Boris Chemichle - biography, photo, personal life, movies, cause of death



Boris Chemicals without the slightest exaggeration can be called an outstanding actor. His role instantly became cult, and the films involving Chemichnev still revise both artist fans and lovers of high-quality filmmakers. The long labor biography of Boris Chemicheva is a great example of the fact that hardworking and constant work is able to work wonders.

Childhood and youth

Future actor Boris Petrovich Chemicals was born in the village of Balamutovka, which in Ukraine, January 12, 1933. Chemicals rose a painful child, easily infected with children's reels and often lay in bed with a temperature. Therefore, at 10 years old, the boy decided to tempt. Dumbbells, gymnastics and cold water became unchanged satellites Boris Chemichle for many years. In a tightened slender young man, arrived in a few years in the University of Kiev, it was difficult to recognize a silete boy.

Actor Boris Chemical

Boris chose a mathematical specialty, but after a couple of years I realized that this direction he was not interested. Chemicals, being a strong man, will not be afraid to leave her studies and go towards a dream. In 1960, Boris Chemicals moved to Moscow and relates documents to enter into several theatrical schools of the capital.

Boris Chemicals in youth

The future star was lucky immediately: Chemichyev took MHAT. The Pavel Masalsky's course, which Boris got, was considered strong and promising. Chemicals will subsequently remember that he was very different from other students: age and poverty made Boris shy their appearance. The young man often closed in his thoughts and communicated little with classmates. However, even this did not prevent the purposeful Chemicals to develop a natural acting acting.


In 1964, Chemicals ends MHAT and enters the service at the Mayakovsky Theater. In parallel, the novice actor goes to the samples in the cinema, and soon Boris is invited to the first shooting. The debut role of Chemichev became the lieutenant of Artamonov in the detective film "Trest Operation". Perhaps, for this reason, a detective role will consolidate for the actor: Boris will often be invited to such paintings, which he will sometimes complain in later interviews.

Boris Chemicals in the film

Be that as it may, the young actor was noticed: at that time, three or four filmmakers with the participation of Chemichle were noticed annually. Boris began to find out, the first fans and fans appeared. The bright and charismatic appearance of the actor played him on his hand: the directors loved to give Chemicals in extraordinary characters.

Boris Chemicals in the film

It is worth noting that Chemicals coped with positive roles, and with the characters of the villains and villains. The actor himself highlighted the paintings "Prince Yuri Dolgoruky" and "Fathers and Children", considering that in these films he was most fully revealed as a dramatic actor.

Personal life

Boris Chemical's personal life turned out to be rich in marriages. Boris confessed to journalists:

"Lovelace I was never - the patriarchal rustic education was too firmly in me: if you got closer with a woman - marry. By the way, all my numerous marriages are from a serious approach. For me, to meet a woman for a long time."

Boris Chemicheva's wives differed from each other by the nature and nature of the activity, but the general feature of the marriages of the actor became love of the chosen. The first beloved Boris - Tatyana Lavrov - also was an actress. Unfortunately, despite the community of interest, the spouses failed to preserve the marriage.

Boris Chemichle and Tatyana Lavrov

The next Roman actor turned out to be more durable: Actress Tatyana Doronin seriously seen the heart of Chemichev. Boris and Tatiana got married in 1973. This marriage became the union of mature people, in love with each other and in art. Spouses often played in some performances and even starred in some films.

The problem was that Doronina, and Chemicals, being creative people, were emotionally. Any trifle passed into a serious skirm of two strong characters. The couple often swear, and once came to awareness of the need for divorce. In 1982, Chemicals broke up with the second wife, but until recent days, Boris will remember this marriage with warmth and tenderness.

Tatyana Doronina and Boris Chemical

Two subsequent wives Boris Chemichv could not keep the actor even for a short time. The third marriage lasted two weeks, and the fourth one and a half years. Both chosen were much younger than the actor, and with both Boris failed to build real family relationships.

Boris Chemicals with his wife Galina and daughter Elena

Happy was the fifth and last marriage of Chemichle. Galina Sizova was able to give the actor family warmth, love and respect that Boris was looking for in relationships. In one of the interviews, Chemicals admitted:

"I am grateful to the fate for sending me such a woman. Galina gave me what I had no before."

In addition to family heat, marriage with Galina presented the actor who had no children, daughter Elena. Lena, Galina daughter from the previous marriage, became native to Boris.


Boris Petrovich died on September 14, 2014 at the cottage. The cause of the death of Boris Chemichle, doctors will be called a sick heart. The fact is that immediately after the death of Galina, Jesova, the actor had a heart attack, seriously overcoming Boris Petrovich's health. Boris Chemicheva's death shook friends and actor fans. However, as it turned out, this sad event attracted the attention of dishonest people.

After some time, there was a scandal around the inheritance of Boris Chemichleva: a girl who claimed that she was the daughter of Boris Chemichle, was there at the shooting of the "Direct Ether" program. Native and close actors were in shock - the girl Daria, claiming to relatives with Chemichv, none of them had seen. Moreover, it turned out that immediately after the death of Chemichle Daria, Daria penetrated the actor's house and took photos next to his body.

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Darya's mother claims that she had a fleeting connection with the actor, after which the daughter was born. The truth is or not, the actor fans hope to learn in the near future. In the meantime, according to the latest media information, Daria still intends to seek the court to recognize it with his native daughter an actor.


  • Council Yes Love (2011)
  • Farewell, Corrida! (2010)
  • Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (1998)
  • Mousetrap (1990)
  • Rezind Square (1985)
  • Black Arrow (1985)
  • Seven Elements (1984)
  • The first equestrian (1984)
  • Double overtaking (1984)
  • Without much risk (1983)
  • Password "Hotel Regina" (1983)
  • Ballada about the valiant knight of Avengo (1982)
  • Delight of Dr. Iven (1973)
  • Visit of politeness (1972)
  • Scarlet Maks Issyk-Kul (1971)
  • Snow Maiden (1968)

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