Ella Pernell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The young British movie star Ello Pernell is called the new Museum of the Hollywood director Tim Berton. It predicts a brilliant future at the "Dream Factory", but the actress prefers the theater. And Ella is the model of the house Dior.

Actress Ella Pernell.

Born actress and model in London in 1996. In the British capital, her childhood and adolescence took place, a creative biography began here. Parents of the future star broke up when Elle was not and ten years old. Each of them formed a new family. Pernell had three consolidated brothers on his father. Mom, yoga teacher, married the owner of the sports club.

Ella Pernell as a child

Ella Pernell studied in the private school "Forest Skul", which was located on the outskirts of the oldest forest in Britain, which was assigned the status of a plot of special scientific significance. At school, where Pernell studied, children cultured a careful attitude towards nature. After Forest Skull, Ella was transferred to the prestigious London school for girls, a famous historical history and a famous impeccable reputation.

Ella Pernell in his youth

Artistry Ella Pernell demonstrated early. From 9 years old girl went to the school scene, and at 12 left behind hundreds of contenders for the role in the musical performance "Oliver!" According to the novel by Charles Dickens "Adventures of Oliver Twist". The year Music was walking on the stage of the Royal Drury Lane Theater. During this time, Ella Pernell felt like an actress and acquired the first experience of the game on stage. The girl realized that she did not dream about another profession, and began to improve the skill in the Theater School of Sylvia Yang. Ella took the lessons of scenic speech and choreography, learned music and vocals.


Ella Pernell made his debut in the cinema in 2010. The first picture brought her success and opened the door to the world of cinema. The 13-year-old artist starred in the drama-anti-nightopy of the American director Mark Romanenz "Do not let me go." The main heroine of the film Ruth played Keira Knightley. Elle trusted to play Ruth in childhood.

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The picture did not bring the cash success to the creators, but received warm films of film critics. Expert Roger Ebert put the project 4 stars - the highest score. Ella Pernell woke up famous. More directors did not produce young artist out of attention. In the same year, the girl appeared on the screen in the picture "The Path to Eternal Life", filmed on the novel Sally Nichols, famous for deep psychological research.

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Next year, Pernell shone in the film "Eaters" and the short film "Candy". Shots of the horror movie "Eaters" took place in London and Madrid. The main role in Horror went to Clive Owen. After the release of the picture, Ella Pernell contributed to the top 10 of the British stars of tomorrow. The list was compiled by the English edition of Screen International.

In 2013, Ella Pernell was called to the comedy fighter "Pipets 2". In a black comedy, where Aaron Johnson and Chloe Mapet played key characters, 17-year-old girl played a heroine by name.

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2014 brought actress role in the remake of the Disney film film "Sleeping Beauty" - Fantasy "Malefistent". Angelina Jolie became a painting cozer. The Hollywood Star, which was given in the project a key image of Males, chose a heroine to the role of heroine in his youth by Ella Pernell.

The girl who had just left the hospital ward after removing appendicitis, was afraid for the integrity of fresh seams and was afraid of height, because the young Malefistee flew over the ground. But all the fears remained behind, and the honor of working with the most Angelina Jolie was covered with a young Briton. Tape, the premiere of which in Hollywood took place on March 28, 2014 (in Russia - every other day), received mixed assessments.

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In the same year, the screens came out the painting "Wildness", in which Ella played the wayward Mackenzie. For work in the adventure ribe Pernell received the Laiff June Award award and a few more awards. But the achieping of world recognition in cinema British was admitted to journalists, which dreams of returning to the theater scene, and the cinema for her is secondary.

In 2016, the world of Hollywood cinema did not let go of a young star. Ella Pernell starred in the adventure militant David Yate "Tarzan" and a film-fairy tale Tim Berton "House of Strange Children Miss Serin". On the screen, Ellu saw in the star company Eice Butterfield and Eva Green. Pernell reincarnated into a girl who knows how to control air, Emma Bloom. Ella Pernell in an interview shared that if it were not for Aisa Butterfield, she would never get a school certificate for anything. For textbooks, actors were sitting together at the insistence of conscious Butterfield.

New film School of Berthon Fantasy fans and creativity of the eminent director were highly appreciated. Ella, they saw in the image of a blonde girl with an angelic appearance, with which the coarse shoes were dissoned on a thick sole. They helped the heroine do not take off into the air. In an interview with the Weekly "VOG", Ella Pernell said that relatives over her make sure, arguing that playing young heroines - the role of Ella. But the actress denies that the Emma Bloom in the picture of Berton continued a number of familiar children's images, because by the scenario of the heroine of 112 years. She looks like a child, but looks at the world and argues like a sage.

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On the set of paintings by Elle Pernell had to fly in ten meters above the ground, for which the actress was suspended to special cables. But the fear of the height of the girl is overgrown, removing in the "Malefisent". In the same year, the Briton appeared in the dramatic baiopic "The Journey is a goal", in which the story of the 22-year-old photojournalist Dan Eldon, the Englishman, who was beaten in Somalia to death.

Personal life

The appearance of Ella Pernell in Hollywood projects, shooting in "Malefisent" and "Strange Children's House of Miss Serin" attracted the attention of the audience to the British asterisk, the actress formed an impressive fan army. On the page in "Instagram" at Pernell 262,000 subscribers who carefully follow the news of her personal life and career.

Ella Pernell

The elegant beauty (ELLA growth is 1.60 meters at a weight of 44 kilograms) with expressive brown eyes a lot of fans. In 2016, Briton made his debut as a Gucci and Dior brand model. Pernell is a talented actress and a multifaceted personality. She plays a piano and saxophone, talking in French and Spanish, organized a fund of assistance to children and adolescents that have fallen into crisis situations, engaged in charity. Actress Fehuette and plays tennis.

Ella Pernell and Eys Butterfield

After entering the screens of the project, Tim Berton spread rumors about the novel by Ella Pernell with Aise Batterfield. The actor helped a girl to prepare for graduation exams, they spent a lot of time together, but call relationships friendly.

Ella Pernell now

In 2017, British again appeared on the screens to the joy of the magnitude of the army of fans. She starred in the Bayopic Churchill and the Youth Travel film "Access to all regions". In 2017, the audience expect the premiere of the American Drama director Ryan Esplinger "UFO", in which Elle Pernell is assigned to the main role.

Ella Pernell in 2017

Personal life actresses remains in the spotlight. They talk about Ella's novel with Tom Choline, a fantastic militant star "Spiderman: Return home." The couple attracted the attention of the paparazzi at the BAFTA-2017 ceremony, where Hollande was awarded. Ella and Tom left the celebration together, after which rumors crawled down that the actors meet. But the British stars insist that they are friends.

Ella Pernell and Tom Holland

In 2017, Ella Pernell appeared in glossy magazines. She accepted the offer from Dior and introduced a cruise collection of the Parisian fashion house. British with admiration responds about brand clothes, but argues that he does not like to dress up and in everyday life is indifferent to luxurious dresses. Ella prefers jeans and sports trickly and does not like when they discuss her appearance.


  • 2010 - "Do not let me go"
  • 2010 - "The Path to Eternal Life"
  • 2011 - "Eaters"
  • 2011 - "Candy"
  • 2013 - "Pipets 2"
  • 2014 - "Malefistent"
  • 2014 - "Wildness"
  • 2015 - "Cyber ​​Terror"
  • 2016 - "Tarzan"
  • 2016 - "Travel is a destination"
  • 2016 - "House of Strange Children Miss Serin"
  • 2017 - Churchill
  • 2017 - "Access to all regions"
  • 2017 - "UFO"

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