Vasya Lojkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Artist, Pictures, His Cats, Exhibitions 2021



Vasya Laskin (real name - Alexey Vladimirovich Kuddin) - Russian artist and blogger, singer, founder of the musical team "Ebonite Kolotun", participant of the group "Vasya Lojkin and some people", member of the Society "Witchcraft artists".

Childhood and youth

Alexey Vladimirovich was born on August 18, 1976 in the Moscow region of Solnechnogorsk. After school he graduated from the Law Institute, but the profession was not satisfied with the work. Special art education Kudople did not receive.

Painting and creativity

In 1996, Kuden began to create his own paintings using Guashi. The plots of the first canvase contained the scenes of torture, murders, bloody disassembly. Canvas The young artist placed on the walls of his own apartment. In 1998, for 2 years, Alexey stopped engaged in artistic creativity.

In 2000 began writing oil paints. The artist acquired cansts and brushes. New paintings by Alexey gave friends, only 1 canvas of the 2nd period of creativity remained at the Kudlock itself.

In 2002, Alexey joined the community "Witchcraft artists" (Kolkhui), which has numbered 20 participants. The authors worked in the style of "cartrealism." The new term was invented by members of the community and indicated the use of animation techniques in satirical paintings. The founders of the group were artists from St. Petersburg: Nikolai Kopeikin, Andrei Kagadeev, Vladimir Medvedev. The first expositions of the artworks of Kudelin were held within the framework of the "Witchcraft artists" expositions at Biennale in the Manezh Central University, festivals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Geneva, at the FMO exhibitions, which were held in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Soon Alexei Vladimirovich invited to Solnechnogorsky Drama Theater to work on scenography to performances, and the artist switched to a new type of creativity.

In 2007, Kudenin began to write pictures again, using at first a gouache, and since 2008 - oil and canvases. Since then, the artist has not thrown hobbies. In his work, Alexey appeals to the themes of cats, hares, elephants, bears. Present on its drawings and evil girls, grandparents with axes or saws, alcohol lovers, as well as representatives of the Soviet militia and the army. The author portrays the world of fairy tales on the canvases, full of evil characters who try to become kinder.

The secret of the success of Kudelin's creativity is in the absence of generalizations, metaphor, collective images and other, as the artist itself is expressed, "Labuda", therefore everything is clear in his works. His paintings written in a recognizable author's manner are becoming popular memes. Portraging a fabulous invented world, sometimes similar to the world of psychosis, Alexey Vladimirovich raises social problems and at the same time causes positive emotions.

Hero Vasya Lojkin appeared in the life of Kudople in 2005, when the artist began to master the internet spaces. He created his own blog in the "Live Journal" and used the name of the hero of jokes as a pseudonym. The Lojkin account quickly became popular and after a year after the 1st post consisted of 10 thousand subscribers.

Pictures of Vasi became online hits, subscribers used them as avatars, illustrations to their own articles. Virtual name Alexey Vladimirovich began to apply in real life. Several Personal exhibitions of Laskin took place in the Moscow Central House of Artists. But when Kudědoon appealed to the Union of Artists of Moscow for the first time, professionals denied self-taught in support.

Since 2007, using the support of the Community of St. Petersburg colleagues, Alexey Vladimirovich participated in the exhibitions "Tartarara", "Libido", "Lenanerbe", "Family Portrait", which took place alternately in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In 2013, Pictures of Lojkin could be seen on the exposition of Just Art in Geneva. The works of "Lady in the evening toilet" are most popular among Internet users, "Motherland hears", "I like you", "Grandfather Hasid and hares", "not time to smile," happy birthday, "abroad "Smile to this world."

In addition to artistic creativity, Kuden has created his own musical group "Ebonite Kolotun", the 1st album of which was the collection called "Slava of Russia!".

In honor of the artist, the rock band "Vasya Lojkin Rockynroll Band" is named, with which he opposed for a while. After creating the 4th album, the team collapsed.

As an artist, Alexey Vladimirovich worked on the cover of the "Zero + 30" section of the group Fyodor Chistyakova "Zero". Since 2015, Kudople has been working with the group "Vasya Lojkin and some people", which released collections of alternative music "Drunkenness and Decoration" (2015) and "In the Name of Love" (2017). The team of the music group records clips that lay out in the free use of Youtyub-Channel.

In 2016, a solo collection "Vasya Lojkin - the screams of a bald fool" came out.

In 2016, the exposition "Story of the Old Testament" took place in the Gallery "Pork Skil" in St. Petersburg, where the popular works of Kudoplen were exhibited. In January of the same year, the Painting of Lozhkin "Great Fine Russia" by decision of the Novosibirsk Court was recognized as extremist.

In the autumn, the Agenda came from the Investigative Committee for the placement of an extremist image on the page. When a young man refused to come to SC, the investigator promised to cause police outfit for detention. On the defense of the artist's creativity, his long-time fan, Moscow businessman Alexei Khodorkovsky, who since 2012 became the official copyright holder to use the pictures of Vasi.

Together with a lawyer, Damir Gainutdinov, the entrepreneur decided to appeal the decision of the court of Novosibirsk, which was wrong with the work on the author and the copyright holder. In addition to legal nuances, Khodorkovsky intended to prove the copyright to irony, which is not extremism and the manifestation of Nazism.

In August 2018, the Novosibirsk Regional Court abolished the decision to recognize the picture of Kudelin extremist material.

Exposure of Pictures of Lojkin opens annually. Moreover, Alexey Vladimirovich is exhibited not only in Moscow, in the Central House of Artist, but also in art galleries, shopping centers. As for the geography of exhibitions, then, in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, Kuden covered its work Sochi, Ekaterinburg and Prague.

In 2019, the exhibition called "The Sunrise of the New Sun" visited Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl.

Personal life

There are practically no information about the biography of Kudelin on the Internet. Even on the official website in an autobiographical essay, the artist himself reports extremely few life.

It is known that the artist has a wife and son. Until 2013, the family lived in Solnechnogorsk, later the Kuddans moved to Yaroslavl, where they live now.

Vasya Lojkin now

Slakne decided to fight coronavirus with humor. In April 2020, on his page on Facebook, he laid out a new "antivirus" picture with the inscription: "Izya, the virus ispin!" The artist calls on his follovers not to fall in spirit, because "despondency is a sin. Why? Because immunity will deteriorate from despondency. Moreover, a private helicopter with a picture was involved in Kostroma and Yaroslavl. Now she is in the private collection of Yaroslavl.

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