Shao Kan - biography, superconduct, actors and roles


Character History

It is unlikely that you can envy someone who expects the fight with Shao Kan - the Great Warrior and the recognized emperor of the outside world. The harsh and a few killer playing takes off rivals on the pieces of bare hands. Add a sharp mind to physical strength - and before you the perfect opponent, ready to destroy a person, a ghost or God.

The first appearance of Shao Kahn took place in the game "Mortal Kombat 2". The emperor got the role of the final villain, whose wins not everyone is capable of winning. The creators of the colorful character are John Tobias and Edward Bun.

John Tobias and Edward Boon

The authors of the video game in the "Fataliti" genre first turned Shao Kai to Tartakan (raus, inhabiting the outside world), but later abandoned the idea. Long teeth and saliva were badly combined with a soldier costume.

The second option gave the random subtitle, almost skeletal, body. Such an image did Shao Cana like Shang Tsung (sorcerer and a student of the emperor), so they refused again from the idea.

The third attempt became final. The hero rose to two meters, gained weight and acquired muscles. The branded sign of the emperor became a helmet, on the form of a resembling skull. The martial outfit of the emperor brings thoughts about the warriors of Asia.

Brian Thompson as Shao Kana

On the movie screen, Shao Kana embodied the actor Brian Thompson. In the film "The deadly battle" Shao Kan appears as a minor hero. In the picture "Deadly Battle 2: Extermination" Thompson plays a full-fledged character. Computer game fans did not appreciate the efforts of the artist. Fans are confident that the actor was overpowered with the emotional component.


The past was covered by the past. The fate of men can be traced from the moment when the hero takes the post of advisor at the king of the Dragons of Othgh. The place of the first assistant does not respond to the ambitions of a man, so Shao Kan kills the current emperor and seizes the leader's place in the outside world.

In contrast to the wise ruler, the villain failed to restrain the regions of the state. In the outside world, constant riots and armed conflicts occur. Wanting to swee his own pride, Shao Kan starts to subordinate other worlds.

Emperor Shao Kan.

The emperor took several thousand years to accumulate enough forces to capture a large world called endemia. The conqueror wins the mortal duel, kills the ruling monarch and marries the queen of endemia against the Woman's will.

The queen did not accept the new way and committed suicide. The daughter of the former ruler Shao Kan raises as his own heiress and bodyguard. The girl does not recognize that the Warrior is not a father at all.

The next goal of the powerful emperor was the earthly kingdom, but Shao Cata Fighters tolerate defeat in the battle. Coming out one on one against the city (Assistant Shao Kana), the warrior from the ground distensifies the freedom of his native world. Loss hurts hurts for pride. The hero resurrects the soul of Canel (Queen endemia) on Earth, thereby finding a formal reason to capture someone else's peace into account of the received rules.

Shao Kan and Sanlan

During the battle, the hero conquers new lands and loses faithful allies. A man comes into battle against scorpion, which in the past fagged. The wrencher of the warriors of the Earth brings the result - Shao Kan's wounded, the Earth Kingdom remains independent, and endemia gets freedom from tyranny.

As long as the emperor joins new territories, the external world is preparing overthrowing ruler. Enemies and former allies (Nob Sahibot, Kuan Chi and Shang Tsung) developed a plan as to defeat Shao Kana. The castle of the emperor was attacked. The villain is killed. But the invaders did not fully appreciate the trick of the warrior. A clone suffered from enemies, and not the emperor himself.

Another fight for power takes place in the temple built by the elder gods. In the bloody battle of the strongest fighters alive, only the emperor and the God of Thunder remain. Battle against Raiden (he is the God of Thunder) ends with the victory of the cynical conqueror.

Castle Shao Kana

The death of the Divine destroys the last obstacles to Shao Kana. Now the warrior is easily united by many worlds in one huge state. Having achieved his goal, the amply emperor goes crazy - no one else to fight and nothing to achieve.

True, the battle for world domination has not yet been completed. Before the most death, Raiden sends a message to the past, in which he reports that Shao Kan must win. This is the only way to stop the insane emperor.

Shao Kahn

The authors "Mortal Kombat" show fans another outcome of the life of the ambitious warrior. Time returns to the tournament for the earth's kingdom. Shao Kan wins in a duel of mortals. The emperor is ready to join the captured lands, but the hero is comprehended by Kara. Shao Kan has repeatedly violated the rules, and the patience of the elder gods ended. The Supreme Power kills the emperor and restores the balance in the world. Ambitions and ambition still destroyed the Great Warrior.


The abilities of Shao Cana are diverse. Favorite Hero Reception - Light Arrow. A man falls on one knee and sends a long, transfusing spear into the opponent, overflowing with different colors.

Another bright reception of Shao Kata is a fiery breathing. True, the color of fire is green, but the enemy's weapon wounds quite seriously. A bright ball of Kan produces from his mouth and both hands.

Light Arrow Shao Kana

The hero has knowledge of black magic, so it easily erects the protective field. Armor is impenetrable for weapons of enemies, but allows you to tighten the enemy inside and finish it. In addition to combat techniques, Shao Kan has the ability to absorb the souls of the dead. The hero easily raises his own body over the ground and in critical situations creates his clone.

The Superdara of the emperor is well known. One of the most spectacular - lungs knee. A man lightningly takes off into the air and pierces his knee protection of the enemy. The power is hidden in the hands of the hero. Shao Kan instantly bursts the opponent into two parts.

Shao Kahn

Often in the fights, the emperor uses favorite weapon - hammer. With it, a man from one blow breaks the enemy's head into small pieces. To diversify the battle, Shao Kan scores an attacker to the ground to the belt, and after it works on the enemy receptions of a hand-to-hand combat.

The villain is not bent by psychological techniques. Seeing his own superiority, Shao Kan rises the skill of the enemy and mocks his opponents attempts to overcome him. Sometimes the hero turns his back to his opponent, showing that he is not afraid and does not worry about the fight.

Interesting Facts

  • Accurate age Shao Kana is unknown. Initially, it was argued that the villain is 10 thousand years old, but later the words of the heroes indicated the figure exceeding the initial minimum twice.
  • For humiliating jokes over the enemies Shao Kan is recognized as the most popular villain "Mortal Kombat". Gamers often use random quotes in everyday life.
  • Shao Kana Tower is built from bones and weapons of defeated enemies. The building is so cumbersome that the first floors gradually go under the ground.
  • In honor of the 25th anniversary, the creators of the game released the "Hunt for Reliquia" regime. Fans can free the soul of Shao Cana and recreate the character in diamond mode.


"I'm Shao Kan! Let's bow! "" I declare officially that you are a weak! "" Senior gods ... Worms, masking under the dragons ... "" I rightly have this world! "Feel the power of Shao Kana!"

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