Gillian Flynn - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Gillian Flynn is a famous American writer and a screenwriter working in a psychological thriller genre. Known on novels who have become cult: "disappeared", "sharp objects", "dark secrets" and "someone adult".

Gillian Flynn in 2017

Gillian Flynn (Gillian) was born on February 24, 1971 in the city, located on the western border of Missouri, - Kansas City. The future writer grew and brought up in an intelligent and creative family, her parents worked in college: Judith Ann's mother read lectures on literature, and Father - Professor Edwin Matthew Flynn - taught cinematic art. Also, Gillian has a Trevis brother, who in the future became a driver on the railway.

Gillian Flynn in youth

According to rumors, in childhood, Flynn was a very shy child and introvert: communication with people girl preferred browsing comic books, reading books and sometimes tried to write. When Gillian became older, they looked through the horrorists with the Father, from classic chorrors about bloodthirsty zombies to plentyful slashers, where fictional maniacs, such as Freddie Kruger or Jason Vurhiz.

Gillian Flynn.

It is known that the future writer visited the Catholic school Bishop Miege High School until 1989. During his studies, the girl worked as a promoter: she slewed into a giant yogurt costume in a tuxedo, walked through the streets and attracted potential buyers. At the end of the general educational institution, Gillian became a student of the local Kansat University, where he received a bachelor's degree in English and journalism.

After the university, the girl worked in a specialty in the local journal, and then moved to the largest city of America - Chicago, where he received a master's degree in journalistic skill.

Gillian Flynn in the home atmosphere

Flynn always dreamed of working as a police reporter - to be at dangerous points, writing shocking notes about crimes and investigate the entangled business knot. However, soon Gillian realized that he was not suitable for this profession, so she moved to New York, where he began his career in the journal "Dr." Wickley ", which overlooks the objects of mass culture: cinema, television, TV shows, books, etc. In Ew, Gillian worked for 10 years, the columns could be seen on the pages of the magazine, where Flynn performed as a television criticism.


It is not surprising that the first book Flynn "Acute Items", published in 2006, in the blink of an eye became a world bestseller. It is noteworthy that Gillian's debut work, Stephen King himself, who is often called the king of horrors, and the writer won two prestigious nominations of the Christian Writers Association (2007).

Roman Gillian Flynn.

The central characters of the "acute items" are a journalist trying to make a sensation, and a ruthless maniac who kills little girls. The scene of the novel is a quiet provincial town, whose residents keep sinister mystery. It would seem that the writer tells about the most beaten topic, which is discussed in the literature and cinematography of the centuries, but Gillian managed to present the plot tasty and original. Therefore, lovers of criminal stories plunge into this novel with his head, trying together with the main character to reveal all the cards of the serial killer.

Writer Gillian Flynn.

"Dark secrets" (2009) - the second novel in the creative biography of the American writer, filled with depression, Suspantly, despair, cruelty and fear. The main heroine of the book of Libby Day in childhood survived the terrible tragedy: at night, her mother and two sisters ruthlessly killed, and accusations fell on the elder brother Ban Dai, which occupied the occult. However, the police could not fully prove the guy's guilt, and many years later, Libby decided to resume investigation. Gillian was so naturally handed over the injection atmosphere and scrupulously described the scenes of the murders, that some readers looked blood and flew goosebumps.

In 2015, the housing Paku Brenner suffered the book "Dark Secrets" on television screens, having removed the eponymous film, the role in which Charlize Theron, Nicholas Holt, Christina Hendrix, Chloe Grace Market and other actors. It is worth saying that the adaptation of the French director liked far from all movie lovers, who were familiar with the psychological novel Gillian to the premiere of the picture. Some critics believed that the pretty actress Charlize was not associated with the main heroine of Libby Day, which is lazy, a non-zeanist, offended by life and lives on the reservoirs of acquaintances. Also, according to some critics, the creator of the thriller failed to convey the atmosphere of horror and missed many details.

Roman Gillian Flynn.

In 2012, the third bestseller Gillian "disappeared", which brought Flynn many remarkable awards. The plot of the novel rotates around the girl missing in the strange circumstances, the husband of which, because of the diaries found, became the main suspect in this confusing business. In 2014, according to the book of Gillian, Director David Fincher removed the disappearing Thriller "Disappeared" with Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike in high roles.

Books Gillian Flynn.

By the way, the writer admitted that, working on the novel, she mentally missed all the invented scenes through the FINTER lens. Therefore, when Master announced his readiness to do this picture, Flynn could not come to himself for a long time:

"When David appeared" aboard ", I wanted to hit myself in my face - I could not believe that I was so lucky!" - admitted the writer in one of the interviews.

In 2015, Gillian pleased the fans of the book "Someone adult" and thus won the literary Award of Edgar Allan By. This story tells about the "clairvoyant", which, using the naiveness of people, makes a living. And, of course, the main character could not miss the opportunity to rip the big kush after the history of Susan Berk, who claims that he lives in an old house with a terrible neighbor - the sinister spirit.

Personal life

Although the writer talent Gillian is inclined to terrible and psychological stories, in life she is a very smiling and radiant person. At least she appears in an interview with journalists.

Gillian Flinn with her husband

It is known that Flynn is married to the succeeding lawyer Brett Nolann. Future husband and wife met in graduate school of the North-West University. The writer admitted that the spouse is its source of inspiration: Brett is the first reader of Gillian, who knows the plots of novels before the official exit of works in the light. In 2010, the Son was born with the beloved, and in 2014 the daughter of Veronica appeared.

Gillian Flynn now

In 2017, the director Jean-Mark Valle will present to the court of viewers of the TV series on the name of the novel Gillian Flynn "Acute Items". Amy Adams, Jackson Hearst, Katrina Karlen, Reagan Pasternak and other actors will participate in the filming.


  • "Acute Items" (2006);
  • "Dark secrets" (2009);
  • "Disappeared" (2012);
  • "The Grownup" (2014);
  • "Someone adult" (2015);
  • "What should I do?" (2015).

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