Evgeny Krylatov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, cause of death



Evgeny Pavlovich Wildow - Soviet and Russian composer, author of music to 140 artistic, documentary and animated films, Laureate of the USSR Mr. (1982), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), Winner of the President of the Russian Federation (2014).

Evgeny Pavlovich was born on February 23, 1934 in the city of Lysva Perm region in the family of Workers Pavel Evgenievich and Zoe Nikolaevna. In 1936, the family moved to the District District of Perm Motovilih. The great-grandfather of his father's line sang in the Orthodox church on the pollosy, the father in his youth took the lessons of playing the violin, was Meloman and collected a collection of plates with works of classics. Mother loved to sing folk songs.

Evgeny Krylatov

Evgeny from an early age began to show craving for art, and at 7 years old the boy was recorded in a music school. Since the family lived Poor, for a long time of the winters did without a tool, training on the table. As a key, the boy used the image of the piano keyboard cut out of the textbook. Standard circumstances did not prevent Eugene to start the first composer experiences. After graduating from the Music School of the Krylov, he entered the Perm Music School in the classroom to the teacher I. P. Gladkovka, who was widely known in Perm a musician enlightener.

Evgeny Wilds in youth

In 1948, the Department of Culture of the city presented the young man-straightforward man. For 4 years of training, Eugene composed several romances, as well as string quartet. Director of Muzuchili N.A. Metropolis sent a student to a contest of young composers to Moscow, where Eugene issued a letter of recommendation for admission to the conservatory. In 1953, Evgeny Krylatov arrived at once on two departments of MHC - compositions (class of Professor M.I. Bulaki) and Piano (class V.N. Natanton). Together with Evgeny at the Composer's faculty, future classics of the 20th century were studied - Alfred Schnitke, Aledar Karamanov, Eduard Lazarev.

Composer Evgeny Krylatov

During the years of study, Eugene created a number of works of a large form - a piano concert, Pamir Kapricchio, Cantata "Lenin Party". After graduating from the conservatory in 1959, the winters began to work on creating music to dramatic performances of the Small Theater, Moscow Tyuza, Riga Theater of the Russian Drama. For 18 years, music appeared from the composer's pen of the composer to productions "Higher Being", "a man who laughs", "Auditor", "inexpensive", "Romeo and Juliet", "kill the casting", "grief from the mind", To the ballet "Sing, Poet" and the musical "Valentin and Valentina".

The diploma work of Krybolov was the ballet "Flower-Semicetics", which for 5 years since 1965 was walking on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater.


The first experiments of Eugene Kryolov in writing music to movies turned out to be unsuccessful. After working on the films "Life at first", Vaska in Taiga, which appeared in the early 60s, followed the ten-year break. The beginning of the creative biography of Krybolov is considered to be 1969, when the cartoons "UMKA" came out with the popular "Major's Lullaby" and "Santa Claus and Summer", for which Evgeny Pavlovich wrote a song "Here is what, our summer." In 1970, the composer was invited to create music to kinocartes "Therent of the Republic" Vladimir Bychkov, "Oh, this Nastya!" Yuri Victoronezzhev and "On Love" Mikhail Goggneus.

In the 70s, the music of Yevgeny Pavlovich from the movies "And then I said - no ...", "I am looking for a man", "Dattla's head does not hurt", "confusion of feelings", "Mermaid". According to the best samples of love lyrics, the songs "Waiting" from the film "And this is all about him," "promise love me" from the science fiction painting "Aquavata", the instrumental theme of the melodrama "with your loved one".

Songs from children's adventure films "Winged swings", "How progress has come" ("Adventures Electronics"), "Beautiful far" and "Flight" ("Guest from the Future") replenished the Golden Music Piggy Bank for Children.

For several decades, Evgeny Kryoltov was lucky to work with the best poets of the era - Bella Ahmadulina, Robert Christmas, Leonid Derbenhev, Ilya Reznik, Mikhail Pleakkovsky, Yuri Entin. Krylatov's songs at one time performed actors Alexander Abdulov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Andrei Mironov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Oleg Tabakov, and pop artists - Irina Otiev, Larisa Dolina, Joseph Kobzon, Alexander Gradsky, Vitas, Julia Savicheva.

In the 90s, when the Soviet Cinema system collapsed, Yevgeny Wildets could no longer work on the film studio. Gorky, Mosfilm and Studios them. Dovzhenko. In 1993, the composer released the first disk with the best musical compositions of the "Forest Deer", in a year - "Winged swings", in 1996 the next compilation of the author was released - "I love you." In 1997, the song of Krelatova "Children's Prayer", written in the poems of Yuri Entin, sounded at the charitable evening "Adult lessons - with faith, hope and love."

In the 2000s, the composer participated in the creation of films "Women's Logic", "Ball Gown", "Collective farm", "extra time", "Thumbelina". Evgeny Pavlovich became the author of the music to serials "under the Polar star", "Annushka". Last films with Krybolov's music - "And mom is better!" And "three women of Dostoevsky" - appeared in 2010.

In 2016, the composer received a premium and the Order of the Peoples' Peoples "White Cranes of Russia". In May 2017, along with Igor Cool, Dina Garipova, Gregory Grejdkov, became part of the qualifying jury of the Russian team for the Children's Competition "Eurovision". In the same year he became a member of the Council of the Russian Author's Society.

Personal life

In 1957, Evgeny Krylatov married a student of the law faculty of Moscow State University Sevil Sabitne, a native of Simferopol, half of Turkhanka. Spouses first juts in Moscow for removable apartments. In 1958, the firstborn was born - the son of Paul, after seven years the daughter of Maria appeared. In 1965, from the Union of Composers, Krylatov was allocated an apartment in Tushino along Tikhon Khrönnikov.

Evgeny Wildets with wife Seville

Soon Eugene transported the mother to the capital, which by that moment was already a widow. Until the end of the life of Zoe Nikolaevna, the son took her back. Krybolov's children chose creative professions. Pavel Evgenievich works by Kinoszenarist, wrote scenarios for the filler movies, "turn a key". Maria Evgenievna graduated from the music-american faculty, fascinated by the history of Christianity, wrote the book "Keys of the Kingdom".


In recent years, Evgeny Krylatov appeared in public only at anniversary concerts, occasionally speaking at the invitation of friends in near Moscow holiday homes. The composer wrote new vocal and orchestral works.

Evgeny Krylatov in 2017

On May 8, 2019, Evgeny Krylatov died in the hospital. According to the city of Composer, Evgeny Pavlovich died due to bilateral pneumonia.


  • "Forest deer" - 1993
  • "Winged swing" - 1994
  • "I love you" - 1996
  • "Adventures Electronics" - 2001
  • "Life is Beautiful!" - 2002.
  • "Guest from the Future" - 2003
  • "Favorites" - 2007
  • "Music Evgenia Kryolov" - 2011
  • "Music movie. Fantastic!" - 2013.
  • "Beautiful far" - 2014

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