Artem Sheinin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Artem Sheinin is a journalist, screenwriter, TV presenter. The biography of this erudite intelligent person is similar to the book, as he passed the thorny path from participating in the Afghan war to universal recognition and glory. Artem Grigorievich is a sign of the multimillion army of the television viewers of the first channel on the transmission "First Studio" and "Time will show."

Childhood and youth

The future journalist was born in the winter of 1966 in the capital of Russia. According to rumors, Artem Grigorievich was brought up without his father. Therefore, his mother, to feed the family, worked a lot at work, and the boy remained under the supervision of grandparents. It is known that Artem's grandfather was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and often traveled by abroad.

Journalist Artem Sheinin

Later, the diplomat was condemned on the 58th article (counter-revolutionary activities) and sent to the link. During the Great Patriotic War, a man fought for four years against the Germans. Grandfather introduced Little Artem with the history of the USSR. So the boy learned the biographies of Lenin, Stalin and other Soviet figures. At the school, the future TV host studied well: the young man raised teachers with exemplary behavior, and parents are estimated in the diary. Also Artem was engaged in physical education and was a frequenter of sports competitions. In 1984, the guy reached a call age and went to the service in the army.

Artem Shainin in youth

The journalist was determined to Afghanistan in the 56th Guards Assault Brigade, where he stayed two years and participated in hostilities. The bloody events of the Afghan War left in the soul of the guy an indelible footprint in his soul: he had to witness the unlawful actions of the heads and subordinates, as well as to observe the death of comrades and risk her own life.

Artem Sheinin served in Afghanistan

Artem Grigorievich and to this day with horror recalls those episodes of their existence, which they do not wish and the enemy. Sheinin also told that the war helped him to arrange priorities and taught to be collected in any situation. The service in the army left a bloody imprint in the memory of the guy and developed in it those valuable human qualities that determined his character and came in handy in life.


Artem Grigorievich returned to his homeland Sergeant Airborne Forces in 1986. Successfully passed the entrance examinations and entered one of the most prestigious universities of the country - MSU named after Lomonosov - to the historical faculty. In 1993, Sheinin received a diploma. After graduating from the university, a young man chose a scientific path: Artem worked as an anthropologist and because of the specificity of the profession, he often traveled through their native country, was in Chukotka and in Sakhalin.

Journalist Artem Sheinin

Fate gave Shaunina to approach the journalistic skill, when the guy in the city newspaper saw the announcement that people who knew how to talk about travels on the RTR television channel. Artem passed the audition and even received an invitation to test the TV presenter "Infinite Travel", but then the Casting did not go. But the producer of Translation Tatyana Fonina saw creative talent in the young Artem, so he advised a man to go to the scripts.

Writer Artem Sheinin

So it happened: at the beginning of his television career in 1996, Anton Sheinin worked as a screenwriter, and later he took over the editor of the program "National Interest with Dmitry Kislevoye". Sheinin also acted as a correspondent in documentary video production of the NTV channel, for example, "Afghan trap", "Congress of defeated", "First Lady", etc.

"First channel"

At the beginning of zero years, on the advice of Tatiana, Fomina Sheinin began to cooperate with the Guru of Russian journalism - Vladimir Posner (he was a chef editor of the "Times" program, and from 2008 he directs the transfer "Pozner"). It is known that Artem Grigorievich participated in the Travel Program of Vladimir Posner and Ivan Urgant "One-story America", the essence of which was traveling through the United States. Grigoriev confessed that he was listed in the documents as a creative producer, but in fact steered the entire film crew. Before starting work, Sheinin discussed with the participants of the idea program for the plot, and then embodied them in the shooting.

Artem Sheinin and Vladimir Pozner

According to the journalist, it can be considered an expert on America, since a man along with the team of Posner traveled the states by car and found out what they would not show in Hollywood films - the everyday life of a simple resident of this country. In 2016, Artem Grigorievich was invited to the role of one of the TV presenters to socio-political transmission on the first channel "Time will show." Previously, the Shainin was a frequent expert on this program, but after the departure of Peter Tolstoy to the State Duma, a man took his place.

Artem Sheinin in transmission

This show that comes out on weekdays is discussed socially significant external and internal political problems, such as conflict with Ukraine, sanctions against Russia and much more. Therefore, it is important to be able to be able to transfer the microphone in the auditorium in time and stop the discussion, as well as focus in difficult issues, expressing an argued opinion.

And it is worth saying that Anatoly Kuzichev, Ekaterina Strizhenova and Artem Sheinin perfectly cope with their task, working live (Kuzichev changed Sheynin, but from April 2017, Artem Grigorievich continued to periodically lead this program). Sheinin was remembered by the viewers as the lead, which in a pocket for the word will not climb: Sometimes a statutory man was not afraid to express sharp thoughts, the device of the West and the United States was openly criticized in the fluff and dust, and during one of the discussions admitted that he killed in Afghanistan.

Personal life

Artem Grigorievich does not make his personal life to the public domain and leaves what is happening out of filming in the walls of the house. So, many journalists are not even known to the nationality of the TV presenter. The media make guesses: some believe that Sheinin is a Jew, others are confident that in his veins flows a rattling mixture of Russian and Yakut blood.

Artem Sheinin in 2017

The televiser confessed that he was not used to the hypocrite and smear, so he behaves at the camera absolutely naturally. Few speres guess how difficult the profession of the lead, especially when you have to participate in the literal air. The Sheinin gets rid of the stress on male: goes to the gym and engaged in boxing, and sometimes relaxes with yoga.

The Sheinin tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and does not use alcohol even after exciting esters. Artem Grigorievich also loves to travel through countries to enjoy the landscapes and explore the culture and life of local peoples.

Artem Sheinin loves to travel

As for love relationships, it is known that the journalist is married and has three children. Firstborn Dmitry was born from the previous marriage of Sheynin and lives with an independent life, separate from his parents. Olga Sheinina's second wife, a chemist for education, gave the beloved daughter Daria and the son of Grigory. According to rumors, the TV presenter's spouse keeps a household and raises children. In addition to other things, Artem Grigorievich is familiar to the audience TV channel "2x2" as an actor of the voice acting. His voice sounds in comedy animated series, such as the "evil boy" and "Dr. Katz".

Children of Artem Sheynina

Also, the man tried himself as a writer: the televiser wrote the biographical book "My Afghan. Sounds of music". Sheinin admitted that this is a work written in the style of the playwright Evgeny Grishkovets, scrupulously describes the long-lasting events of those years.

Artem Sheinin now

In 2017, Artem Grigorievich began the transfer of "First Studio", and thanks to him, the book of the Union of Writers LNR "Choice of Donbass" was released.

Among other things, a man participated in the release of the author's program of Zakhar Prilepina "Tea with Zakhar", where he told about his personal life and his profession.


  • "Endless journey"
  • "National interest with Dmitry Kiselev"
  • "The newest story" (series of documentaries)
  • "Together"
  • "Forgotten regiment" with Evgeny Kirichenko
  • "Summits" with Egor Pirogov
  • "Time"
  • "Posner"
  • "Time will tell".
  • "First Studio"

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