Sab-Ziro - biography, main characters, actors and roles


Character History

The cult game of the early 1990s "Mortal Kombat" is filled with tens of bright characters. The creators of the virtual world managed to conquer the mind of teenagers of that time. The games have everything that carried away adolescents almost 30 years ago: cyborgs, extraterrestrial monsters, magicians, people, perfectly owning martial arts. The latter belongs to the Sab-Ziro - Ice Ninja with a hot heart and blurred past.

History of creation

The authors "Mortal Kombat" borrowed this permanent "resident" of the game from Lee Book, which insists on the historical existence of the Chinese Ninja Lin Kayway clan, which influenced Japanese representatives of hired killers. John Tobias, one of the creators of Mortal Kombat, commented that the character had to be divided into two heroes to prove this fact.

John Tobias

First, the ice ninja was named the name of Tundra, but later he turned into Sab-Ziro - so called (without hyphena - sabziro) a killer who attacked the hero of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film "Running Man."

Biography and plot

In the original chronology, the biography of two brothers - Bihana and Kuai Layng, whom the father stoke from the mother to make hired killers from children. Sab-Ziro is a registered title that turns over the family line from one person to another after the death of the previous media. The brothers found themselves at the headquarters of the Ninja Lin Kuway clan, where a little later, the family name was the Maskoy Bihan.

Bihan and Kuai Laining

He was instructed to kill the owner of the tournament, sorcerer Shang Tsung, and take the treasures, but the ghost of Scorpio was intervened in fate, who died two years ago from the hands of Bihan. In retaliation, the ghost inflicted a fatchik's fatal blow, and he got into hell, where he turned into a dark demon named Nob Sahibot.

The younger brother immediately took the place of the deceased, putting the Mask Sab-Ziro and went to Los Angeles, where he saved the descendant of the Mediterranean military sect of Johnny Kage from the attacks of the Warriors of the outside world. Then, he, along with another, SMOKOM decides to complete the task of the destruction of Shang Tsung, but they can't do it. But the younger brother met with a scorpion in a bloody battle. The victory won the protagonist, sparing, however, the opponent. As a result, the enemies concluded the "nonsense pact."

Sub Zero

In the third part of Mortal Kombat, Kuai Layng with SMOKOM returned to their native clan. Here, a couple waited for a surprise - elders, using the fruits of technical progress, create cybernide from people who are endowed with an incredible force, but devoid of shower. From the reluctance to become victims of the experiment, friends decide to escape, however, it was possible to make only Qui Laieng.

New-circuited cyborgs SAIRS, the sector and Slak rushed into pursuit, and during the game Sab-Ziro had to fight with former clan colleagues. In addition, Qui Layng accepted the proposal to join the ranks of the team, which was to confront a new threat - Emperor Shao Kan invaded the earthly kingdom.

Emperor Shao Kan.

In a warful war with the eldest god of shine, who decided to destroy the earthly kingdom, Sab-Ziro met in a fight with an old familiar scorpion, in which the latter won, but approved his life.

In the fourth part of the game Kuai Laieng managed to defeat the sectors and take the brazers of the board of the clan in their own hands. At the same time, the glorious warrior met with his brother, regenerated under the larvae of Nuba Sahibot, and family disassembly broke out between relatives. Later, Sab-Ziro decided to reorganize the clan, making his headquarters for warriors who would help the residents of the Earth in the fight against the dark forces. Thanks to the dragon medallion, the hero's strength increased.

Sab-Ziro and Frost

In the casting of students of the renewed clan Sab-Ziro notified the girl Frost, which is capable of freezing objects and living beings as he. United, a couple won the sorcerers of Shang Tungu and Kuan Chi. And later, the young warrior showed insidiousness - he tried to pull the dragon medallion, for which she paid his life.

In the future, the glorious warrior came out the winner of the battle with Tarkatans and the warriors of the King of Dragons, fought with Nob Sahibot, trying to save the soul of her senior brother, but fell in battle at the Pyramid of Argus, where the victory status acquired Shao Kan.

In the updated chronology of the Universe Mortal Kombat, Sab-Ziro is still turned into a cyborg, however, at the request of SMOOK, the hero soon became a man with freedom of will and action. There is also a new interesting character - Kitana, the daughter of Emperor Shao Kana, who had to kill the warrior.

Image and ability

During the lifetime, the Sab-Ziro game changes costumes as gloves. At first, the hero appears in a ninja costume, but already in Mortal Kombat-III returns without a mask. The creators of the character pursued the goal to put his personality, so that the players understand the new Sab-Ziro. However, in the next game version of the mask and the ninja costume in place. In the future, the warrior appears in the magic armor, which his ancestors were worn, and in the 2011 game in the Cyborg's robe. In addition, in "MK: Deadly Alliance" Sab-Ziro aged, yielding to the influence of the dragon medallion.

Sab-Ziro without mask

The list of character's abilities is headed by the ability to control the ice in different hypostatas. Sab-Ziro easily freezes the enemy with the help of an ice ball, devoid of his legs to the surface or creates an icy slippery crust on Earth so that the opponent has lost its balance. The hero has another feature - if desired, ice figures can create freezing enemy when touched.

Sab-Ziro knows how to freeze

Later, Sab-Ziro himself makes the magic tools from frozen water - hammers, daggers, swords; Constructs from Komomanty protection around him. The hero is capable of a number of miracles: freezes his body and disappears, appearing back behind the opponent, from the center of hands, releases the ice shower, which covers the enemy and immobilizes, produces a icy bomb, consisting of two bombs, which is inevitable.


On the plots of Mortal Kombat games, a number of media products are founded, ranging from comics and ending with cartoons.

Francois Petit as Sab-Ziro

In 1995, a full-length film of Paul Anderson "Mortal Battle" with Francois Petit in the role of Sab-Ziro, who became a cult and recognized as the best filmmaker created by the game.

Kate Cook-Hrabayshi as Sab-Ziro

In the sequel painting "Deadly Battle 2: Extermination" The image embodied another actor - Kate Cook-Hrabayshi.

JJ Jay Perry as Sab-Ziro

Adventure Multi-Steel Movie "Deadly Battle: Conquest", which pleased the fans of games, successfully walked from 1998 to 1999. Ice Ninja appeared by Jay Jay Perry.

Interesting Facts

  • On the Internet among the fans of Mortal Kombat, the bike walks that Sab-Ziro - Brother Scorpion. In fact, the kindred bonds of heroes do not bind.
  • The authors "Mortal Kombat" came up with a new concept in the world of Games - Brutaliti. This is a form of finishing consisting of very long combo.
  • The youngest of the Sab-Ziro brothers during the transition from the second game to the third suddenly changed the race: at first it is Asian, and then - the White Warrior.
Sab-Ziro in the artist
  • In the tenants of the character flowing alien blood. Father is a commencement from the Clan Claranians who live outside the land, so ice tricks were transferred to the hero at the genome.
  • In the first film "Deadly Battle" Actors playing ninja were professional karates. For example, Francois Petit is a master of Japanese martial arts, the owner of the third Dana judo, the seventh dona karate-up and the eighth given Giu-Jitsu.
  • In the 40s of the last century, a brand of household appliances called Sub-Zero, which means "below zero". Created a company engineer who was looking for insulin storage methods at home.

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