Yanka Dyagileva - biography, photo, personal life, songs, cause of death



The name Yanka Dyagileva is known, perhaps, even those people who are not interested in rock music. The singer and the performer is called the symbol of the era, the idol and the star. However, as often happens, the biography of Yanki Dyagileva, talented poetess and singers, was far from cloudless. Yana Stanislavovna Dyagileva Rod from Novosibirsk. Born on September 4, 1966 in a simple working family. Dad Yankee worked in the field of thermal power engineering, and Mom worked by an industrial engineer. The family did not help, but lived not to.

Singer Yanka Dyagilev

The area in which Dyagilev lived was considered disadvantaged. Yanka often recalled that in childhood more than once had to joke in fights with boys to stand up for himself. However, the ability to protect against the attacks of the courtyard comrades did not make Yana aggressive or embittered. The girl grew quiet, preferred to sit at home alone, reading favorite books. In school, Janu was considered a diligent student, but the future star studied badly. The girls' interest caused humanitarian objects, but in physics, geometry and algebra, she had permanent "Troika".

Yanka Dyagileva in childhood

Acquaintance with music happened when Yane was 7 or 8 years old. Dyagileva visited music school, learned to play piano. However, success did not reach the girl, it was difficult to combine school studies at school and leisure literacy. After some time, the music teacher offered parents not to torment the child with classes that do not benefit. But the talent took his own, and Yana, studying music already independently and without the control of teachers, mastered the instrument and often played when guests came to their parents.

Yanka Dyagileva in childhood

A little later, the girl was interested in the guitar, and the parents sent to Dyagilev to the guitar circle. From this, perhaps, the development of Yankees as a professional musician and performer began. There was a girl and another passion besides the music - to write poems. Girlfriends say that Yanka often showed them new poems and songs. Some songs of the Dyagilean of that time have been preserved, but in those children's naive creations it is difficult to see common with late creativity.

Yanka Dyagileva in his youth

In 1983, Yanka ends with school. Dyagileva planned to enter the Institute of Culture in Kemerovo, however, due to the serious Mother's disease, plans had to be changed, and the girl entered the Engineering Institute of Water Transport in Native Novosibirsk. Yana treated to study without interest, but began to perform in the student ensemble "Amigo". This team was popular in the city, and Yanka first felt the singer. Having studied to the second year, Dyagileeva throws his studies at the institute and devotes itself to his beloved creativity.


Participation in the student ensemble presented Yane not only the love of speeches, but also talented friends. It was they who in 1985 introduced to Dyagilev with Irina Lethayeva, which creative young people knew as a "rock mother". Lethaev helped develop young groups, supported novice musicians and helped organize concerts and festivals in Novosibirsk.

Yanka Dyagileva with a guitar

The apartment of Irina has always been open for musicians: young talents lived here for months, they stayed at the time of tours of Kinchev, Grebenchikov, Bashchechev and many others. It was in this apartment Yanka who became acquainted with Alexander Bashchechev, also known as Sashbash. The friendship of young people has developed immediately, and Bashchechev in the future had a serious impact on all the work of Yankee Dyagileva.

Yanka Dyagilev

From this dating, by and large, and began the creative way of Yankees, famous to the fans of rock music. In January 1988, Yanka records the first album "not for", and in June, the singer is invited to speak at the Rock Festival in Tyumen.

In the life of the Dyagileva, the period of permanent tour begins. In 1988 - 1990, Yanka passes through the cities of the country with the Civil Defense group, faster than new acquaintances and writing new songs and poems. In St. Petersburg (then Leningrad), musicians get acquainted with Sergey Firsov, who became the director and producer for them. Sergey organizes constant concerts, shooting, apartment and performances at festivals, and also helps in the record of new Yankov albums.

Yanka Dyagileva on stage

Songs of those years have earned the enormous popularity and love of the Yankees fans, and "for a black day", "from the Big mind" and "along the tram rails" became hits, without losing their relevance so far. The last concerts of the Dyagilee, about which journalists and fans managed to find information, were held in Irkutsk and Angarsk, as well as in Leningrad. At the same time, in 1991, Yanka produces the latest songs who later became the cult: "Above the legs from the Earth," "Water will come", "about hell", "Nürkin Song".

Last photo Yankee Dyagileva

Also known songs that are often attributed to the authorship of the Yankees, however, Dyagileva has no relation to them: "Enemy" (author - Cat Sasha), "Jump down" (which Olesya Dicell performed), "You know, we will have children" (author - Elena Sviripa).

Personal life

Personal life Yanki Dyagileva is inextricably linked with creativity. The first chief of the Dyagileva (in 1986) was the musician Dmitry Mitrochin, also known as a change. Lovers filed an application to the registry office, and everything seemed to go to a happy wedding. However, Yanka, looking once the family album of the parents of Dmitry, said that such a household for her - as a path to Eshafot. It was the end of the novel, although young people remained friends for a long time.

Yanka Dyagilev and Dimension

Subsequent relations of the Dyagilee covered the mass of legends. For example, Yanke attributions the novel with Bashchechev, who repeatedly stayed in the singer's house. Undoubtedly, their friendship was important for Yankees and played a serious role in the work of the girl, but it is difficult to say for sure, whether these relationships were male and women with love.

Yanka Dyagileva and Egor Letov

The relationship of Yankee Dyagileva with Yegor Yegor, was no less interesting. The lips himself confessed in an interview that they are essentially husband and wife, but at the same time they live every life. It is also known that Yankees with Egor had different points of view to many questions and situations. Authoritarian years with difficulty settled with an opinion other than him, and Yanka Dyagileva could not stand when she was imposed on something. The couple broke up, so failing to get along together.


The death of Yankees Dyagileva was no less mysterious and confusing than life. The tragedy happened according to official data, May 9, 1991. Yana rested at the cottage with his family. The girl went out to walk and the back was no longer returned. The cause of the death of Yankee Dyagilee doctors will be called drowning, but to this day there was an unexplained question, the murder was or suicide. On May 17, the girl's body will find in the Inya River.

The funeral of the Yankees Dyagileva

The funeral of the Yankees Dyagileva passed on May 19th. The number of friends and fans gathered on the day in the cemetery, silently showed the significance of her creativity. Words will not be able to express the depth of the loss that everyone who knew her personally or songs.

The grave Yankees Dyagileva

Yanka Dyagileva - a symbol of that era of the nascent rock movement in Russia, protest against the system and injustice of life. Photo Dyagileva is still stored by fans, and the work of the singer continues to be loved even after so many years.


  • Not supplied - 1987
  • Declassified elements - 1988
  • Home! - 1989.
  • Angedonia - 1989.
  • Shame and Selm - 1991
  • Sold! 1989.
  • Shame and Selm - 1991
  • I leave another polingement - 1992
  • Central Rain - 1993

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