Guillermo Del Toro - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Guillermo del Toro - Cult Mexican director, screenwriter, producer and writer.

Cult Director Guillermo Del Toro

Distinctive features of the works of del Toro - masterfully selected the pictorial row, skillfully created opposite atmosphere, non-obvious stories and promises - made a director with a recognized genius of mysticism.

Childhood and youth

Born on October 9, 1964 in the Mexican city of Guadalajara. By nationality is Mexican. Grandma Guillermo, a convinced Catholic, raised his grandson in rigor, trying to instill Christian values. She insisted that young Guillermo del Toro would study in a Catholic school for boys.

However, the director from the young age was seriously carried away by paranormal phenomena and mysticism. Creation of James Will, George Romero and Alfred Hichkoka greatly influenced Del Toro. Favorite films Guillermo in childhood - "Night of the Living Deads", "Black Sunday" and other fantastic thrillers and horrors.

Guillermo del Toro in youth

The director since childhood dreamed of shooting films in the genre of fiction. The first video of Guillermo Del Toro took off at 8 years of age.

Higher education Writer received in Guadalajar University, the second from the oldest universities of Mexico, founded back in 1792. At the same time, Guillermo del Toro was taught by art to make and create special effects from Dick Smith - a famous makeup artist who created the images of the heroes of films "Exorcist", "Hunger", "Little big man" and others.


After graduating from the University, Guillermo del Toro 10 years worked as a makeup and even opened the studio to create special effects "Necrotopia". Effects created by the studio can be seen in the series "Bikes from the crypt". The first film is "Don Erlinda and her son" - Guillermo del Toro produced in 1986. He also directed the Mexican television show and filmed short films. The last special response in the hearts of the audience did not find.

Guillermo Del Toro on the set

In 1993, Del Toro removed the first full-length film on his own scenario - "Chernos". According to the plot, the owner of the antique shop finds a mechanism gives eternal life. But the device works only if a person possessing them drinks human blood. Further events are terrified. No wonder Guillermo del Toro is a horror king.

Critics highly appreciated the work of the young director. The picture was nominated for the main prize of the Moscow Film Festival, she received a prize of Mercedes-Benz at the Cannes Festival and Saturn - the American Prize, which the Academy of Scientific Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films.

Frame from the movie Guillermo Del Toro

In 1996, Guillero performed a producer of a mystical film "Shelter". The picture was well accepted by critics.

Guillermo del Toro immigrated in the USA in 1997. There, in Hollywood, he took off the following cinema - a horrorist called "mutants", telling about the invasion of insect mutants to New York. The director received a useful experience in Hollywood Studios, but the work outside the homeland was not like del Toro. The film was not so successful as "Chronos", but received 3 American awards and 2 sequel.

Frame from the movie Guillermo Del Toro

The director returned to Mexico and founded his own producer "Tequila-Gang". There he took off some of his next movies. In 2001, Guillermo del Toro became the director of the film "The Range of the Devil", the producers of which - Augustine and Pedro Almodovary. The "Devil Ridge" was conceived as the first part of the future trilogy. The films "Labyrinth Favna" and "3993" were also in it. The premiere of the latter was planned in 2009, but did not take place.

The scenario of the "Devil Ridge" was invented by Guillermo 15 years before filming, while college times. The basis for the film was personally experienced derorto emotions and memories. The premiere of the film in Spain took place in 2001. In Russia, the "Range of the Devil" was shown only in 2007 due to the success of another film Del Toro "Labyrinth Favna". Guillermo himself believes it is the "devil ridge" the best creation.

Frame from the movie Guillermo Del Toro

2004 It is marked for the director with the release of the fifth film "Hellboy: Hero from Pekla" - an action thriller dedicated to the events of the Second World War. But the real recognition of Guillermo del Toro gained only in 2006 with the release of the film "Labyrinth Favna", the scenario to which he wrote himself. The film is a continuation started in the "Devil Ridge" themes of the Civil War in Spain. According to the plot, 10-year-old Ophelia is looking for salvation from bloody realities of wartime, immersed in the world of terrible fantasies created by it.

Frame from the movie Guillermo Del Toro

Labyrinth Favna won 3 Oscar awards: for the best operation of the operator, the best work of the director's artist and the best maker, and also became a nominee for the best scenario and the best film in a foreign language. In addition, the film was received by the BAFTA award, "Goya", "Saturn" and nominated for the "Golden Palm Branch" of the Cannes Film Festival.

Guillermo Del Toro on the filming of the film

Triumph allowed Guillermo del Toro to firmly settle in Hollywood. In 2008, the director removed the sequel "Hellobiii: Golden Army," the films did not work, "While it was not" (2008), "Butyful" (2009), "Do not be afraid of darkness" (2010), "Mom" (2013). In 2011, Del Toro tried himself in a fundamentally new genre - he became the producer of the cartoon "Cat in Boots".

Frame from the movie Guillermo Del Toro

In 2009, Guillermo worked on the first in his career with a literary product - Roman "strain." Initially, the novel thought as a scenario for the TV series, but Del Toro could not find sponsors for a new project. The director's agent insisted on the transformation of the scenario into a full-fledged book. Del Toro understood that he had no necessary writer experience, and suggested the co-authorship of Chuck Honagan - the American novelist, known as the author of the novel "Prince Vorov". The Stamma has a continuation - "strain. Sunset "(2010) and" Eternal Night "(2011).

Illustration for Guillermo Del Toro

Guillermo plans were carried out in 2014. FX TV channel released the series "strain" by taking the novel of Roman Del Toro. He directed the project. 4 seasons of the series "Strain" released. The last part was broadcast from July to September 2017.

The premiere of another Hollywood work Del Toro "Brief Peak" took place in 2015. The acting staff is impressive: Mia Vasikovsk, Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chestain. Gothic melodrama received the "Saturn" award for the best horror movie, an actress of the 2nd plan and the work of the artist-director. Guillermo called the "crimson peak" the most beautiful work.

Guillermo Del Toro on the filming of the film

In 2016, the director again engaged in creating cartoons. The animated series "Troll hunters" on the order of the American company Netflix came out. Critics loved "hunters". On the Rotten Tomatoes website, the cartooner received 93% of the "freshness". Tragic events are associated with "troll hunters". The voice acting of the chief hero of the animated series became the last work of Anton Yelchin, who died as a result of an accident. Anton did not have time to deliver all the spells of the character. Del Toro refused to overwrite them in memory of the actor.

Frame from cartoon Guillermo del Toro

In the same year, the network has information that Gamedizaner Hideo Codisim convinced Guillermo to leave him over the creation of the Death Stranding video game. Initially, the director thought that the fate herself would beat him from this sphere, because already two games that tried to create del Toro were canceled. But in the end, the man still accepted the invitation of Codzima.

Personal life

In 1986, a tall and static (height of 183 cm, the weight of 91 kg) the director married Lorentz Newton, with which he met during the time of student. Del Toro has two children - Mariana and Marisa.

The widespread belief that American film actor Benicio del Toro and Guillermo - relatives, mistakenly. Benisio - Puertorikan, and Guillermo - Mexican, and they can not be brothers. The photo shows that the actor and director of family similarities do not have.

Guillermo del Toro and Benicio Del Toro

An interesting fact from the biography of the director: In 1998, Father del Toro kidnapped in Mexico. Guillermo with a brother paid a ransom to free his father. James Cameron himself helped the brothers to organize the redemption by the brothers, who had experience of such negotiations.

In March 2018, the director gave an interview, during which he said that in the winter of 2017 he broke up with his wife. The marriage process ended in September of the same year. The reasons for the rupture with his wife Guillermo preferred not to spread.

Guillermo del Toro with his wife and children

Journalists suspected that in the family Del Toro is not everything smoothly when the director came to the Oscar ceremony not with his wife, but with the screenwriter the picture "Water form" Kim Morgan. In the gratitude speech, Guillermo mentioned the same Kim and children and did not say a word about the spouse.

However, a man immediately pressed attempts to journalists to attribute him to him with Morgan. The director said that only friendly and working relationships are associated with his colleague.

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Hilermo del Toro has officially verified "instagram", where thousands of folloviers are signed on the idol. However, the director does not deal with this social network. The first and only post was laid out on December 4, 2015. But the "Twitter" in the director is popular. There, a millionth audience follows the guillermo records.

Del Toro is known for its love of collecting. So, earlier in the Domissor, several rooms were stirred by memory of all beings, once created by the author. And then the man bought another living space, which now represents something between the museum, the library and the working office.

Drawings Guillermo del Toro

In May 2018, it became known that the Toy company NECA created a figurine of Guillermo del Toro, about whose exit reported immediately. The toy will come out limited edition - 2000 copies. And to purchase a "miniature director" will be only on Comic-Con in San Diego. The cost of the figure will be $ 40.

Guillermo del Toro now

In August 2017, the premiere of the "water form" tape took place at the Venetian Film Festival. As a result, the director went from the event with the main prize. In Russia, the picture was shown in January 2018.

Frame film

The film was highly appreciated by critics. The love story of a mute woman and amphibian man, over which experienced in the laboratory was nominated for prestigious premiums. As a result, the film has received many awards, including the Golden Globe, Oscar, BAFTA.

Salley Hawkins, Michael Shannon, Richard Jenkins, Dag Jones and others.

As one of the producers, Guillermo performed in the second part of the Pacific Rise.

Guillermo Del Toro on the filming of the film

In 2019, the television series "Carnival Row" will be released, in which Del Toro is reopened by producer. The project has been developed since 2006. Then Guillermo himself was going to do it. But then the series took Amazon. In the image of key characters, Orlando Bloom and Kara Mal Devevin will appear.

This is a fantasy multi-seater film. The plot is built around the detective Rajkhrofte, a vampire tracking, which a man suspects the murder of his female Fairy. The role of detective got Bloom.

Melievin will try on the image of Vinett Stonemos - Refugees from the Magic Country Fay, which will face secrets in a new place that do not give her rest.

Movie Guillermo Del Toro

The director does not leave the hope of creating a cartoon "Pinocchio". Production snag stood in financing. Guillermo is trying to remove the cartoon picture for 10 years. After the enthusiastic reviews about the "Water Shape" del Toro hopes that sponsors will still appear.

From August 29 to September 8, 2018, the 75th Ceremony of the Venetian Film Festival will be held. Guillermo del Toro will head the jury.

Guillermo del Toro in 2018

In the spring came the news that for the Netflix portal, the director will develop horror horror horror "10 hours after midnight". Details of the project do not yet apply.

In addition, it is working on the continuation of the "troll hunters". At the end of 2018, the series "Troy below" will be released, the action of which will unfold in the same universe. And in 2019, the audience will see the third part of the project called "sorcerers".


  • 1985 - Donalupe
  • 1986-1989 - Horamarcada.
  • 1987 - "Geometry"
  • 1993 - "Chronos"
  • 1997 - "Mutants"
  • 2001 - "Devil Range"
  • 2002 - "Blade 2"
  • 2004 - "Hellboy"
  • 2006 - "Favna Labyrinth"
  • 2008 - "Hellboy 2: Golden Army"
  • 2013 - "Pacific Light"
  • 2014-2017 - "strain"
  • 2015 - "Brief Peak"
  • 2016-2017 - "Troll Hunters"
  • 2017 - "Water Shape"
  • 2018 - "Three below"
  • 2019 - "sorcerers"

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