Oscar Schindler - biography, photo, personal life, Schindler List



Oscar Shindler is a German entrepreneur, a breeder who saved during the Second World War of 1200 Jews, the victims of the Holocaust, by transferring "suicide bombers" to Poland's own enterprises and the Czech Republic. The main hero of the book "Schindler Ark" and film "Schindler List".

Oscar Shindler

Oscar was born on April 28, 1908 in the Czech city of Zwittau, who was at that time on the territory of Austria-Hungary. Boy's parents, Hans Schindler and Francis Loser, moved to the north of the country from Vienna. In 1915, the daughter of Elfried was born in the family. In 1918, the native city of Oscar in connection with the collapse of Austria-Hungary passed under the jurisdiction of Czechoslovakia.

Oscar Schindler as a child

After graduating from school, Oscar entered the technical school in Brno. It was not possible to surrender the attestation exam, and he settled for three years to his father to the company, which was engaged in selling agricultural machinery and inventory. In the young years, the Oscar led a carefree lifestyle and was fond of motorcycle racing. Starting from 1927, after the wedding, Oscar entered the service to the Moravian electrical company MEAS, the main office of which was in Brno.

Oscar Schindler in youth

Having worked for some time in the driving school of the city, served 18 months in the rank of the corporal in the Czech army. After the service, returned to his duties in Meas. In 1931, Oscar lost its workplace due to the closure of the enterprise and was forced to go to the capital of Germany to find earnings. A year later, the young man returned back and began to engage in agriculture and banking in Jaroslav Simek Bank. Schindler also worked in real estate. Oscar managed to rebuild their own mansion in Brno and furnish the house with taste.


By the beginning of 1938, Oscar Shindler consisted of service in the Nazi intelligence "Abman", after which 6 months was imprisoned on charges of the secret Czech police. The industrialist received exemption after the region's entry into Germany, which was held after the signing of the Munich Treaty with Hitler.

Oscar Schindler and SS officers

Oscar Shindler immediately entered the ranks of the National Socialist German Workers Party and, by the beginning of World War II, was listed by the owner of the plant for the manufacture of enameled dishes in Krakow, which was converted to a plant for the production of weapons.

Oscar Schindler at the factory

Initially, the entire seven Jews worked at the production of Oscar, but since they were the cheapest workforce, Schindler tried to attract representatives of Jewish nationality as much as possible. When the Jews began to massively treat his labor camps, Oscar managed to defend his employees.

War and feat

In 1942, Oscar Schindler, realizing the whole horror of what was happening in the concentration camps, where the Jews referred to, decided to defend the oppressed people. Together with an accountant of his factory, Izhak, Stern Oscar built a scheme at which Jews spoke, sentenced to an imminent death in the plash concentration camp to replenish the personnel of his own plant.

Oscar Schindler visiting people saved by him

For three years, the industrialist managed to save 800 men, 300 women and 100 children, which cost Oscar at 2.6 million Reichsmarock. In 1943, Schindler managed to save his employees from the shooting, which they threatened after visiting the Factory of Reichsführera SS Himmler. Saving people from burning in the furnaces Auschwitz, Oscar Schindler decided in December 1944 for a dangerous operation on the removal of Jews to the safe territory of his own factory in Brenolen.

After the war

Soviet troops entered the city of Brenolen in May 1945, while Schindler Oscar was no longer there. As Nazi, he had to hide along with his wife from the winners of Germany. Under the guise of fluent Jews, the industrialist managed to be unhindered to the neutral American territory.

Oscar Schindler after the war

Soon Schindler, together with his wife, was in Switzerland, where the Jewish Joint organization was helped to survive. Only three years after the war, Oscar managed to move to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, Chet She Schindler met a Jewish community, which allocated a land plot with a house in the town of San Vista.

Oscar Schindler in Argentina

Schindler began to breed the Nutry, but failed to build a business entrepreneur. In 1958, Oscar alone returned to West Germany, taking 100 thousand marks from the family budget. On this money at home Schindler tried to start production again, but each project of the entrepreneur suffered the collapse.

Personal life

In 1927, Oscar Shindler married Emilia Pelzl, a native of the city of Malyantin. The girl was older groom for a year. Parents gave for Emily good godded - 100 thousand Czech crowns, for which young people managed to buy only a chic car. The rest of the money disappeared on the wastefulness of the Oscar. Unfortunately spouses, Oscar turned out to be so loving that everywhere managed to start the novels. From the former classmate of Orel Schlegel at Oscar born two children - the son of Oscar and the daughter of Edita.

Oscar Schindler with his wife

During the war, Emilia took an active part in the salvation of Jews, helping Schindler to establish connections in the highest echelons of the SS. After the war, Emilia became pregnant, but lost the child and remained fruitless. After parting, at the end of the 50s, Oscar hung his debts to his wife and went to Germany. Emilia had to sell property and settle in the apartment on the outskirts of the city. Until recent days, a woman worked as a saleswoman.


Recent years, Oscar lived poorly, to subsidize from Jewish society and a small pension from the state. An elderly man sheltered one doctor in his family. On October 9, 1974, at the age of 66, Shindler died in the city of Hildesheim. The cause of death was the oncological disease.

Oscar Schindler's grave

On the will of the Prahi, German was buried in Jerusalem at the foot of Zion Mount on the old Catholic cemetery. Now on Schindler's grave every day, descendants of rescued Jews in gratitude brought flowers and pebbles. Schindler became the only Nazi who honored the honor of lying on the Holy Land.

Film and books

In the early 80s, the writer from Australia Thomas Kinell wrote the book "Ark Shinler", which took the story heard from Oscar Schindler Jew Prange Pffeferberg. In 1982, the novel awarded a bucker premium, and the biography of the German entrepreneur became interested in filing figures.

Thomas Kinell

The popular Hollywood director Stephen Spielberg took the work on the art film "List of Schindler". A military drama released in 1993 to the screens received 7 Oscar premiums. The artist leadership Liam Nison was recognized by the American Film Academy the best actor. Until now, the film is considered one of the masterpieces of the filmmate.

In 2001, the Czech historian and the writer Yitka Grunov wrote the book "True about Oscare Schindler", which was based on genuine documents and photos from the case of the German industrial. The writer was found evidence, refuting the involvement of the Nazis to rescue 1200 employees. The only document confirming the salvation of several dozen Jews was compiled by Marcel Goldberg. It was revealed that only those who found a certain amount for a fee came to the list.

Yitka Gauntov

In addition, Oscar Schindler himself in a documentary film dedicated to World War II mentioned that he took the factory by order of the German government away from the front line, and not at its own discretion, to save the Jews by evacuating them into a safe place. By the decision of the historical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the German industrialist was excluded from the list of outstanding figures of the Pardubitsky Territory.

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