Frederick Begbeder - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Frederick Begbeder is a French author of several world bestsellers, as well as a screenwriter, editor and even actor. And, as often happens with talented people, the biography of Frederick Begmedra is far from cloudless. This charismatic bully learned and the sweetness of glory, and bitterness of failures and failures.

Frederick Begbeder in 2017

A future writer was born on September 21, 1965 in the French city of Neu-sur-Sein, which is located near the capital. Frederick's mother, nee de tent, was interested in languages ​​and literature, and also professionally translated love novels into French. Father Frederick, Jean-Michel Begbeder, was far from creativity. He worked as a recruiter.

Frederick Begbeder in youth

School Begbeder did not like: he was a quiet and compacted boy and constantly worried if he was compared with someone. Perhaps such a painful self-esteem became the consequence of the fact that the elder brother of Begmedra was considered a pet in the family. Non-commodine long-distance Frederick felt not in his plate next to his handsome brother. After graduating from school, Begbeder went to study in the capital. There, the young man received a diploma of the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and also graduated from the Higher School of Information and Communication, becoming a graduate specialist in the field of marketing and advertising.

At that time, this direction was one of the most sought-after, and marketing professionals were just beginning to appear. Therefore, Begbeder easily found work in the Advertising Agency Young and Rubicam. Initially, the future writer was engaged only by copywriting, but soon a talented advertiser began to invite as a literary criticism in Elle and Paris Match magazines, and a little later on the radio "Mask and Feather". At what specifically, the idea of ​​writing a book was born in the head of the Bebler's head, it's hard to say, but this moment has turned the life of a young man significantly.


The first publication Frederick Begmedra appeared in 2000. The novel "99 francs" is the evil and witty satire on the world of advertising, its intrigue and underwater flows. The scandalous success of the work brought Begmedra and Fame, and dismissal: Young and Rubicam did not less scandally refused to Frederick's services.

Writer Frederick Begbeder

Frederick continued his literary career already in free swimming, in parallel began to work on television. On the Paris Premiere channel, the author's program of the writer called "Books and I" began to be published, and Frederick was invited as a guest and leading to other popular projects. Interestingly, the work of "99 francs" first began to be sold in the native country of Bebleder at such a price. In the UK, the novel cost 9.99 pounds, and in Japan 99 yen. A couple of years later, in connection with the transition to the euro, the book was reprinted under the name "14.99 euros".

Books Frederick Bebleder

The novel "Love lives three years," published in 1997, also became popular. This is a story about a young writer who is confident that the feelings of a woman and men cannot last longer than three years, did not leave no women or men indifferent. Disputes about what time love is meant, do not subside until now. Romance believes that true love is eternal, the skeptics believe that three years - too optimistic forecast, scientists are trying to substantiate this theory from the point of view of hormones, and literary lovers are simply reading the books of Frederick Begmedra, enjoying each line. Be that as it may, the writer managed to captivate people with their works.

Frederick Begder and his book

In addition to writing novels, Begbeder tries himself as a literary editor. The first book, edited by the writer, is "insurmountable arousal" Lola Lafon. Books Frederick Begmedra are original and provocative. Perhaps this fact attracts the attention of new and new people to the work of the scandalous writer. The most vivid (in addition to the "99 francs" and "Love lives three years") the novels "Romantic Egoist" and "ideal", as well as the "memories of the uninstalled young man," in many respects autobiographic.

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Not satisfied with numerous award-winning for written novels, Frederick Begder is based on his own award in the field of literature entitled "Flora Prize". This award is designed to encourage young and talented French authors. "Flora Prizes" have already been awarded Natalie Notomb, Pierre Mero, Orelin Bellands, Michelle Welbek and other beginner writers.


The success of the novels was so stunning that the films on the works of Frederick Begmedra also appeared. In 2007, the screening of the book "99 francs" appears. The director of the film Roman became Jan Kunen. Bebeder himself not only clisally followed the process of filming, but even appeared in the frame in three episodes. Like a book, the film has caused a storm of delight, and a storm of indignation. Either the audience, no film critics remained indifferent.

Frame from the film on the book Frederick Begbeder

A few years later, in 2012, the story "Love lives three years." This time, Begdeder independently made a director of the picture, once again proveing ​​to the whole world that a talented man was talented in any activity. The main roles in the film went to Gaspara Protence and Louise Burguan. Perhaps the choice of actors turned out to be perfect: the couple coped perfectly with his task, perfectly conveying the feelings and emotions of the heroes of the book.

Frame from the film on the book Frederick Begbeder

Begbeder tried forces and as an actor in a little-known picture of the "daughter of the bootman." This is a pornographic tape in which Frederick played the role of an observer. According to his own recognition of Begmedra, his film disappointed:

"This is really a pornographic film where everyone makes love - besides me. I agreed, expecting that all the same, something good would happen to my hero, but nothing happened, everything went through the scenario. It was a big disappointment. "

Personal life

Personal life Frederick Begmedra is carefully guarded by a writer from prying eyes, however, some information still leaked into the press. It is known that the writer was married to a girl named Diana de Mak Magon. The spouses divorced in 1996, in this marriage Frederica was born Chloe's daughter.

Frederick Begbeder and his wife Lara Michelle

There is practically nothing about the further novels of Begder's further novels, however, the last Passia of the writer, the model of Lara Michel, caused a wave of reassigns. The fact is that at the time of the marriage of marriage, beauty was only 23 years old, and Begbeder - 48. Such a difference at the age of the writer commented as follows:

"I am a vampire, I think that you will live longer if I live with young girls," said Frederick Begder in one of the interviews. "To be honest, I find the people of my generation with rather sinister creatures."

Frederick Begbeder now

Currently, the writer is busy not only by literary creativity. Begbeder tries himself as a DJ, and unsuccessfully, and even tours the world with his music.


  • Memories of the uninstalled young man (1990)
  • Vacation in Coma (1994)
  • Love lives three years (1997)
  • Story under Ecstasy (1999)
  • 99 francs (2000)
  • Windows into the world (2002)
  • Romantic Egoist (2005)
  • Ideal (2007)
  • French Roman (2009)

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