Kristina Si (Kristina Si) - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The unique trial of singing and the ability to read RPP distinguish Hip-Hop Diva Domestic pop, the singer Kristina Si from the variety of performers presented on the musical field of Russia.

Christina Elkhanovna Sargsyan (real name of the artist) was born on March 9, 1991 in the "Samovar Capital of Russia" - the city of Tula. Due to the specifics of the father's work, which was a circus artist and with his show program toured in the country, the family of Kristina did not have a permanent residence. According to the stories of the artist itself, under 6 years old she lived in the house on the wheels, and her only pet was a lion.

Singer Kristina S.

Parents from the most young years tried to instill the daughter of love for study. True, all their attempts did not give anything good. Christina did not receive pleasure from mathematics and literature. A truly happy Sargsyan was only during muscy. Charter Fight with the preferences of hot beloved Chad, the mother of the performer gave her to a music school in the piano. There is a future actress for three years Corpela over a touch letter, trying to learn the basics of sound harmonization.

Christina SI in childhood

The teachers understood that the girl would not become a sequence of Schubert and Mozart, and therefore they made an emphasis on her voice, translating the apprentice to the student in the class of pop-jazz vocals. From the biography of the star hip-hop industry, it is known that after completing training in the SI's music school focused on the school program. In an interview with Soul Kitchen Night, the singer admitted that it was the worst time in her life.

Christina SI in childhood

Because of Christine's nonsense, it was extremely difficult to be the objects that require concentration and increased attention, and the explosive character of the girl negatively influenced the relationship with the teaching staff. With grief in half a performer of the song "Look" managed to graduate from school. In 2008, a young graduate with a huge desire to become a singer moved to Moscow, where he continued her studies at the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Department of Pop Jazz singing.

Carier start

2010 was a significant year for the girl - Christina met with Pavel Murashov, who later became the author of the debut composition "I fly away" yet an unknown vocalist. The conquest of Music Olympa began in 2011, when the girl recorded the track and removed the video clip on the song "I start to forget." The composition in a short time ranked leading positions in various charts of the country.

The co-founder of the Music label "Black Star" Timati, who commemorate the talented singer, decided to sign a contract with the executive hope. It is worth noting that Christina became the first girl who fell into the ranks of the "Star Mafia", diluing with his presence a purely male team.

Cristina Si and Timati

According to the recognition of the Black King (nickname of Timati), for two years he watched Sargsyan's works and only after the release of the track "Winter" finally made sure that Kristina's singer is a valuable acquisition for the label. The listeners of Repers were presented in April 2013, when the Black Star Mafia "Tusa" syndicate was released on the screens, in which, in addition to Timati, was confused, L'One and Mota, Christina Si.


The first work under the label "Black Star" became the single "Well, yes." The editors of the portal Rap.Ru placed "Well, yes" for the tenth place in the list "50 best songs of 2013". A few months after the release of the track, he became the capital composition of the US Music Festival "Coachella".

It is worth noting that Russian songs rarely cause delight among the overseas audience due to the fact that Europeans are accustomed to carrying out parallels and compare Russian performers with foreign artists (Oxymon with Eminem, Little Big group with Die Antwoord). Christina has become an exception.

Cristina Si and ILO

In 2013, Si starred in Timati Clips ("Look") and Moth ("Planet"). In 2014, the premiere of the singer's solo clips ("Mom Boss" and "I'm not ridiculous") was held, and collaboration with L'One - Trek "Bonnie and Clyde" took place. In 2015, the song "Are you ready to hear not?", Who sounded a duet Sargsyan with a rap performer Nathan, became another hit.

In 2016, the debut album of the SI entitled "Light in the darkness" was released. On the composition "Cosmos" (the second name - "in the sky above the Earth"), "Who told you", "I want", "the secret" and "you will not hurt" the clips were removed. The listeners were also loved by the "Roads" singles, "time is not waiting for us" and "Offline".

Personal life

For a long time about the personal life of the popular singer, it was not reliably known. Christina ranked his place in the niche of the Russian hip-hop industry, where, as you know, the male floor dominated. The performers, perfectly mastered the speech, no in our country, so it is not surprising that Si quite often published tracks in collaboration with famous rapeurs.

Christina C and Nathan

Media representatives always intentionally ignored this fact. As a rule, after releases recorded by the duet compositions, the press exploded headlines that the charming participants of the BLACK STAR label is a novel. At various times, the artist tried to reduce with Motom, and with Yegor's crum, and Nathan.

After the release in October 2016 on the large screens of the video "Secret", in which Sargsyan, a couple with a colleague on the label Raper, Scrud, was laid in a three-minute timing of a videos passionate history of love, rumors about the new accomplice of the performer. In numerous interviews, young people diligently managed provocative issues to the party, if necessary, to transfer the topic to another direction.

Cristina Si and Schurge

During the couple of months, the beloved managed to preserve the vulture of secrecy, without exposing their relationship to everyone, but in September 2016, their romantic walk came to the lens to the chamber, first in the park, and then on the color boulevard of Moscow. After that, the artists publicly stated that they really bind not only friendship.

Cristina Si Hair

It is worth noting that in contrast to most singers and actors who, after the publication of information about the beginning of relations, begin to show their feelings and emotions every day, publishing the pictures in the social networks in the arms of each other, Si and Scrudge in such noticed. The staff close to the artists claims that young people clearly delimit the concepts of work and personal life, trying to no longer input to their illusory world.

Kristina Si now

In June 2017, SI was among the guests of the Program "# of the main graduation VK". The actress responded to the tricky questions from the school program, which she alternately asked Ekaterina Varnava and Alexander Gudkov, and after executed the songs "I want", "I am not funny" and "I will not hurt" (the second name of the track - "I could not") . The executor's work schedule for July-August is already scored under the urban.

Cristina SI in 2017

At the beginning of the month of the singer in the company, Kati Clap and Rapper L'One managed to visit the bottom of the city in Novosibirsk, as well as present their compositions on the dance festival in Izhevsk, where, together with her, Scrud and Timati acted on one stage.

On the latest news from the life of the star of the Black Star label, fans will recognize not only from the official community of the Singer "VKontakte" and the BlackStartv channel, but also from "Instagram" Christina. There is a miniature brunette to grow 160 cm and weighing 50 kg regularly lay out both photos with backstage and concerts and video images from the rest.


  • "Light in the darkness" (2016)

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