Utah - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Fans love this singer for sincerity and polyhedral. Utah has songs in rock genres, chanson and folklore. She sings romances and punk grunge compositions. And the performer became famous for both the composer and the author of the soundtracks to popular films. In its asset, remembered songs to the series "Soldiers", "Students", "Lovel Method" and a dozen other rating film projects.

Childhood and youth

Anna Vladimirovna Semin (so the real name of the singer sounds) was born in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg) in the summer of 1979 in a creative family, by nationality Russian. Mom of the future performer Utah is an opera singer, so classical music has become a kind of childhood and adolescence of Anna. Parents, noticing the musical abilities of a little daughter, sent her to learn to play Flute. The girl passed the course and at 11 years old began to master a new tool - piano. At the same age, Anya Pope, shocked by Mom: The daughter gave preference not to the classics, and chanson, worshiped in the working quarter of Sverdlovsk, in which the family lived.

The music was not the only one: Utah visited the pool and artistic gymnastics. But the genes won: the daughter focused on musical creativity. The girl was so fascinated by piano, which continued to master the instrument in the metropolitan "Gnesinka". Anna entered the school, not having ended musical education in the class of piano. Natives did not believe that she would succeed in success in this field, but Anya demonstrated amazing purposefulness and hard work: the piano branch of the school. Gnesins she graduated with honors.

After graduating from the music school, Utah again surprised the family: she lost interest in the piano and took up jazz vocals. The first steps in this musical direction the girl made in the third year "Gnesink". The lessons of the young singer gave Tatyana Markovich, and the composition and arrangement of Utah studied at the People's Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Saulsky.

Personal life

Roman with a film producer Oleg Osipov began in 2004. After two years of dating Utah and Osipov got married, Anna took the surname of the husband, which wears today. In 2007, Utah gave birth to her husband, whose spouse called Anatoly. Three years later, the girls twins Katya and Masha appeared. Grief came to the family when the babes were fulfilled a year. Oleg Osipov died suddenly: Cardiosclerosis was the cause of death. Earlier, the producer was diagnosed with heart attack.

Utah recovered from hitting and returned to creativity. Mom helped to survive the tragedy, without which, according to the singer, she could not cope with the grief. The son of Anatoly at 7 years old sat down for the piano and composed the first music. Utah claims that the boy has a mathematical mindset and he is a copy of the dad. And Katya and Masha paint perfectly. In the personal life of the singer - calm. According to Utah, there are many talented and bright men next to her, but "no one pulls out of them on the satellite of life."

Utah not from those who attract attention to causing pictures in "Instagram", but the photo in a swimsuit in the ribbon of women sometimes appear. Despite the age (in 2019, the artist was 39 years old), it retains an excellent form (height 165 cm, weight 55 kg), as attention is paid to health, itifies correctly and spends a lot of time in the fresh air.


Anna's acquaintance with the musicians of the Sverdlovsk Rock Group "April March" influenced the further biography of vocalist. The girl created his own team for which songs and music wrote, made arrangements. Creative pseudonym Utah in Japanese means song, melody. The same name received a group.

Debuted Utah with an album called "easy and even elegant", in 2001. The image of punk grunge singers, which performs the composition for extreme music was entrenched. Utah was called the pioneer of Russian punk grunge. Critics and music lovers noted the similarity of the early creativity of Utah with Zemfira.

The second collection of Utah "Hop and Malt", published in 2002, turned out to be less hard and easier and melodic. The songs "Fall" and the title, who gave the name of the album, took places in the rotations of Russian radio stations. Utah was noticed and invited to the Festival of rock music "invasion", which is held with the information support of our radio. On the composition "Hop and malt" by director Alexander Solokhuy, a clip was shot.

The following year, Utah presented the Disk "Rye and Clover", including songs on the poems of the countryman and at the time of the State Duma deputy Evgenia Roisman. The most popular songs of the new album were the song "Name" and "Violet-Black", which fell in radio markets.

The fifth studio album (in the same year a remix collection came out) appeared in April 2004. He is named "Girl" and released Nikitin. The collection turned out to be more romantic and melodious than all previous ones. The Song of Utah "waited", performed in a duet with Vladimir Shahrin, got into the rotation of Our Radio, and the Single of the Sky Porovna in the musical Chart Tophit took 59th place.

2005 It turned out to be a breakthrough for Utah: the singer was recognized as a film composer. The first soundtrack, famous for the Utah, is "youth in boots" for the series "Soldiers". Others followed at the first swallow: for the series, the composer wrote soundtracks "lived-had" and "that Girl". Songs hit in radio. In the same year, the vocalist recorded the album "Teleradiosna", which completely moved away from rock. Compositions included in the collection, many recalled Soviet pop songs who performed Claudia Shulzhenko and Maya Kristalinskaya.

In the spring of 2007, Utah presented the sixth album called "after". The name was dictated by the song of the same name written for film "after life." The composition was noted by the Special Prize of the Fourth International Film Festival in Sevastopol. A clip appeared on the song, mounted from the film frames. Two more album songs - "Name" and "Jealousy" - became soundtracks to the "Soldiers" tapes and the "ensign". The composition "Name" of Utah sang together with Alexey McLakov.

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In 2008, the premiere of the album "on the edge" took place. Utah shared that the album became a turning point for her, pushing to the search for new forms. It combines cold compositions in rhythm-n-blues with warm and romantic songs. The title composition was the comedy's soundtrack "if yes kaba," and the song "About him" sounded in the series "Provincial".

In 2009, Utah reported that the team of the same name is no longer. In 2012, after a long intermission, the vocalist announced the start of the solo career, taking the creative pseudonym Anna Herzen. But the new name did not fit, and Anna returned to the usual. Utah continued to write soundtracks to the films, and soon there were songs to projects "Lovel Method" and "Men's Women's Game". The composer wrote music to the circus show program of the Safronov and Soundtrack Soundtrack "Favorite My" to the melodrame "While the village is sleeping." The song has become a laureate of "Golden Gramophone"

In 2014, the premiere of the 8th album Utah "By the way", released on vinyl. The critic Denis Snikov noted that in the songs included in the album, a lot of hidden pain after experienced. But this pain of Utah "does not speculate, but speaks about it implicitly, allegorically." In the same year, the songs "lived - there were" hops and malt "included in the list of the 500 best compositions of Our Radio. No less positive feedback received the track "Meeting" recorded in the same year.

Soon after, Utah appeared on the ether of the "Pravda-24" program, which are cultural figures, politicians and just well-known people. In the course of a large interview with the singer shared information about the new album, as well as the death of a husband who died of heart disease in 2011. A woman admitted that in recent years her spouse was tormented by panic attacks, but in general the health of the man did not make concerns, and his premature departure from life became for everyone a huge surprise.

In 2015, Utah gave fans a collection "Favorite mine. The best songs, "wrote music to the multi-meter melodrame" Family Values ​​"and participated in concerts in Donetsk and Lugansk, supporting residents of unrecognized republics. News In the creative biography of the singer, fans track on her official website, where there is a graph of concerts of Utah, as well as music and poems.

In 2016, the vocalist presented the Singles "Mom" and "For Russia". In the same year, Utah presented the studio album "My relatives", which included named songs. The disc is a combination of folk songs in pop arrangement and chanson. According to the Russian company "Kirill and Methodius", the album was among the top ten Russian music disks of the year. In the same year, the Woman presented the composition "of him" on the air Autoredio.

In the spring of 2017, Utya was presented with a statuette "Chanson year". At the singer's ceremony performed the song "Favorite My" and "Hello, people!". She recorded the last one in a duet with Marina Ninth. Later, the actors were made not at one concert.

In 2018, the singer marked the release of two good songs "My Motherland" and "I am a girl", which had a digital distribution and got rotation on the radio.

Utah now

Utah and now continues to work, regularly appears on television. In mid-February 2020, she became the guests of the program "Our Favorite Songs" on the "Savior" TV channel. Also, the celebrity does not stop give concerts, the spring months have been filled with dense tourists, including several performances in Moscow, a concert in Zelenograd and Yekaterinburg.

A couple of months before, Utah spoke in a reference point in Mitrase, the province of Hasek in Syria, performing songs for Russian servicemen. For a concert, a woman picked up themed compositions on military topics. In addition to her, this evening the artists of the Central House and the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army were also on the scene.


  • 2001 - "Easy and even elegant"
  • 2002 - "Hop and malt"
  • 2003 - "Rye and Clover"
  • 2004 - Remixed
  • 2004 - "Girl"
  • 2005 - "Teleradiosna"
  • 2007 - "After"
  • 2008 - "On the edge"
  • 2014 - "By the way"
  • 2016 - "My relatives"
  • 2017 - "In the depths of your heart"

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