Anna Ioannovna - biography, photo, personal life, board



Anna John - the Russian Empress from the Romanov Dynasty, Peter I's niece, which was on the throne from 1730 to 1740. Anna was born on February 7, 1693 in a royal family in the Cross Chamber of the Terman Palace of the Moscow Kremlin.

Portrait of Anna John

Parents of the girl - Tsar Ivan V and Queen Praskovya Fedorovna - raised two more daughters: Elder Catherine and younger Praskov. From an early age, Anna, together with sisters, he studied Russian diploma, arithmetic, geography, dance, German and French. Teachers Tsareven were Johann Christian Dietrich Osterman (the elder brother Andrei Osterman), Stephen Ramburg.

Parents Anna Ioannovna

In 1696, Ivan Alekseevich died, and the widowing Queen along with the children was forced to leave the Kremlin's chambers and move to the Zamailovo country residence, which was a manor built in an old-circuit style. Fruit gardens were broken in the palace economy, numerous reservoirs, a winter garden was built. In the court theater regularly satisfied the performances, the musicians gave concerts of symphonic music.

Izmailovo Childhood Day Anna John

In 1708, the family of the deceased Brother Peter I moved to St. Petersburg. The solemn procession arrived at the new capital together with Alexei Petrovich, with Tsarevna Feodosia, Maria and Natalia and the widowing queen Martha Matveyevna. In honor of the relatives of the emperor, a large feast was arranged with a cannonal volley and a sea walk through the Finnish bay. Praskovya Fedorovna settled with daughters in the palace near the place where Smolol now stands. Soon the Swedes began the offensive on the northern capital, and relatives had to return to Moscow.

The troops of Peter could not take the top in the Northern War. The Russian emperor was needed to support Prussian and Kurland rulers. Kurland during the war was experiencing a political pressure of the Commonwealth, which was in vassal addiction. In 1709, Peter managed to reverse the course of action, the Russian troops occupied Kurland. Diplomatic negotiations took place with the King of Prussia by Friedrich Wilhelm I, on which two dynasties were decided to breed.

The troops of Peter I conquer Kurland

As a bride, the Russian princess was chosen, Peter Anna's niece, the bridegroom - the nephew of the Prussian King Duke Kurlyandan Friedrich Wilhelm. After two months of married, the young spouse died from a cold on the road to Kurlyndia. Peter forbade Anna to return to his homeland. Tsarevna arrived in Mitava, where he held the position of the widowing duchess of 20 years. The treasury of the duke was emptied by pricious suspicion serve, therefore Anna had to have a modest existence. Duchess wrote many times Peter I, and then his widow with requests for material assistance.

Beginning of the Board

In 1730, Emperor Peter II died, and there was a need to choose a new ruler. At the meeting of the secret council, six candidates for the Russian throne were launched: the son of the duchess Duchess Anna Petrovna - Peter-Ulrich, the second daughter of Peter I - Zesarevna Elizabeth Petrovna, the first wife of Peter I - Evdokia Feodorovna Lopukhin, and the three daughters of Tsar John Alekseevich.

Princes Dmitry Golitsyn and Vasily Dolgorukov offered to invite Anna Ivanovna, which twenty years was in cramped circumstances and could go to the necessary aristocracy concessions. The Secret Council supported the choice, and the duchess sent a letter with the list of "Conditions" - conditions limiting autocratic power in favor of the Secret Council.

Dmitry Golitsyn and Vasily Dolgorukov

Anna signed a document in Mitava January 25 (under Art.), According to which it was obliged to take care of the dissemination of Orthodoxy in Russia, not to marry, not to make large foreign policy actions without the consent of the secret council, not to change the tax system, not to assign the receiver His discretion. On February 15, Anna Johnnna arrived in Moscow, where a week later, the military and higher state dignitaries swore.

Anna Ioannovna breaks the condition

But on February 25, the oppositionists of the Secret Council - Andrei Osterman, Gabriel Golovkin, Archbishop Feofan (Prokopovich), Peter Yaguzhinsky, Antiha Chantereir, Ivan Trubetskoy - presented the Tsarice petition about the restoration of absolutism. Anna Ioannovna, after hearing the petition, ruined the "Conditions", and in three days a new oath of the autocratic government took place, and at the end of April - the wedding of Anna to the kingdom. The Secret Council was abolished in favor of the Governing Senate.

Domestic politics

During the reign of Anna, the approximate - Chancellor Andrei Osterman and the favorite Ernst Johann Biron, who received a favor of dancing from Anna still during Duchy in Kurland, were engaged in an external and domestic politics. The army was led by the Feldmarshal of the German origin Christopher mini. Anna did not favor Russian nobility, preferring to surround himself by foreigners. The period of the reign of Anna Ioannovna contemporaries called the "bi-level", since the favorite of the Empress had virtually unlimited possibilities.

Vice-Chancellor Count Andrei Ivanovich Osterman

Since 1730, the treasury has started the release of coins with the image of a new empress. In 1731, the ruling structure was created - the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as two new military regiments - Izmailovsky and equestrian, equipped with foreigners and soldiers from the South provinces. In the same year, the landloggy cadet case appeared for the training of noble heirs, officer salary increased a year later. School was opened to prepare officials and numerous seminary, including at the Academy. The strengthening of Orthodoxy contributed to the introduction of the law on the death penalty for blasphemy.

Alna Ioannovna coins

In the second half of the 1930s, serfdom was finally legalized, the factory workers were declared property of owners of enterprises. After the introduction of tightening measures, there was an increase in industry, and Russia soon ranked first in the world for the release of cast iron. The participants in the compilation of initial requirements for the empress were arrested and exiled to prisons or links. By the forties, among the ministers, a conspiracy against Anna John, who was revealed, and the organizers and participants - the Minister of Artemy Volynsky, Architect Peter Yeropkin, Admiralty Office Advisor Andrei Khrushchev - executed.

John John John John

Anna Ioannovna herself was not distinguished by the Talent of the State Management. The Tsaritsa spent most of the imperial time, the creation of masquerads, balls and hunting. At the courtyard of the empress contained about a hundred dwarfs and giants, jesters and jokers. In the history of that time, a humorous wedding was recorded, at the courtyard of the queen between the prince, Mikhail Golitsyn-Komasnik and a native of Kalmykia, Avdota Bujienin. Anna Ioannovna fagged theatrical art. During its board, the fashion for the Italian opera began in Russia, the theater was built for 1000 seats, the first ballet school was opened.

Foreign policy

A. Osterman was engaged in affairs of foreign policy, which in 1726 has already achieved a peace treaty with Austria. Thanks to Russia's victory in a military conflict with France for the Polish heritage, in 1934 the King August III was erected in Warsaw to the throne. The four-year war with Turkey ended in 1739 on the conditions unfavorable for Russia signed in Belgrade.

Personal life

In 1710, Anna married the Duke of Kurlyandia Friedrich Wilhelm. In honor of the wedding, Peter I arranged a celebration that lasts more than 2 months. During the peaks to know the food and wine. Before traveling home, the Duke Zalenor, but did not give the values ​​of the fear. Leaving the crew, Wilhelm died on the first day of the trip. Without the opportunity to return to the native, Anna Johnna was forced to settle in Kurland.

Anna John and Friedrich Wilhelm

The courtiers were hostile to a young widow, and the only friend, and then the favorite of the Duchess became the Russian resident of Peter Mikhailovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin. In 1926, Anna intended to marry Count Moritz Saxon, but the wedding was upset by Prince Alexander Menshikov, who planned himself to become the duke of Kurlendia.

Anna John and Ernst Johann Biron

In 1727, the prince was withdrawn to Russia, and Ernst Johann Biron became the new favorite of Anna. It is assumed that the future Russian Empress gave birth from the Biron of the Son. Anna Ioannova took his favorite later to Russia and made a co-guide.


Empress Anna Ioannovna died on October 17 (under Art.) 1740 in St. Petersburg. The cause of the death of the queen was renal disease. Tsaritsa's grave is located in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. In the testament, the prestroll lease, the Empress pointed out the descendants of her native sister Catherine Mecklenburg.


Events of the XVIII century are of interest not only for historians, but also for cinematographers. Not once, the biography of Empress Anna became the basis of the plot of historical documentary or feature films. In the 80s, in the films "Ballad on Bering and his friends", "Demidov", "Mikhail Lomonosov" The role of Anna John was performed by Nonna Mordyukov's actresses, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Maria Polikamaco.

In the multi-sieuled cycle "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, the XVIII century, "which went to the screens in the early 2000s, Nina Ruslanov, Tsaritsu Anna, and in 2008, Inna Churikova was performed.

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