Helen Kuragin - biography, image and appearance of the heroine, quotes


Character History

The work of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" causes a twofold opinion from literature lovers. Some read the cumbersome novel by the poverty, and the other lacks forces to read all the work, so often this book is dusting on the upper shelves of the bookcase. Those who managed to read all the work from the crust to the crust, assure that "war and peace" is the top of Russian literature. After all, Tolstoy was able to show readers not only the opposition of peaceful and military time, but also colorful characters who possess both positive and negative features of nature.

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It can be said that Lev Nikolayevich, like Nikolai Gogol in the "dead souls," revealed human psychotypes. But if some antagonists cause respect and enlubs the love of fans (for example, Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter), then the careless helen Kuragin is unlikely to have loyal fans, because it combines hypocrisy, immorality, confusion and indifference. However, in any case, Lev Nikolaevich introduces the regulars of book shops with this character is close enough, because only smart people learn from other people's mistakes, even if fictional.

History of creation

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy worked on its fundamental work from 1863 to 1869. Initially, the novel was to tell about the Decembrist, who returns along with his family to the Russian Empire. But when the author began to think about the description of the main character, he moved the action in 1812. As you know, it was a difficult time for the Fatherland, because due to the refinement of Alexander I to maintain the continental blockade of Napoleon Bonaparte in Russia, the Patriotic War began.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The writer was inspired by the bloody events of the past years and even visited the village of Borodino, where the great battle happened. In order not to be unfounded and reinforce your thoughts by the facts, the genius of literature relied on the scientific works of historians and recording memoirists.

Creation of Sergei and Fyodor Glinka, Mikhail Speransky, Augusta Marmon and other writers fell into his hands. But the main goal of Tolstoy was not to paint the strife between the Russian Empire and supporters of France or the actions of commanders and soldiers. He wanted to show thinking and changing a person in the era of losses and failures. Materials managed to write 550 characters, but readers only remember the main actors: Natasha Rostov, Pierre Probrelov, Andrei and Marwa Bolkonsky, Helen and Anatol Kuragin.


Although Lev Nikolayevich loved the scrupulously to describe even, it would seem that the unpretentious details, about the biography of Helen Kuragin, anti-coat with extravagant appearance, is mentioned casual. It is only known that the girl is not 25 years old. However, the reader can easily be able to make a logical conclusion based on the extraordinary behavior of this young lady: her parents did not make efforts to give daughter due upbringing.

Helene Kuragin

This woman has an unpleasant manner of behavior, does not appreciate love and family well-being; All that she is needed by men is material wealth. Heranes Helen does not build goals and means of achieving money wealth, for it is not used to working, but dreaming to shine on the bala.

Therefore, beauty with black eyes and blond hair color without a branch of conscience is ready to change the satellites of life as gloves; It is a clear antipode of Natasha Rostova, which is not guided by the mind, but by the bearer of the heart. From the plot of "War and Peace" it becomes known that Helen took the proposal of the hand and hearts from Pierre Zuhovov, learning the news that this young man got the inheritance from his father.

Helene Kuragin and Pierre Duchev

Bezukhov, twisted by the beauty of Helen, led her under the crown, and after some time he learned about her treasures with an officer Dolokhov, who Kuragin's official husband soon threw a glove. The lover of spouse was wounded, but not deadly.

Next, the girl learns that her "beloved" wants to move to the city on the Neva. Helen does not be grieving about this because it is waiting for only one - part of the inheritance. When Kurabina itself was in St. Petersburg, she created an image of an unfortunate woman, which "sneaky" husband threw on the mercy of fate.

Boris Drubetskaya

I did not have time for this heroine to forget the Bezuhov, as I immediately plunged into lovery peripetics. She takes a courtship from his own "group" Boris Drubetsky. In addition, when the Countess turns out to be in Lithuania, it begins romantic relationships with a young prince. But when her beloved turns out to be in one place, she falls into an awkward position.

It is worth noting that Tolstoy Putting interest in changing the nature of a person and his personal growth, and the character should have any life in any way. There are heroes who realized that their behavior does not correspond to the principles of justice, virtue and rationality. However, with Helen Kuragin this does not happen, she, like no one else personifies the proverb "Humpbacked grave will correct."

Helene Kuragin and Natasha Rostov

To get out of the casual situation, the girl had to hide his essence under the sacrifice. The tricky lady talked to Drubetsky, so that he urgently secured the relationship with her the Uzami marriage, and she promised, in turn, to take Catholicism. Exactly the same conversation was held with a young prince.

Between the beauty stood a choice of two prominent men, but the desired was not destined to come true, since in 1812 a disease defeated the disease. Kuragin, who was not accustomed to trusting Russian medicine, turned to Italian Dr., who wrote down the heroine "miraculous" means.

"Everyone was very well known that the illness of the adorable Countess took place from the inconvenience to get married at once every two husbands, and that the treatment of the Italian was to eliminate this inconvenience," Lev Nikolayevich wrote.

Although this is not mentioned in the novel, some researchers think that the Countess wanted to make an abortion. Others who put forward two official versions of the cause of the death of Kuragina do not agree with the guess of the interruption of pregnancy. Therefore, the question, from which Helen Kuragin died, can be answered like this: or from an overdose of a medicine written by Italian, or from an unexpected attack of angina.

Actress and actresses

The writer belonged to his creation skeptically and wrote somehow a colleague on the workshop Athanasia Fetu in a letter:

"How happy I am ... What to write a crowded kind of" war "I will never be more."

But Lev Nikolayevich would know that the novel "War and the World" would serve as a material for film adaptation not only in Russia, but also in Hollywood. Film based on the epic lots, we will consider well-known works.

"War and Peace" (1956)

In 1956, the "Dream Factory" pleased the avid cinema of the same name for the novel of Tolstoy, and the filmmaker spoke not to King Vidor, who tried to comprehend the Russian soul.

Anita Ekberg as Helen Kuragina

It is noteworthy that the picture is not much different from the original manuscript, but pays more attention to loyalty and treason, as well as personal experiences of the main characters. The role of Curagin got the actress, Marianne Ekberg, who divided the film from Henry Foundation, Chalk Ferrer, Audrey Hepburn, Vittorio Gassman and other actors.

"War and World" (1967)

Director Sergey Bondarchuk also contributed to the list of full-length paintings of his vision of "War and Mira", and the Cinemaman took off the most large-budget picture in the history of the USSR, pleased with the audience with a new operator shooting and expensive scenery.

Irina Skobseva in the role of Helen Kuragina

Work on this film lasted six years, and after reaching the picture became the leader of the Soviet rental. The image of Helen tried out the actress Irina Skobseva. Other roles performed Lyudmila Savelyev, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and other cinema stars.

"War and World" (television series, 2007)

Austrian director Robert Dorngelm presented to the audience an interpretation of the famous novel by changing the plot.

Violante Plachly in the role of Helen Kuragin

In addition, the creators of the multi-sieuled film moved away from the canon, with the role of actors, the appearance of which does not correspond to the description of the main characters. For example, Blonde Kuragin Played Chenhanta Plachly.

"War and World" (television series, 2016)

In winter, 2016 on the BBC One channel, the adaptation of the Tolstoy novel in the mini-series format began to broadcast.

Tappens Middleton as Helen Kuragin

Mostly the plot rotates around the relationship between the main characters. The Middleton Tappens Midleton was reincarnated to the immoral antiheroine, and the floor was played by Paul Dano, James Norton, Jesse Buckley and Lily James.

Interesting Facts

  • The British series "War and Peace" helped popularize the Russian work from foreign readers. According to the publication "The Guardian", residents of London and other cities began to buy printed publications of "War and Mira". For a week, bookstores sold out about 3,500 copies of original volumes.
  • It is not surprising that after the 2016 series, the work of Tolstoy began to be in demand. After all, the viewer showed not the philosophical depth of thought and change of heroes, but the plot of love relationships.
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  • In addition, the director Tom Harper tried to undress actors; It is worth remembering the scene, where Andrei Bolkonsky bathes along with the battalion. The Cinemaer also changed the character of Helen Kuragin, which does not look like a representative of a higher society, thirsting for money, but as a nymphomanka who is thrown on the neck of men.
  • Lev Nikolaevich described the Platonic love of Helen and Anatol, but the producer of the British series Andrew Davis tried to place these heroes on one bed. In justification, the creator can be said: the narrow circle of researchers believes that the writer actually hinted on an intimate relationship between his brother and sister.


"Obligations above pleasure." "Try to cry: nothing makes it easier as tears." "How easy people goes away from some people!" Yes, is there a family without your grief? "" All thoughts that have huge consequences - Always simple. "

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