Oleg Violin - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Oleg Violin - a talented and popular Ukrainian singer and a musician, a permanent leader of the group "Vypti Vioplyasov". Creativity made Oleg famous in his native country, and far beyond, and the original arrangements recognizable by fans from the first chords.

The biography of Oleg Violin is rich in moving. A musician was born on May 24, 1964 in Tajikistan, in a small village of Gafurov. Family of violin multinational: Father Right from Ukraine, and Mother is Russian. Mom of the future star worked as a teacher at school, and his father worked by a doctor in the department of radiology. The sultry southern climate has negatively affected the state of mother's health of Oleg Violin, and parents decided to move to Murmansk.

Oleg Violin in childhood

Little Oleg learned diligently, however, because of the violent nature, sometimes got involved in fights. The teachers praised the violin for successes in the exact sciences, but, as time showed, fate prepared the boy the path of the musician. After some time, the violin family again moves - this time to the city of Kirovsk, and then to Ukraine, where the mature Oleg begins to be interested in music. It is safe to argue that as a musician Oleg Violin took place long before the first success on the scene. The singer independently mastered the game on the bayan and the pipe and immediately became "his" in the new music school.

Oleg Violin in youth

However, the interest in the exact sciences was not forgotten, and in 1982, Oleg entered the full-time department of the Kiev Polytechnic, where he became a radio engineering specialist, and even worked for some time at one of the factories in Kiev. Violin graduated from the Institute in 1987. This year has become important for the fans of the musician: the group "Writh Vopoplyasov" is born. A new stage began in the life of the artist.


Having decided to finally connect life with music, Oleg Violin went on the cities and weights of Ukraine to study the song traditions, folk culture and music. Oleg Violin songs are in many ways the imprint of the old ethnic music. Many developments made on such trips, then formally as the basis for the repertoire of the "screaming of Vidoplyasov". Moreover, the violin himself in many interviews repeatedly emphasized that he sees its task to preserve the national cultural traditions of Ukraine.

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In 1987, a long-awaited popularity came to unknown until that time. It happened, firstly, due to the composition "Dances". Oleg Violin later recognized that this song was decisive in the group's musical career. And secondly, in 1987, the "screaming of Vopelyasov" received the first long-awaited award at one of the Kiev rock festivals.

In the late 1980s, the Republic of the Soviet Union covers the fashion for all ethnic, so the team that performed the music in the style of Folk, became increasingly popular. "Screaming Vioplyasov" came hundreds of music festivals held in the USSR and the Middle Abroad. The young group fell out of honor to sing on the scenes of St. Petersburg, Vilnius, Warsaw, Moscow and all major cities in Ukraine.

Singer Oleg Skripka.

In 1990, the group of Oleg Violin starts towards touring foreign countries. Israel, Switzerland, Russia, Portugal, Latvia and America fell into the list. Concerts Oleg Violin and his team were popular. Everywhere the team was greeted by fans who had the musical creativity of the Ukrainian group. Until the 1995, the group participants worked in France, because there were several very interesting contracts.

The French audience also reacted with the work of the musicians, and in this country the repertoire of the "Voche Vopoplyasov" is replenished with three albums. The group gradually becomes not just popular, but also, as they say, a cult. Each concert of Oleg Violin and his colleagues on the stage collects a huge number of public. In 1996, the team returns to Ukraine, where he continues creative work on new plates, and a year later, in 1997, another cult composition of Oleg Violin - "Spring" appears.

In 2001, the musician makes a decision to try forces in solo projects, while continuing to work with the group. Another creative brainchild of Oleg Violin, whose importance is difficult to overestimate, is the EthnoFestival of "Krai Mriy", whose goal of the musician marked the instigation of respect and interest in the original folklore of Ukraine.

Oleg Violin and Ani Lorak

Oleg showed talent and as a musician and performer, and as an actor, starring in a movie "Evening on the farm near Dikanka", where his partner on the set became Beauty Ani Lorak. The clip on this song is perhaps no less popular than kinocartin herself, and the photo of Oleg Violin in the image of the vacuum appeared in the collection of each fan.

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In addition to the "evenings", the violin participated in such television musical films as "Cinderella", "milkmaid from Hatspetovka" and the comedy "Radio Day". Also, the musician did not refuse the filming in the show "Voice. Children, "where she showed himself as a professional musician and as a talented teacher. Anya girl, student Oleg Violin, wins in the competition, adding a singer to the piggy bank another star.

Oleg Skrypka and Anna Tkach in the show

Oleg himself also develops new types of creativity in the project "Dancing with the Stars", where she achieves success, taking second place among the contestants. In addition to the main creative work, Oleg Violin has time to translate the songs of his idiot Viktor Tsoi into the Ukrainian language than the wise gratitude of the fans of rock music conquers.

Personal life

Life in France presented a singer not only a huge inspiration for creativity, but also the first serious feeling. Marie Ribo became the first wife of Oleg Violin. The couple met in theatrical cabaret, where Marie at that time performed. The girl was the only person from the company who knew English.

This fact became decisive: Oleg decided to get acquainted with a beautiful Frenchwoman closer, and soon the lovers got married. However, when the musician decided to return to his homeland, the woman chose to stay in France, and the marriage collapsed. Rocker himself later admitted to journalists that the divorce with Marie passed painfully and he still unpleasantly remembering it. The violin does not even advertise the photos of the first wife, any of the journalists did not manage to find a single joint image of a creative pair.

Oleg Violin and wife Natalia

The second wife of Oleg Violin, this time unofficial, became Natalia foliage. The couple has still retained the relationship, but there is no marriage to register, although four children were born in this union - the daughters of Zoryana and Elizabeth and the sons of Taras and Roman. A large father admits that he likes to spend time with his family and believes that this is a favorite view of the rest for him.

Oleg Violin with sons

Spouses rarely visit noisy events together, but when this happens, the violin's wife always looks modest. Despite this, the views of Oleg Violin fans are chained to Beauty Natalia: The fact is that a woman prefers to wear clothes in an ethnic Ukrainian style. She won the hearts of fans of Oleg Violin.

Oleg Skrypka now

Now Oleg Violin, as well as the group of "screaming Vidoplyasov," continues creative work, speeches and tour. A musician without exaggeration is a man whose opinion is important for fans. This fact served him a bad service: the scandal around Oleg Violin's name in 2017 seriously taped the reputation of the musician.

Oleg Violin in 2017

The incorrect statement of Oleg Violin about Russia and the Ukrainian language was circulated by the media. The fact is that the musician suggested isolate in the ghetto of people who do not know the Ukrainian language. Later, the singer and the performer explained that such a phrase had no that sense that journalists implied, pulling out words from context.


With the group "Screaming Vopelyasov"

  • 1987 - Dance, Abo Hai Zhiv V.V.!
  • 1988 - year 19VV
  • 1990 - V.
  • 1991 - Abo Abo
  • 1993 - Apqual (MC)
  • 1994 - Knee Mriy
  • 1997 - Muzіka
  • 2000 - Hvili Amur
  • 2001 - day of coming
  • 2002 - Tuto Cigrocks
  • 2002 - File
  • 2006 - Buli Day
  • 2008 - Hymn-Slavon Ukraine
  • 2013 - Chuda Svit

Solo albums

  • 2001 - ІKNOL
  • 2004 - Vіdanda
  • 2009 - Cerez at Mejorviliv
  • 2010 - Shchedrik (Single)
  • 2011 - Georges
  • 2011 - Guanіsti
  • 2016 - Ukraine (Single)

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