Steve Martin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedian 2021



Steve Martin is the famous American stand, actor, producer, musician, writer and director. Popularity brought to him a humorous genre, which the artist took possession of perfection. Over time, the star of Hollywood revised his attitude to the humor. According to Martin, he began to carefully choose the topics for jokes, avoiding the plots of people who fell into difficult life circumstances.

Childhood and youth

Stephen Glenn (Steve) Martin was born on August 14, 1945 in the provincial town of Waco in the south of the United States (Texas), but his childhood passed in Southern California. The boy grew and brought up in a religious family, his parents professed Baptism, so Glenn Vernon Martin and Mary Whether every Sunday held weekly worships, and also participated in meetings, which prayed and discussed the Bible.

Steve's father was not far from creativity, for example, during World War II in the United Kingdom, he played in the production of "our city" with Raymond Massei. However, his further career on theatrical field failed. The actor recalled that Martin-Sr. was harsh, unimthized, extremely proud and critical to his son. And although he gave off his gifts, the relationship of Glenn and Steve was not charged: as a teenager, the son disliked his father.

Since Martin's family did not live in luxury, young Steve had to make money. The young man worked in the Entertainment Park of Disneyland, where she served tennis balls, and also fun passersby focus and playing on a string-pinbow tool Banjo. In addition, he worked as a loader and a postman - in front of class at school, the morning newspapers were spread.

After the end of the general educational institution, Steve entered the University of California, where he studied philosophy. Perhaps, in the future, Martin would have chosen the works of Descartes or told students about the general principles of John Locke's worldview, but this did not happen: the relationship with the special form of knowledge of the world from Martin was not charged.

About the acting future Stephen thought chance. The idea that he will be a successful comedian, struck Martin as if the thunder is a clear sky. Therefore, the young man began to implement the artistic talent, speaking as a standper before a living audience on the scenes of clubs and pubs. By the way, another famous American actor Michael Kyton began his creative biography. Later Steve admitted that the inspiration in the works of Charlie Chaplin, Jack Benny, Steve Allen, etc.

In the 1960s, Martin began to get involved in a cinema - wrote scenarios, and also composed various dialogues and jokes for comedy shows. And the gifted guy was noticed by teleproductors who invited him to the position of a screenwriter in the humorous television program "Comedy Hour with Sonny and Cher".

Personal life

In America, Martina reputation is a serious interlocutor: some of his colleagues have repeatedly said that the actor is a secretive person who does not like to communicate with people. But some journalists dispelled this stereotype, because at press conferences Stephen behaves openly, pleased with the media representatives by sparkling jokes and the game on Banjo.

From the personal life of Martin, it is known that he adores collecting the works of famous artists. In his arsenal, there are works of Picasso, Maxfield Parrish, Lucien Freud, etc. Although the actor disassembles the paintings and is a curator of exhibitions, he fell into a fishing fraudsters, becoming a victim of the falsification of the century. In the summer of 2004, the comedian acquired the canvas Henry Campendonka "Landscape with a horse" for $ 850 thousand. However, trying to sell a picture at auction, Martin found that this work Campandonka was a fake.

As for the actor's love connections, they are no secret to anyone. The first Museum of Stephen was the American actress Bernettet Peters, the relationship with which was launched before the early 1980s. Then the romance was followed with Victoria Tennant: in the fall of 1986 they got married. The Russian Prima Ballerina Irina Baranova became the mother-in-law Steve Martin. However, after eight years of co-stayed, the spouses divorced.

In the summer of 2007, Martin made a proposal of the hand and hearts by a journalist (the former weekly employee of The New Yorker) Anne Stringfield. The lovers were married in the mansion of Steve in Los Angeles, and the Komika Schafer made a television producer Lorn Michaels.

Invited guests of Martin and his newly made wife (among whom were Tom Hanks and Dian Kiton) to the latter thought that they were sent to the home party. In the winter of 2012, Anna presented his wife's daughter. Thus, at the age of 67, the comedian first became the Father.

It is noteworthy that Steve Many comedy genre lovers are confused with another "gray-haired humorist" Leslie Nielsen. Star films "Naked pistol" and "Police squad!" No less successfully implemented itself in the comedy genre.

In his youth, Steve was fond of sports and even one time consisted of a group of chirdoming. It helped the actor to continue to save the form. Now, with growth, 182 cm its weight reaches 90 kg.


The debut work of Steve Martin in front of the directorial chambers was the humorous short film "Dispersed Waiter" (1977), in which the actor forced the viewers to shudder from laughter. The plot of an independent film tells about the employee of the catering, which in the blink of an eye spoiled the evening by the guests of an expensive restaurant: an inattentive young man in a butterfly managed not only to confuse orders, but he almost raurated visitors, setting up a real pogrom in the institution. The comedy was nominated for the Oscar premium in the relevant category.

But in the film Karl Rainer "Poddok" (1979), the comic got the first major role. The plot of ironic and a bit of an absurd picture revolves around Naivina Johnson, who knows that he is a foster child. Therefore, the main character decides to remove the guardianship of their dark-skinned parents and is started in free swimming. Thus, a kind, but a silly rustic guy finds himself in a megalopolis, and, as you know, in a big city life beats the key.

In 1981, Steve tried himself in a non-comedy amplua - appeared in the Music drama Herbert Ross "Groshi from the sky." Why, on such a complex role, the director called the main merchant of America, it was incomprehensible to some kinomans. However, the actor surprised the TV viewers and brilliantly coped with his task, playing serious Shaten Arthur Parker, who hunts the father's money in his beloved.

"I was filmed without doubles, so I just moved my legs and behaved in stupid, than, in fact, I am doing a lifetime," said Martin about the role in "pennings from the sky."

A year later, Steve participated in the filming of the criminal comedy "dead plaids are not worn." The monochrome picture tells about a private detective Rigby Rygho, which is started in all the grave, investigating the confusing cause of murder. The film can be considered a clean parody of a narrow film of the 40-50s: actors and creators of the film managed to dilute the pessimistic and cynical atmosphere of a black and white thriller notes of humor, self-irony and sarcasm.

In 1983, the actor again collaborated with director Karl Rainer. This time, the TV viewers presented the comedy picture "Brains of Wheel". Martin reincarnated in an insane scientist and part-time ingenious surgeon - Professor Michael Tuhzhrukhurra, who came up with a new method of operation - "Skull with an unscrewing lid." However, the meeting with the fatal temptation of Dolores (Kathleen Turner) is radically changing his life.

Next, the comedian starred in Kinolent Arthur Hiller "Lonely Guy". Although this film is a comedy, his plot began far from funny notes: the protagonist Larry found his beloved Daniel in the arms of the lover. Steve managed to be born into the role and exceeds the despair of a deceived lonely man.

In 1986, Standaper was lucky enough to participate in the filming of the chilling blood of the comedy of the absurd "horror shop", the remake of the film of the 1960s film, where the played Jack Nicholson.

In the Kinineomedy "Three Amigo", created in the genre of Western, Steve fell into the acting ensemble, together with his colleagues Chevi Chase and Martin Short. He also performed the producer of this project.

The actor remembered to the film and Frank Oza's film "Ozatey Frameters" (1988), who tells about the great Machinators Freddie Bensone (Steve Martin) and Lawrence Jameson (Michael Kane), who are deceiving naive ladies and the Lords are not worse than the famous Ostap Bender from the novel Ilya Ilf and Eugene Petrov "12 chairs".

In the 90s, the artist filmography was replenished with bright work in the comedy "Mistress of the House", in which his partner became Goldi Houn, a "cool guy", where Steve played a pair with another popular Hollywood comedian Ademi Murphy. Later in the actor repertoire appeared a romantic comedy "House upside down", the drama "saleswoman". In 2008, he took part in the filming of the series "Studio-30".

The remarkable roles of the celebrity can be listed for a long time, because in its air service dozens of work, among which the actor basically appeared as the main character. But it is impossible not to say about the criminal franchise "Pink Panther", because there he reincarnated in the chief inspector of the French Police of Jacques Clouzo.

It is not surprising that this is an amplua director Sean Levi gave Martin, because Jacques is absolutely not a competent and scattered detective who is used to fall into funny situations. However, by rumors, Kevin Spassi, Mike Myers and Chris Tucker could play the main character. In the "Pink Panther", interpreted on a new way, Kevin Klein, Jean Reno, Emily Mortimer, Jason Steate, Beyonce Noolez and others.

In 2016, Steve Martin, together with Kristen Stewart, Joe Alvin, Chris Tucker and Wine Diesel played in the military drama "Long path of Billy Linna in the break of a football match."

It is noteworthy that this is the second film in Martin's career, the plot of which is associated with Thanksgiving (before that, in 1987, he played in the picture "by plane, train, car").

Steve Martin was fond of music from an early age, but professionally develop his career in this direction began only in the early 2000s. There are several albums on the artist's account, which he recorded with his Country Group Steve Martin and The Steep Canyon Rangers. He achieved significant success on this field, and for 2 albums ("insane guy" and "Let's do a little") awarded the prestigious American award "Grammy".

On the early plates on which the singer and composer basically recorded comedy numbers, he also posted playing games on Banjo. These are such discs as "comedy is not Mila!", "Brothers Steve Martin".

In 2017, the actor released the next album The Long-awaited album, which entered 14 songs. Producer performed Peter Asher. Earlier, the artist presented to fans with solo work SO Familiar, to which Edi Brikell was invited to create.

The lion on the sign of the zodiac, the comedian in all creative endeavors tried to occupy a leadership position. One of the spheres of its activities is prose. Steve spoke by the author of dozens of books. He wrote not only the plays and scenarios, which then went out separate publications. Together with Noa Goldstein, the actor released the study "Psychology of belief. 50 proved ways to be convincing. "

In 2018, he took part in a large comedy concert "Steve Martin and Martin Short: The evening, which you forget for the rest of my life," in addition to humorous scenes, sounded music performed by the group of The Steep Canyon Rangers Jazz Pianist Jeff Babko.

Steve Martin now

In 2020, Steve Martin began work on a new project for the Hulu Stregnation Service. Directed by the series, where the colleague and friend of the artist Martin Short is also shot, March Cauffman and Howard J. Morris, who previously worked on the show for Netflix "Grace and Frankie".


  • 1977 - "Dispersed Waiter"
  • 1978 - "Club of Lonely Hearts Sergeant Pepper"
  • 1979 - "Strook"
  • 1981 - "Groshi from the sky"
  • 1982 - "Dead rolls are not worn"
  • 1983 - "Brains of Wheel"
  • 1984 - "Lonely Guy"
  • 1986 - "Horror Shop"
  • 1988 - "Outways Scammers"
  • 1991 - "The Father of the Bride"
  • 1994 - "Christmas Psychov"
  • 1996 - "Sergeant Bilko"
  • 2003 - "Wholesale cheaper"
  • 2006 - "Pink Panther"
  • 2008 - "Oh, moms"
  • 2009 - "Simple difficulties"
  • 2009 - "Pink Panther 2"
  • 2011 - "Big Year"
  • 2016 - "Long Way of Billy Lynn at the break of a football match"

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