Jane Austin - biography, photos, personal life, movies, books and novels



Jane Austin is the famous writer of classical literature, familiar readers for works in the genre of realism. Its novels to this day are popular among young people and adult generation, and eminent directors transfer the works of Jane to the TV screens.

December 16, 1775 in the small town of Stevenson, that in the County of Hampshire, located in the south of Great Britain, the daughter of Jane was born in the Ostinov family. Since winter was harsh, the girl was baptized in the church only on April 5th. It can be said that the parents of the future writer predetermined her fate, because the name Jane means "God gracious", "God's grace".

Portrait of Jane Austin

The Ostinov family lived modestly, the head of the family was a parish priest, and his wife led a household. Spouses got acquainted in St. John's College. Cassandra took place from a notable noble family, her father was a rector in college of all souls. Dowry Mrs. Li was quite modest, because all the inheritance from the grandmother received the elder brother James. George was also a leaving from the rich kind of merchants, but his family was heleras.

The Epoch of Enlightenment Medicine has not been developed, and at that time there was a high infant mortality: progressed such diseases like epidemic vapotitis, cholera, tuberculosis and many others. But all the children of George Austin and his beloved miracle remained alive.

Family Jane Austin

Thus, the writer grew in a large family, in which, in addition to it, six boys and one girl were brought up. Jane was a penultimate child and was born on the tenth month of pregnancy. Initially, newborns were housed under the supervision of the mother. Then the woman gave them to the care of the neighbor Elizabeth Littlewood, which raised the children until 12-18 months.

Senior James since childhood implemented his creative potential and was engaged in literature: he wrote fictionalist stories. But fate prepared a young man in a different way: Becoming older, James began to serve as pastor in the local church. About another brother - George - story silent, because Ostini preferred not to talk about him. It is known that the boy was backward and never learned to talk. But the writer loved George, so for the sake of him learned the alphabet of deaf-and-dumb.

House-Museum Jane Austin

Edward adopted relatives of Ostinov, the boy was brought up in a rich family of Knight, and Henry - an ambitious man - worked as a banker, and then accepted San. Francis and Charles tied life with the sea, and Cassandra's sister, drawing paintings by watercolor, never gained happiness in his personal life. Jane and Kassandra were listed in many educational institutions, but the girls were not lucky with the directories. Among other things, in one of the trips to Southampton, Jane has become fatal, and there was no money for study in the family of Ostinov.

George quickly realized that thus his daughters would not receive decent education, so he personally acted as a teacher, taking all the responsibilities for himself. Thus, from the lectures of the erudite and well-read father, the future writer and her sister have learned more than on a school bench. The man did focus on the literature, so girls from an early age fell in love with the work of Shakespeare, Yum, Richardson and other writers. After reading, they retelled each other's work on memory, discussed novels, discussed and expressed opinions.


Goethe once said: "A man who has congenital talent is experiencing the greatest happiness when this talent uses." In fact, Jane enjoyed God's gift in full: the girl began to get involved in writing from 14 years of age. Then she composed the debut epistolary work "Love and Friendship". Also in the youth, the Blesque "History of England" and the writing of the "beautiful Cassandra", ironically, the creative swelling of the 18th century sentimentalists, for example, Rousseau and Chateobrica, for whom the feelings stood more than reason were also written.

Books Jane Austin

Therefore, the works of relaxing or unrequited love, read by secular ladies in the salons, were not under it: Jane Austin entered the history of literature as a university of realism, according to the laws of which life was described in its typical features, without superfluous metaphor and too pathetic, pretentious revolutions.

In 1811, under the trivial pseudonym Lady Jane produces a dissonant novel "Feeling and Sensitivity", which tells about love tricks and intrigues in the life of two sisters, completely unlike each other: Marianna Dashwood lives by the call of heart, while Eleanor is guided by a mind. Thus, in the imagination of the reader, a certain disharmony is developing between two human qualities.

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Three years later, Jane glances the sophisticated ladies and the Lord Roman "Pride and Prejudice", who over time went to quotations. It is noteworthy that Austin began working on a book in 1795 (96), but this novel did not make a proper impression on the publishers, so the manuscript was dust on the shelf for about 15 years.

Only thanks to the "feeling and sensitivity" - a novel who gave the writer the road to a literary world - the second work of Austin saw the light. True, before passing a book to the publication, Jane reworked the brainchild, initially wearing the name "first impressions", almost beyond recognition, because for so many years the writer managed to change the life views and gain experience.

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In 1814, an instructive novel "Mansfield Park" comes out, and in a year, John Murray publishing house publishes the humorous work of Emma, ​​which tells about lonely ladies, trying to arrange a personal life of familiar and buddies. This novel was impressed even the master of the pen Walter Scott.

In 1816, Jane becomes the author of the household novel "arguments of reason" (published posthumously), the plot of which revolves around the life of the smug and vain Sir Walter, who was on the verge of bankruptcy because of his own nonsense. Of all the abundance of characters in this work, you can allocate a 27-year-old daughter Walter Ann Elliot, because this lonely girl is an atypical book hero for Jane Austin.

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Despite his youth, Ann appears before readers in the image of a wise and sophisticated woman, which in society is called the old Virgin. Ann fell in love with a young man, however, guided by the arguments of the mind, rejected him for the sake of further well-being.

If we talk about the writer's style Jane Austin, then, of course, she is a sophisticated psychologist, who knows both in the souls of people and in everyday problems, what can be judged by her works. And Jane got used to seasoning his manuscripts of the shares of irony and sarcasm. Although the enlightened and Victorian epochs passed hundreds of years ago, such human vices, like hypocrisy, greed, pride, lust, laziness, etc. did not go to the fly.

Books Jane Austin

All this was even during the times of luxurious balls and literary salons. For example, you can remember how the hatred of Mrs. Bennet to Darcy in the blink of an eye is converted into enthusiastic feelings after the news that the young man is going to make a proposal of his hands and the heart of her daughter ("Pride and Prejudice"). Thus, Jane broke stereotypes in the fluff and dust, which were at readers of sentimental novels.

Personal life

The personal life of the English novelist is filled with secrets and riddles. For example, biographers still do not know the true appearance of the lady. Some sources claim that she was a charming young lady, others describe it as a plump hat, which brothers teased in childhood, jerking for cheeks. On the nature of the girl, too, there are popular opinions: it appears as a primary and plump girl, then, on the contrary, a sensitive and charming lady with a mild voice and a good character. About Jane's appearance can be judged by the portrait who performed Cassandra in 1810.

Portrait of Jane Austin 1810

The novelist presented the world's graceful stories of love, but herself never gained happiness. Her life turned over in 1796. Thomas Langlua Lefra, an educated young man, a feet of Huguenot, came to seek his relatives who, ironically lived near Ostinov. Thomas was captivated by the heart of the writer, the fleeting passion turned into a short romance, which as quickly began, so quickly and UGAS. According to family legends, the relationship of young people went into a dead end due to the dissatisfaction of the aunt Lefria. Later, the contemporaries said that these events found echoes in the "arguments of reason", but Thomas said that he loved Jane "childhood love" - ​​no relation for him mean nothing.

Thomas Langlua Lefroy

But Austin was not guided by the arguments of the mind, but turned into a sentimental girl, who recalled his unrequited love for days and nights, because, as Pushkin used to the mouth of Evgenia Onegin, "the smaller the woman we love, the easier we like her." While the novelist suffered, Thomas straightened his personal life without difficulty: he became a supreme judge of Ireland and married a rich person Mary, who gave the spouse of eight children.

Jane Austin and Harris Bigg

But the young man Harris Bigga had everything that was blocked on the contrary: the guy loved Jane. On the proposal of the hand and heart, the girl consensus, but only one day was bride: Austin did not help the medicine of time, she did not forget Thomas, so the lady geared the future to the illusory past. The girl did not have to feel like a loving wife and know the charm of motherhood, because the novelists had no children. In his free from literature, Jane was engaged in sewing and helped her mother around the house.


Jane Austin suffered from Addison's disease (lack of adrenal cortex). Judging by the Clinical Description, this ailment can take several years without symptoms and remain unnoticed, but progresses due to stressful situations or other diseases. The patient disrupts appetite, nausea appears, weight loss, tetania, etc.

Tomb Jane Austin

The writer left in the summer of 1817 at the 42nd year of life. She arrived in Winchester for treatment, but the girl did not manage to cope with the disease. Jane did not have time to complete the works of Sandathon, Watsons and Lady Susan. Roman "Northern Gabety" was posthumously published.


It is not surprising that Austin filled with the meaning of the work was not yet fused.

  • In 1995, the director ENG Li suffered a novel "Mind and Feelings" on the TV screens. It is noteworthy that Emma Thompson wrote a script for about five years. The roles were performed by Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant and other actors.
Frame from the film
  • In the same 1995, the mini-series "Pride and Prejudice" comes out, where Jennifer El, Colin Firth, Suzanna Harker and others worked on the set. This series thanks to the plot revealed the love of avid kinomans around the world.
  • In 2005, Keira Knightley, Matthew MacFadien and Rosamund Pike took part in the melodraman "Pride and Prejudice". Emma Thompson again acted as a scenario and chose to change the dialogues from the handwritten original.
Ann Hathaway in the film
  • In 2006, Jane Austin's biographical film is coming out, telling the writer and Lefria's relationship. The role of the novelist played Ann Hathaway, and James McAvoy reincarnated in her beloved.
  • In 2008, the director Dan Zeff presented to the court of the audience a mini-series "The revived Book of Jane Austin" with Jamaima Rupper and Elliot Kowan starring.
  • In the same year, Jeremy Lavring "Love Failies Jane Austin" came out.


  • "Love and friendship" (1790);
  • "History of England" (1791);
  • "Three sisters" (1792);
  • "Feeling and sensitivity" or "Mind and feelings" (1811);
  • "Pride and Prejudice" (1813);
  • "Mansfield Park" (1814);
  • Emma (1815);
  • "Arguments of reason" (1817);
  • "Northern Gabety" (1818).
  • "Beautiful Cassandra";
  • "Lady Susan";
  • Watsons;
  • "Sandton";
  • "Leslie Castle"

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