being a caring father and a loving husband, on days, free from filming, a man takes over all the duties around the house, providing a spouse to unwind and relax. Eduard - Master for all hands: If necessary, it can easily clean the climbing drainage and repaid a broken household appliance.

In 2017, the appearance of the stars of the Skchech-show "6 frames" on one of the presentations caused a wave of indignation among fans: an actor in 183 cm with a weight of 84 kg strongly stunned. Fans were afraid that such a sharp weight gain was caused by health problems. The screenwriter denied rumors about the disease, explained: recovered because he threw smoking.


After graduating from the Institute, Edward was invited by Alexey Lysenkov in the TV show "Himself director. For 10 years, Radzukevich composed texts and voiced the plots. In the early 1990s, he received episodic roles in the films "Ballad for Bairon" and "Lyhai couple". In 2000, the artist starred in a good New Year's comedy "From the point of view of an angel", the series "Marsh Turkish", 8-serial film "Butterfly trajectory" and a comedy "Theater Roman".

In 2004, the producer of Ren-TV TV channel Vyacheslav Murugov suggested Alexander Gigalkin to create a program in a sketch show format. On April 1, 2005, the first edition of the "expensive transfer" was shown. In the same year, Vyacheslav Murugov switched to CTC channel. Following him, a team of a sketch show, which subsequently changed the initial name on "6 frames" was also in full. In addition to Eduard, Fedor Dobronravov and Irina Medvedev participated in the program.

In the movie a man, as a rule, get humorous roles. His most popular screen characters - Eduard Vladimirovich Raduyevich, Head of the Agency "Holiday! Holiday! Holiday!" From the popular TV series "Papina Daughters", where Nonna Grishaeva also starred. Radzyukevich performed the role of the director of the advertising agency Boris Innokentievich from the Comedy "Three Semi-Arfaction", Mettletsky from the series "Agonia of Fear", a candidate for deputies of Peter Solomatina from Comedy "On Treason" and Killer Rudolph from the film "All Inclusive!".

In 2013, Eduardeva received the role of Dmitry Mendeleev in the Sketch Show "Unreal History". In the plot, the hero is trying to invent antidote from vodka, conducting all experiments on himself.

In 2017, Radzukevich was filmed in TV shows "Just Sunday", "Good morning" and "Star on the" Star "" with Alexander Strizhenov. Also this year, the actor's filmography was replenished with new roles: in the comedy television series of the NTV channel "Stroyka" he played a judge, and Gosha Kutsenko, Aristarh Venez, Vladimir Epifantsev, and Yuri Stoyanov became his colleagues on the shooting platform. From graphomans.

Since 2018, Radzükevich produces the Saturday Evening program, which is leading Nikolay Baskov.

Eduard not only plays the theater and cinema, but also voiced films and cartoons. In 2008, the films were released on the screens and "We - Legends" in the voicing of Radzukevich. An actor's voice also sounds in the cartoon "Print of King Solomon".

One of the most popular directorial works of Eduard is the series "Humanoids in the Queen", according to the plot of which aliens are planted on the planet Earth to explore its inhabitants. Researchers take the human appearance and disguise under the Russian family. The action takes place in the Korolev near Moscow.


The countdown of the theater directorial activity of Eduard is conducted from the production of the work of Chukovsky "Crocodile" (1986). As a director, he for a long time collaborated with the Moscow Quartet and the Moscow Comedan Theater (the play "La Comedy - 2, or a completely different story with elements of large art"), and in the Satira theater managed not only to put "Schweik, or anthem idiocy "But also play a major role in it.

The audience applauded the actor and the Musicle of the State Academic Theater. E. Vakhtangov "Carlson who lives on the roof" (Carlson), and in the entrepreneurial play "Bat" (Falk), and in the play of the center of theater technologies "1002nd" (Faruch).

In 2009, Edward acted as a producer-director in the play-entrepreneurs "Vekhodi, or a session of love magic." In the plot, the fortune teller Alla owns magical abilities and knows how to move people in space and time. A heroine comes to a woman named Julia to shock chosen. The main roles in the performance were performed by the former actors Skketch-show "6 frames" Irina Medvedev, Galina Danilova, Sergey Dorogov and others.

Eduard Radzukevich now

Despite the fact that the artist is not in "Instagram", nor in Twitter, in the social network "Vkontakte" fans of the director's creativity created a community in which the latest news from the life of Eduard and lay out photos of both performances and from personal Comic archive, which are periodically published on the pages of all sorts of Internet resources.

In 2019, Radzukevich gave an interview in the Tet-A-Tet ​​program for the Russia-24 TV channel, where he told about his fate, parents and her son. Now he continues directing activities. In 2020, the "whole family" came out on the screens.

At the same time, Edward visited the program "The Fate of Man" on the NTV television channel, where he told how the son helped him to quit. In his youth, a man often went into the ropes, but once, returned home, saw her sleeping newborn baby. Suddenly, the actor realized that he would not want the son to see the father drunk. Eduard lay in the clinic and then I have not tried alcohol.


  • 2000 - "Butterfly Trajectory"
  • 2001 - "From the point of view of an angel"
  • 2002 - "Main roles"
  • 2003 - "Theater Roman"
  • 2004 - "Time of Cruel"
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2005 - "Dura"
  • 2005 - "Two of the tree, not counting the dogs"
  • 2006 - "Three Semirations"
  • 2007 - "Fear Agony"
  • 2008 - "Scammers"
  • 2009 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2010 - "on treason"
  • 2010 - "Zaitsev, Loggy! History of Showman "
  • 2010 - "Banchik of the President, or Books of the Universe"
  • 2017 - "Graphomaphy"
  • 2017 - "Construction"
  • 2018 - "Cinema Secrets. Above rainbow "

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