John McCain - biography, photo, personal life, news, brain cancer, cause of death



American politician, member of the Republican Party, John McCain (also known as Senator McCain) was a prominent figure on the world stage. This man was famous for a tough position in relation to Russia, as well as an irreconcilable attitude towards abortion and torture in America prisons.

Childhood and youth

The biography of John McCain is a story about the tests, war and the incredible strength of the Spirit. John Sydney McCain (such a full name policy) was born on August 29, 1936. Father and Grandfather McCain were military, both were awarded the title of admiral of the US naval forces. Grandfather McCain participated in hostilities in the Pacific, father served as an officer-submariner.

It is not surprising that the fate of the boy was predetermined: John enters the US Navy Academy, which is in Annapolis. McKain studied without interest. The future policy was occupied by objects dedicated to literature, history and public administration. The rest of John's successes were mediocre. In addition, the young cadet often walked contrary to the will of the authorities and did not particularly honor the internal charter of the Academy, for which he repeatedly received a reprimand.

John McCain in childhood

In 1958, McCain ends with an educational institution, showing hardly no worst result among his release. The future senator continues his studies in flight school. Two years later, John becomes a pilot of the attack aircraft and remains to serve in the sea aviation. His firmly secured the fame of Likhach - McCain, everything also neglected the rules, driving the aircraft. Perhaps it served as one of the reasons for the tests with which John had to face later.

John McCain in youth

In the spring of 1967 McCain is sent to serve in Vietnam. On his account there are more than 20 combat operations. On October 26 of the same year, luck turned away from the young pilot: his plane was shot down by Vietnamese military, and McCain was captured. The wounded McCain is tortured by seeing confession of guilt, he is beaten. Numerous interrogations and torture strongly undermined McCain's health: due to the resulting fractures, it still does not fully own his hands.

John McCain in Vietnam

We must pay tribute to the exposure and strength of the Spirit of the Young Military: When at the next interrogation of John under torture, they were forced to call the names of their colleagues, he listed the names of the American football team Green Bay Peterz in a mockery of the Vietnamese authorities.

In 1968, the Vietnamese authorities became known that they had a son of a high-ranking military. John was offered to free, but the future senator stated that he would go to it only if the liberation would be given to the rest of the soldiers who were captured before him. Five and a half years life continued in captivity. McCain was released in 1973.


Returning to the Motherland and recovered after the trials suffered, John begins to be interested in politics. In 1982, McCain represents Arizona on behalf of the Republican Party. Two years later, John is re-elected to Congress. As before, McCain is faithful and is not afraid to go against the established rules: politician criticizes the party line hard and often turns out to be right.

John McCain in youth

In 1986, John McCain becomes a senator, gaining 60% of the votes from Arizona. Until 2004, every 6 years, it is re-elected to this post. In 2008, the Republican Party puts forward McCain as a candidate for presidency. However, McCain loses the election, and the head of the United States becomes Barack Obama.

Senator John McCain

A scandal is connected with this election campaign: information appeared in the press that John McCain headquarters appealed to representatives of the Russian Federation for the UN as a request to provide material support to McCain's election campaign. The Russian side responded to this with the following press release:

"We received a letter from John McCain Senator with a request to make a financial contribution to his presidential campaign. In this regard, we would like to repeat that neither Russian officials nor the constant representation of the Russian Federation for the UN, nor the Russian government finance political activities in foreign countries. "

It turned out that an error occurred in an automatic program responsible for the newsletter, and the letter was not sent to the address, "McCain representatives explained the incident.

McCain was known as the rigid critic of the leadership of the Russian Federation, the author of many ulcer comments about Russia, a fierce supporter of the European integration of Georgia, Ukraine and other former republics of the USSR. In addition, the politician did not hesitate to criticize the actions of Barack Obama and other US officials.

John McCain in 2017

McCain appeared on the screen in Putin's film ("Interview with Putin") together with Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Zhirinovsky and other major political figures.

John McCain and Angela Merkel

Personal life

McCain's personal life has developed quite happily. A prominent handsome-military increase in 170 cm has never been unbightened by the opposite sex. The first chief policy was Carol Shepp, model. The couple got married in 1965, in this marriage John had a daughter of Sidney, as well as McCain adopted two Karol children from the first marriage.

John McCain and Carol Shepp

Family life was cloudless, however, returned from Vietnam, John filed for divorce. Heavy tests changed the character of McCain, and Carol became difficult to get out with him. Nevertheless, John took all responsibility for termination of relations, leaving every property and children all the property. Moreover, he paid the treatment and rehabilitation of Carol, which several years earlier got into a serious auto accident.

John McCain and his wife Cindy

The second marriage of McCain with Cindy Lu Hensley, who worked as a teacher registered in the 1980s. This marriage gave the Senator two sons, John and James, as well as daughter Megan McCain. McCain's children went at the footsteps of the Father and chose a military career. Also in 1991, the spouses took on the upbringing of a small sirot from Bangladesh.

John McCain with family

The girl needed treatment, and Chet McCain did everything possible to fix her health. Two years later, John and Cindy adopted the girl, giving her the name Bridget. John McCain family is constantly growing: Senator McCain has already 4 grandson. A photo of a happy grandfather often appeared in the press.


In July 2017, the world had shielded the news of John McCain's disease. An 80-year-old policy has discovered brain cancer. John McCain, according to his representatives, was not going to give up and was preparing to withstand this test. Twitter of the native and friends McCain exploded the wishes of health and excerpts, and Barack Obama even called McCain "Hero of America".

In the last weeks of life, the senator accepted the volitional decision to abandon treatment to spend the rest of his life with relatives and loved ones. On August 26, 2018, John McCain died, he spent the last watch surrounded by the family. The American press called McCain "the last lion of the Senate", whose death will be "deeply noticeable", because he "faithfully served the US 60 years."

Achievements and awards

  • "Legion Honor"
  • Bronze Star
  • Medal "Purple Heart"
  • Cross "For outstanding merit"
  • Medal of prison
  • National Defense Medal
  • Medal for the service in Vietnam
  • Medal of Vietnamese campaign
  • Order of Victory named after St. George (Georgia, 2006)
  • Order of the National Hero (Georgia, January 11, 2010)
  • The Great Officer of the Order of the Three Stars (Latvia, October 12, 2005)
  • Order of Holy Prince Vladimir I degree (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, February 3, 2015)
  • Order of Freedom (Ukraine, August 22, 2016) - for a significant personal contribution to the strengthening of the international authority of the Ukrainian state, the popularization of its historical heritage and modern achievements and on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine.

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