Brian Krause - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



American actor Brian Krause made his debut on large screens when he was barely 5 years old. The purposeful young man in childhood dreamed of becoming a doctor, but fate made its own adjustments, thanks to which a new star was lit on the cinematographic sky. Among the variety of his work, the paintings "Other World", "Bijacks", "Cool Walker", "Return to the Lake of Death" and "head hunters" can be distinguished.

Childhood and youth

Brian Jeffrey Krause was born on February 1, 1969 in the American city of El Toro (California). Father and Mother of Artist - Ethnic Germans. He has an elder brother Patrick, who, unlike a star brother, has never been interested in actor's paths.

Full Brian Krause

At school age, Brian was seriously fascinated by sports. The boy was engaged in tennis and swimming, played basketball and golf. Before proceeding with the development of the acting profession, Brian managed to try on the role of the seller of popcorn, distributor of advertising leaflets, "climbing" in a sausage costume and even a loader. Half earning a teenager regularly gave mom, and the other half sent to the piggy bank.

Brian Krause in youth

At the age of 16, Crause was recorded in a professional acting. Success did not make himself wait a long time: in the second half of the 1980s, Brian starred in TV 101 series, "The Way to Sky" and "Match Point". Despite the fact that only episodic roles got a young and inexperienced actor, Krause did not despair and believed that his starry hour was not far off.


Brian's first serious work was the main role in the 1991 melodrama "Return to the Blue Lagoon". The tape was an empty of the novel of the Garde Gardens of the Irish writer Henry De fare Stackpoula and was a continuation of the 1980 film "Blue Laguna" with Brooke Shields and Christopher Atkins in high roles. The 15-year-old Mila Jovovich became partner Brian Krauses on the set.

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The cinematic work "Return to the Blue Lagoon" did not have commercial success due to the complete coincidence of the plot of paintings with the first part of the story. However, Brian, who has gained fame, then received a role in the film "December", where Balthazar Ghetty became his partner, and took part in the filming of the film "Lunatika" according to the original scenario of Stephen King.

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A significant event in the acting life of Brian Krause became shooting a series of films "Bandit" ("Bandit is going to the outback", "Silver Angel Bandit", "Bandit and a Bandit" and "Beauty and Bandit"), where the actor met his future wife, fashion model Bet Bruce. In 1994, Krauze played the "Family Album" trilogy, and a year later he shone in the erotic film "Nude Souls" along with the notorious Pamela Anderson.

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2008 brought the actor participation in the fantastic film "Birds of War". The actors Jama El Mann and Torhora Masamun became colleagues of Brian on the set. A year later, the actor received a major role in the militant director Anthony Fankhouse "2012: Supernova." In 2010, Brian starred in a number of works that did not have commercial success: "You're such an Amur", "rain out of the stars", "murder at the next stop", "ash", "Cyrus" and "chains that bind us."

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In 2011, the Krauze filmography was replenished with roles in the film "Protecting a Witness" and the fantastic film "Camel Spiders". In 2013, films "Red Sky", "Borrowed Moments", "Nightmare House on Hills 2", "Plan 9", in which Brian was also given their place to be reached on large screens. Film 2014 "Poseidon Rex", "Do Not Shoot! I am a guitarist! ", As well as the paintings" Zone 52 "and" Home Purgatory "2015-2016, the audience did not impress the audience.

TV series "Enchanted"

Craise at times increased the army of the fan, starring in the fantasy series "Enchanted". It is noteworthy that for filming, the producers were picked up by famous stars, refusing unknown and beginner actors. If Brian had been not popular at that time, he would not be invited to the series. On October 7, 1998, the first series of the "Enchanted" project was released on the screens.

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The plot of the film is Nontrivialien: Three beauties sisters find a predisposition to magic. One of them can "freeze" time, the second strength of thought moves objects, and the third sees the future. Sisters swear to each other use the ability to benefit and lead unequal battle with the forces of evil.

Brian Krause and Holly Mary Combs

At first, Brian's hero, the Guardian Angel of Good Witches Leo Whitet, was a secondary figure. Babe, devoid of negative and even individual signs, the guy as two drops of water looked like the very first film - Richard (film "Return to the Blue Lagoon"). In that picture, the young Zelenoki Brian ran through the virgin beach in one looked out of the bandage with the beauty of Milly Yovovich and did not know anything about the vices of the modern world.

Brian Krause in the role of Leo Whiteat

As the plot of "enchanted" develops, the screenwriters began to pay more attention to Brian. When the third season, Leo "found a voice" and, despite the heavenly owners, married the witch Piper, the love of the audience to Brian just shook. Strange people on the street began to approach the actor, admitted to him in sympathy and ask for an autograph.

After the success of the TV series, the female audience has serious problems with alcohol. In 2010, a man was even detained for a drunken debacio at the airport. Fortunately, Krause was able to take himself in hand, get rid of the bad habit and continue his procession on cinematic work, nomadsya from one project to another.

Personal life

By the shoulders of the famous actor one official marriage. At the 25th age, he married a fashion model Beth Bruce. In 1996, the spouse gave him the heir - the son of Jameman. Unfortunately, the boat entitled "Family Life" soon went to the bottom. In 2000, Bryan and Beth divorce took place. Former spouses managed to part on a good note, and the actor after the divorce continued to maintain an ex-spouse as morally and materially.

Brian Krause and Beth Bruce

Shooting in the TV series "Enchanted" brought the browse new short relationships. In the story of the character of Brian there was a rapid novel with the heroine of the actress Holly Marie Combs. Fans believed that screen love would turn into something more in life. Despite numerous rumors, the actors did not meet and were just colleagues on the set.

Brian Krause and Alice Milano

In fact, the repository wizard had a novel with a colleague Holly, the youngest of the Witch Alice Milano. True, it never reached the wedding. Young people met for a year, after which they came to the conclusion that they could not have a joint future. At the moment, the heart of the famous actor is free.

Brian Krause now

In May 2017, the actor starred in the film "Deceived". In the painting, Brian got the role of a Morrison detective, who disassembled the tangle of intricate causes of causal relationships and tried to understand exactly how the famous businessman was killed. The case was complicated by the fact that the suspicious in the case was held a luckless widow and her new beloved, which in the covers were not one secret.

In June of the same year, Brian appeared in the horror film director Drew Gabrescoes "Frame". In the ribbon telling about the family that moved to a new home and faced with a number of paranormal phenomena, Krazuz tried on the image of the head of the family. In 2018, it is planned to exit a short picture of Scott Brewer "Harrison 7: Hunting" and the full-length science fiction drama "Harrison 7", in which the favorite of the women's audience will also play a major role.

Brian Krauze in 2017

Despite the tight working schedule, the artist in 177 cm does not forget about fans. In Stagram, Brian regularly lays out photographs from filming and video phones from recreation. It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of the reincarnation wizard. On various Internet portals and in printed publications, materials related to the creative biography of the artist are also often published.


  • "Birds of War" (2008);
  • "Horror Loch Nessa" (2008);
  • "Devil Diary" (2007);
  • "Hunter for heads" (2007);
  • "Blood Revenge" (2006);
  • "Rain from Stars" (2010);
  • "Using" (2009);
  • "Return to the Lake of Death" (2001);
  • "December" (1991);
  • "Return to the Blue Lagoon" (1991);
  • "Earth Angel" (1991);
  • "Plan 9" (2015);
  • "Dog-Cupid" (2012);
  • "Mystery asteroid" (1996);
  • "Liaz Club" (1993).

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