Martin Landau - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Filmography of the famous Hollywood film actor, owner of the prestigious Oscar Prize and three figurines "Golden Globe" Martin Landau has 225 works. He acquired world popularity after accessing the large screens of Cleopatra films, "Access code" and television series "Mission Impossible" (1966-1969) and "Space: 1999" (1975-1977).

Childhood and youth

The famous reincarnation master was born on June 20, 1928 in the most populous area of ​​New York - Brooklyn. The artist's family had nothing to do with the film industry. Nature has not awarded the parents of the actor creative vein and the image of thought. They were people embodying the image of pragmatists. Father Morris Landau is a financier who hoped that the Son would go to his footsteps. Selma's mother was engaged in trading and felt like fish in the water in the securities market.

Actor Martin Landau.

The head of the family, initially planned to convey its fundamental knowledge about the device of the economic world, hotly beloved came, did not understand where the sibling of the thrust for a hypocrisy. From the young Youth, Martin struck the inhabitants of the house with his game in school productions. After receiving the certificate of middle education, the inspired guy thought that the doors of major firms would open in front of him, and the proposals for work would be in excess.

Martin Landau in his youth

The harsh truth of life introduced the necessary adjustments to Landau dreams and returned it to reality. Companies refused to take an inexperienced UNCA to the staff. Use the name of Father Martin to get a cherished position. After a couple of months, Landau's walnings managed to knock out the place of the artist-cartoonist in the newspaper "New York Daily News". True, Martin had to hide his real age to get this work.

Martin Landau in youth

Egoing the amount of money necessary for admission to the institute, Landau filed documents to one of the leading educational institutions in the field of art, design and architecture of the United States - Private College of Pratt. Despite the fact that Martin managed to combine work with training, he did not accept satisfaction from what was happening in his life. In his free time, which was a little, the future actor revised movies with Charlie Chaplin. Genius Pantomimima inspired a guy to enter a popular acting Studio Lee Strasberg.

Martin Landau

Theatrical debut of Landau took place in 1951. In the play "Detective History", he received a major role. Broadway Snaps also submitted the artist - in 1957, Martin appeared in the statement of "mid night". In those years, Landau decided that he would never turn into a commercial actor receiving mad fees for the auditory roles.


A year before the fundamental "psychosis", the director Alfred Hitchkok decided to experiment, removing one of his most atypical films - "north through the north-west." In the film, telling about the ridiculous adventures of the Roder's advertiser (Hugh Grant), mistakenly accepted by the intelligence agent, debuted in 1959 by Landau. In the picture, Martinus got the role of Leonard homosexual. According to the actor, Gay from it turned out to be good.

Martin Landau in the film

In the same year, Landau cinematic biography was replenished with the role of Lieutenant Arthur Marshall in the painting Lewis Mailstone "Height of Pork Chop Hill". Then the suggestive, the actor starred in the TV series "Twilight zone" (1959-1964) and "Beyond the Possible" (1963-1964). In 1963, the "Cleopatra" was released on large screens. In Kinolent, telling the history of the relationship between the Queen of Egypt, with Julia Caesar and Mark Anthony, Mark played the role of commander-in-chief of the army - Rufiona.

Martin Landau in the film

In 1969, Landau was awarded the Golden Globe award for the role in the television series "Mission Impossible", which was broadcast on TV from 1966 to 1969. In 1994, Landau starred in the comedy drama of Tim Berton "Ed Wood", in which his partners in the shooting platform were unsolicited Johnny Depp, Sarah Jessica Parker and Bill Murray. The role of the avid Morphinist Bella Lugoshi brought Martin the Oscar Prize, another "golden globe" and a premium of the guild of film actors.

Martin Landau with a prize

By order of the European Media Concern "Kirch-Gruppe" within the cycle of television programs devoted to the screening of biblical stories, in 1995, the light saw the television film "Joseph". In the picture, Martin tried on the image of the Third Biblical Patriarch Jacob. In Ribe, Harold Becker "City Hall" with Al Pacino and John Cusacac played Landau's main roles played by Walter Stern.

Martin Landau in the film

In 1999, the gothic horror film "Sleepy Hollow" was released on the screens. In the free film release of Washington's Irving, the Legend of the Sleepy Hollow Legend, Landau got an episodic role. In the credits to the film, his name was not indicated. The beginning and mid-2000s were marked for actor roles in Majestik films (2001), "Hollywood cops" (2003), "Emer City: Escape" (2008), "Handsome" (2015) and "remember "(2016 year).

It is reliably known that simultaneously with the work in the cinema Landau, the acting skills in the theater studio was taught during a couple of years. His most famous students are Jack Nicholson and Angelica Houston.

Personal life

Throughout the Creative Career, the press actor at each opportunity accused him of windiness and excessive attention to the opposite sex. The novels and Nina Fosh were attributed to the famous artist of the arts, and with Peggy Stuart, and even with Eva Marie Saint. It is only a reliably about one passion of the film industry. During training in the acting studio in Manhattan, Landau had a novel with a sex symbol of the 50s - Marilyn Monroe. At that time, the actress had not yet carried a loud pseudonym and was known to the world as the norm of Jin Mortenson.

Martin Landau and Barbara Bane

According to Landau's memories, Marilyn was liberated exclusively on the screen. In the life of this attractive person lacked confidence and restraint. Their relationship did not work out due to the fact that Martin did not want to associate his life with an emotionally unstable young lady. It is worth noting that in the press and really published pictures of Martin in the company constantly replacing each other girls. The actor himself has repeatedly stated that among this variety of photographs he allocated only one. On her next to him his wife - Barbara Bane.

Martin Landau and his wife Barbara Bane

In the fate of Landau, this phenomenal actress got the main role. Barbara was from the same test as Martin. Creatively gifted, an incentive woman with a half-word understood the spouse and forgot him all his pregressions. With Barbara, they were filmed for a long time in some films. Viewers remember them on the TV series "Mission of Impossible", in which Bane got the role of Kinnamon Carter, and Landau - Rullin Hand.

Their marriage existed from 1957 to 1993. For a 36-year-old marital life, the actors have managed not only to nourish joint property, but also to acquire children. In August 1960, Bane gave birth to Susan, and in March 1965 - Juliet. Both daughters went in footsteps of parents.

Juliet Landau - American actress, known for most viewers for the role of Vampires Drusilla in the TV series "Buffy - Vampire Slayer", and Susan Landau - Producer, in which the Movies "Dracula" (1992) and "Pominics" (2003 ). Martin repeatedly said that he was proud to grow a worthy replacement.


Martin Landau died on July 15, 2017 at the age of 89. According to the Medical Center of the California University, where the famous artist of the arts held his last days of life, the cause of death was "unforeseen complications".


  • "Cleopatra" (1963);
  • "Big Valley" (1965);
  • "Nevada Smith" (1966);
  • "Strains are repository" (1969);
  • "Colombo" (1973);
  • "Crimes and Offaches" (1989);
  • "Mistress" (1992);
  • "Joseph" (1995);
  • "Secret Materials: Fighting for the Future" (1998);
  • "Sleepy Hollow" (1999);
  • "Majestik" (2001);
  • "Hollywood cops" (2003);
  • "Handsome" (2015);
  • "Remember" (2016).

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