Mermaid Ariel - biography, description and character


Character History

The Little Mermaid Ariel lives between the sea and land, these two elements of her equally relatives - in one she was born and grew up, in another found female happiness. In the dangerous adventures of the young mermaid, the funny and resourceful crab Sebastian and the goldfish of the Flaunder helps. The project of the studio "Walt Disney" will soon turn 30 years old, but he does not cease to call the delight of the defeats.

History of creation

The main prototype of Disney Mermaid served, of course, a resident of the seas from the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen. But the story invented by the Danish writer is too gloomy to become a favorite for modern children. Writer Ron Clements decided to fill the fairy tale with paints, cheerfulness and new items, and at the same time updated the plot.

Hans Christian Andersen

But all this happened much later than the day of the cartoon idea. The idea to remove the colorful animation film originated in the 30s of the last century. Then the representatives of "Disney" were not going to change the tragic Final of Andersen, and the plot wanted to stretch into several mini-stories about the mermaid. However, the project had to suspend, and remembered it only after half a century.

In the image of the charming little mermaid, the features and features of several people are mixed. The princess of the underwater kingdom borrowed the appearance and facial expressions of the young actress of Alissa Milano, which shone in the TV series "Enchanted". The girl at the time of creation of the character was 16 years old, and the age of Ariel in the first cartoon was the same. The main animator "Disney" Glen Keen stated that some features were drawn from his linda spouse.

Alissa Milano and the Little Mermaid from the Studio

The model of Sherry Stoner - Mermaid is obliged to work in the creation of an image. Stonner had to play the role of Ariel in front of the animators, and those, in turn, tried to convey on sketches of model manners. The most amazing prototype is the astronava of Sally Raide: the fiery hair of the mermaid underwater repeated the movements of the movement of the conqueror of the universe, when she was in space.

The "sweet and young" voice of the heroine presented the actress Jody Benson theater. The choice is not accidental, because the director wanted to sang a little mermaid and told the mouth of one person. In Russia, Ariel voiced Svetlana Svetikova.

Sherry Stower, Sally Rajd, Jody Benson

When creating the daughter of the Marine Lord, disputes flared about the paints in the appearance of the heroine. The authors could not come to a unanimous solution for a long time, which will be hair. Part of the animators and the leadership of the studio voted for blonde. But the opponents won, insist on the idea of ​​the contrast of the tail and chapels. So Ariel gained a red hair shop. For the tail created a special shade of emerald color, which was called "Ariel".

The appearance should have been transferred to the witness and the characteristic character of the character. Therefore, the mermaid "walks" with eternally disheveled hair and in a bra, which in color does not completely harmonize with the tail, while her sisters are always with perfectly laid hairstyles, and the shades of their bodies are perfectly combined with the colors of the lower parts of the body.

Joanna Garcia as Mermaids Ariel

Children received four cartoons about the adventures Ariel:

  • "Mermaid" (1989)
  • "Little Mermaid" (Animation Series in three seasons - 1992, 1993, 1994)
  • "Mermaid-2: Return to the sea" (2000)
  • "Little Mermaid: Start of History Ariel" (2008)

The chronology of the life character in cartoons is broken. The first story is the last film release, then the second film is going, a description of further events - in the first cartoon.

Mermaid Ariel lit up in a couple of ribbons. In the cartoon "Mouse House" (2001-2003) Girl Hotel at Mickey Maus. In 2011, the TV series "Once in a fairy tale" was released on the screens, where Ariel's role is played by actress Joanna Garcia.

Biography and plot

Ariel was born the last daughter in the family of the Marine King of Triton and the Queen of Athens. A girl since childhood refused, allowed himself not to obey his father, going away from home. And the little mermaid adored sing. Once, mom died from the hands of pirates. Father, combat grief, became gloomy and cold, later imposed a ban in the subjective state at all. Arihel did not want to put up with such a position, but fate threw a happy case - the girl came across the underground music club, who led her friend and the right hand of the maritime lord of Crab Sebastian.

Mermaid Ariel and Crab Sebastian

In the future, Mermaid was waiting for even more interesting adventures. In the animated series Ariel, the whirlpool of events is captured - the girl manages to pour out the laugh of the fish-sorcerer, adopts the cubs of the taway, turns friendship with the mermaid Gabriella, which is deaf-and-dumb. There was a place and dangerous adventure. Among them is the battle of the army of an evil lobster, the war with a witch of the ocean expanses Ursula and an evil slide. Spectators also get acquainted with the future spouse of the heroine Prince Eric, but a couple is not yet guessing about each other's existence.

Curious Ariel dreamed of explore the mysterious worlds outside the ocean, but the father strictly pressed to swim in the blue distance further than it is supposed. A naughty daughter still went to the "expedition" to the sunken ship, where unknown treasures were found in the form of a fork, which the mermaid takes for a comb, smoking tube and other amazing things. And a little later, she discovered the floating ship. So the biography of the Little Mermaid in the original cartoon enriched with a love line.

Mermaid Ariel and Prince Eric

A handsome prince sailed on the ship, who fell in love with the mermaid, but on the same day almost died during the storm. Ariel saved Eric, pulling an excellent song ashore and sleep. The wrath of his father collapsed on the mermaid, however the girl's heart remained on the shore. In desperation, she rushed with a request to help with the old-witch Ursule, and she suggested exchanging a wonderful voice to human legs. The transaction had another nuance - if for three days the mermaid would not be able to fall in love with the prince in himself and get a kiss from him, then the soul will go to the possession of the witch.

Having agreed with the conditions, Ariel had a dress and went ashore, where Prince Eric finally strengthened in gentle feelings for the girl. The cunning Ursula did not want to miss the chance to take possession of the young soul, so in the appearance of the young and beautiful Vanessa tried to charm Prince Angelic singing. Troublely remembering his savior and a wonderful song after the storm, the young man gathered to marry a cheater.

Ariel on Earth

But Ariel has great friends! Fish Flaunder in the company with crab Sebastian upset the wedding, took away the voice, and the little mermaid, finally, was able to tell the truth of his beloved. However, the three-day sentence has expired, and now the girl was in power a malicious witches. The war broke out between Triton and Ursula, in which the king decided to sacrifice himself for his daughter. The sorcerer was delighted, because in dreams she saw herself on the sea throne. The celebration lasted for a long time, as a result, Prince Eric defeated the evil old woman. And Triton, seeing the longing daughter on the ground, gave her to her legs instead of tail. The story ended with the wedding of the heroes.

A year after the marriage of young spouses, a daughter was born, which was called Malodi. Maternity turned Ariel into a serious and judicial woman, although there was still an adventure-free gas. The heiress is all in the mother - the same raging, wayward and curious. Malody has an enemy represented by the sister of the witch Ursula - Morgana, which built the devilish plans for the girl. To secure the child, the parents decided not to tell the baby about the Rus Milder roots, and also raised the high wall around the castle, just to protect the daughter from the sea.

Melody, daughter Ariel

But the genes took their own: Malodi dreams of turning into mermaid and swim in the amazing seaside depths. The insidious and powerful Morgan performed the desire of the girl, the hope of the hope of Triton's tridents for her. Ariel again became a mermaid to find the missing young daughter.

Interesting Facts

  • The cartoon has become a laureate of the whole placer awards and awards. In 1990, "Mermaid" threw two "Oscars" - for the "best song" and "best music". Music design The picture presented the composer Alan Menken. The film also has the Grammy Award and several Golden Globes.
  • Scripts thought to make the villain of the underwater world Ursul's native sister of the King of Triton and even created several plots, where they say about such a fact. However, on the Council, suddenly decided that relatives in the fabulous world of one could be so cruel and angry - this is a bad example for the younger generation.
Witch Ursula
  • The song "Part of Your World" was recorded in unusual conditions: to present themselves under water, Jody Benson asked to turn off the light in the studio.
  • The names of the sisters of the main cartoon mermaid begin on the letter "A". The sea king had seven daughters: Aquat, Alan, Arista, Attin, Adela, Andrina and Ariel.

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