Eric Roberts - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Brother Julia Roberts 2021



Eric Roberts is an American actor shooting in a movie and on television, nominees for the Oscar and Golden Globe. Peak his career fell at the end of the 80s. The glory of the artist eclipsed the popularity of the younger sister - the Hollywood "Beauty" Julia Roberts. But thanks to the talent, he managed to keep the title of one of the most sought-after actors of modernity.

Childhood and youth

Eric Anthony Roberts was born on April 18, 1956 in the city of Biloxi State Mississippi. Later, when the family lived in Atlanta, two more children were born - Sisters Lisa and Julia. Walter Roberts Father worked as a director and leader of the theater studio, Betty Lu's mother was acting as an acting craft.

As a child, Eric suffered from stuttering, but during the reading of the poems, this ailment disappeared. Father decided to help her son and began to give a child a small role in his productions. At the age of 5, the boy first starred at the camera in the TV link "Little Patterns", which put Roberts-senior. The final decision on Eric's acting career took 11 years after watching the film "Goodbye, Mr. Chips".

In 1970, the parents of the future artist broke up: the mother went to another man. Eric was on the side of the Father and was very worried about the disintegration of the family. By contacting the guys older, the young man began to abuse alcohol and drugs. At the same time, he was already playing in Walter Roberts's troupe, demonstrating outstanding acting abilities. In 1972, the young man at the insistence of his father went to the best theatrical educational institution - the London Royal Academy of Drama, away from disadvantaged friends.

Study has changed a young man - Eric left the harmful habits and took care of his career. After graduating from an educational institution in England, the novice artist entered the American Theater Academy and began to perform on Broadway, his debuting in the play "burned it." Success accompanied the actor: Roberts played more than 100 roles on theatrical stage.


The creative biography of Erica Roberts in the cinema began in 1976, when he first appeared in the secondary acting staff of the NBC World of NBC, which was broadcast for 12 years. In 1977, Walter Roberts died from cancer, which became a big shock for Eric. Alcohol began to appear in his life.

In 1978, Roberts's debut was held in full meter - in Drama Frank Pearson "King Gypsy". In the movie Eric and Brooke Shields played the main characters of Dave and Titus. A year later, the artist received a nomination for the Golden Globe Prize. In 1981, he starred in the lead role of the Variaga film.

Soon, Eric again appeared on the screen as a villain in the 1983 Drama "Star-80" about the fate of the magazine model "Playboy" Dorothy Stratten. For the main role of Floor Schneider, Eric received a second nomination for the Golden Globe. A year later, the artist starred in the comedy "Papa Greenwich Village" in a pair with Mickey Rourke.

In 1985, the Roberts filmography was replenished at once with two projects - the Australian Comedy "Cocaccarrian" and the adventure drama of Andrei Konchalovsky "Train Burets". For the role of the fugitive-concluded tank, Eric received two nominations at once - on Oscar and Golden Globe as the best actor of the second plan.

In the late 80s, Roberts performed exceptionally the main roles in Hollywood films: a detective "Slow Fire", the Comedy "Sudden Awakening", Western "Red, like Blood", the militant "The best of the best", in Horror Larry Cohen "Ambulance". In the 1990s, the role of the negative hero was entrenched behind Ericik. He played criminals, thieves, psychopaths, which had a negative impact on the psyche of the actor.

In these years, the movies, treason and theft, Vendetta, "People-Shadow", "Free Fall" appeared with Roberts. Stressful work led to a breakdown, after which the actor was forced to undergo a course of rehabilitation in a drug treatment.

In the late 90s, Eric began to cooperate with TV channels and was taken for roles in the series "Saving Light", "Dark Angel", "Doctor Who". In 1996, Roberts played a drug dealer Rockka Bubba in the thriller "Captives of Heaven" with Alek Baldinin in the lead role.

In 1997, the 2-serial adventure film Andrei Konchalovsky "Odyssey" was released on TV screens, in which Roberts had the role of Eurymaha, one of the broth Penels. In the same year, he reincarnated in the positive hero of the criminal series "C-16: FBI" - Spezgen John Olanski.

Celebrity has repeatedly invited the Russian director Rodion Nakhapetov for filming in the films "Russians in the city of Angels", "Border Blues", "Infection". Every year, about 10 paintings came out with the participation of the artist. The public has gained great popularity with the television project "Anatomy of Passion", in which Roberts starred.

The actor worked in different genres: comedies, thrillers, criminal films, dramas and Westerns. The most famous paintings, where he played in the second half of the 2000s, became a "rock mistake", "Pandemic", "Pinquil". In 2015, Roberts reincarnated in Dave Parker, Drama Hero Vitaly Vasilkova "Cain Code".

In 2018, the actor starred in the Joint American-Russian draft director Andrzej batchyaka "Maximum Strike", where appeared on the screen, along with Evgeny Skyktin, Maxim Vitorgana, Alexander Nevsky and Mark Dakascos. This is not the first joint film in which Roberts played. In 2007, he already worked on the militant "Prophet. The mission of the fifth angel "together with Michael Madsen and Nikas Safronov.

At the same time, the actor tried himself in the new role. He became a member of the Extreme Show "Celebrity Island" with Bear Grill. Together with other sports and show-business stars, Roberts was planted on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean with a limited margin of water and a set of tools.

In addition, the actor appeared in the clip Enrique Iglesias on the EL Baño song. In the video, the character of Erica Roberts helps the chief hero to get acquainted with the girl.

Personal life

In his youth, the personal life of the artist did not develop. In the late 70s, Eric began to meet Sandy Dennis, who at that time was almost 2 times older than him. Then the young man switched to the actress Elene Barkin.

In 1981, Roberts got into a serious automotive accident. The cranial and brain injury, which Eric received, could make it disabled, and strong damage to the face put a cross on his career. Doctors put a disappointing diagnosis - partial or complete paralysis of the body. But thanks to the power of Will, as well as the efforts of doctors who spent several operations, the actor gained old mobility and completely got rid of the scars on the face.

In the mid-80s, Erik met Kelly Kanningham, who in 1991 gave him daughter Emma Roberts. But by this time, the feelings of the actor to Kelly were already cooled. In 1992, he made an offer to Elise Gerrett. In 1996, Roberts's wife became his manager. The star of the star also starred with him in several films.

Throughout the creative life, Eric had a difficult relationship with her sister. At one time he even called Julia Roberts in an interview with his most important problem. " Indeed, after the release of Romom "Pretty Woman", the artist woke up by the famous, and Eric turned into the "Brother of the Hollywood Star". Over time, their relationship has begun, and Roberts's professional jealousy to the relative of Roberts called "invention of journalists."

The American has repeatedly visited Russia. In 2002, he arrived at the KinoTavr Film Festival as an honorary guest in Sochi. After 17 years, a foreigner re-visited the Krasnodar region. He gladly accepted an invitation from the organizers of the S-70 S-70 platform "platform".

Roberts himself seriously fond of martial arts and is the owner of a black belt on Taekwondo. Thanks to the training of martial arts, it supports health and maintains a magnificent physical form - with a height of 178 cm, weight is 71 kg.

On the eve of 2021, the artist became a happy grandfather - daughter presented his grandson. The boy who gave the name Rhodes Robert Hedlund, was born on December 27th. Photo with the son of Emma Roberts posted on the page in "Instagram".

Eric Roberts now

In 2020, the Star Artist continued to cooperate with Alexander Nevsky. This time the actor passed the casting in the fighter "Red Prophecies". In addition to Erica Roberts, his colleague Michael Madsen was invited to the project.

Now the artist replenishes its filmography not only by American-made projects. In 2020, he took part in the creation of the Russian documentary film "Victory. One on all "channel" Russia-culture ". Military letters of the soldiers of the Allied countries were announced in the picture. In addition to Roberts, Pierre Richard, Malcolm McDowell and Russian actor Sergey Nikonenko starred in Kinolent.


  • 1977 - "The World of Other"
  • 1978 - "Gypsy Baron"
  • 1981 - "Tramp"
  • 1983 - "Star-80"
  • 1985 - Coc Coccolter
  • 1985 - "Train-fugitive"
  • 1990 - "Ambulance"
  • 1995 - "The Nature of the Beast"
  • 1997 - "Prison Oz"
  • 1999 - "Purgatory"
  • 2002 - "Supreme pilot"
  • 2006 - "Aurora"
  • 2007 - "Pandemic"
  • 2009 - "Collision"
  • 2015 - Cain Code
  • 2015 - "not weak floor"
  • 2015 - Rokland
  • 2016 - "Presumption of Guilt"
  • 2017 - "Institute Rosewood"
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2018 - "Premonition"
  • 2019 - "Night work"

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