Polina Nevzorova - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Russian actress Polina Aleksandrovna Nevzorova was born on October 9, 1981 in St. Petersburg in the family of television journalist Alexander Nestrinova. Parents met in church choir, where both performed singers. The little girl has bathed in his father's love up to 9 years, and then there was a conflict between her parents. Alexander did not just left the family, and he struck already former wife and daughter from his life. Polina lived with Mom and grandmother on Father Galina Georgievna.

Actress Polina Nevzorova

With Alexander Nevzorov, the girl stopped communicating not on his own initiative. Despite the tense relationship between father and daughter, the future actress constantly wore a photo with him. It depicted a happy girl in the arms of Alexander Nevzorov. This photo helped the girl to get into the Moscow party.

Polina Nevzorova and Alexander Nevzorov

After the end of the Mid-Educational School, Polina Nevzorova enters the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art. She was taken to the national artist of the USSR Igor Olegovich Gorbachev. The girl was trained in the specialty "Actress Theater and Cinema". While studying at the Polina Academy, the forces in cinema is beginning to try. A few years later, she even moved to Moscow for the further development of a professional career.


Polina Alexandrovna can be infrequently seen on large screens or on TV. Now in the list of her works is only 9 films, including TV shows. At the same time, the girl did not play any major role. These are mainly episodic roles in famous TV shows. Career began with a St. Petersburg multi-seater film about the police "Streets of broken lamps 4".

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The actress played the role of Knugini Kortasova in the tape "Anna Karenina", which came out on the screens in 2008. The last work of Nonview was the series "PPS 2", where she became the on-screen wife of her husband Sergei Gorobchenko.

Personal life

Polina Nevzorova has always been popular with men. And in Moscow Tusovka, she turned out to be thanks to the famous Father. She constantly showed the only photo with Alexander her new acquaintance and told about who it was. Girlfriends in an interview with the "Express Gazeta" edition told about her as a modest girl, which during life in Moscow was liberated and changed to unrecognizable. The actress began to enjoy the influence that provided for men. They made her dear gifts, drove to relax in Europe.

Polina Nevzorova and Sergey Gorobchenko

Polina fell in love again and again in his boyfriends, until he met a young businessman. They met friends on vacation in Turkey. The man wanted to put the whole world to her legs and began with an expensive necklace from the jewelry store. For several years, they repeatedly converged and diverged. In 2003, fate brings Polina with Sergey Gorobchenko. The famous actor immediately drew attention to a bright and fun girl. By that time, he had already managed to divorce, and the actress was in a relationship with a businessman. As soon as Sergey found out about her novel, immediately stopped trying to attract the attention of the non-unity.

"Strange, but fate has reduced us more than once," Sergey Gorobchenko argued in an interview.

In 2005, they decided to be together. But Polina did not plan to calm down. She then escaped to Europe to businessman. Gorobchenko did not explain his trips. Later he learned about the opponent and even wanted to talk to him, but at some point he was all tired of him. Actress put an ultimatum: either together or apart. Polina could not decide for a long time, because both fans offered and love and a comfortable existence. She even had time to jump married a businessman, but then he learned about pregnancy. In 2008, Sergey Gorobchenko became a nursing husband. Friends argue that marriage with a foreign citizen at that time was not yet terminated.

Wedding Polina Labor and Sergey Gorobchenko

Already on November 26, 2008, Alexander Alexander is born in the family of non-obvious and Gorobchenko. Polina has learned about his pregnancy by chance - during the preparation for the operation on liposuction. The girl until the latter was not confident in who her father's father. Some time even claimed that this is a businessman child. But, as soon as she saw a baby, I immediately understood everything, since the child was a copy of Sergey. Therefore, refused to carry out DNA test.

Polina Nevzorova with children and husband

Currently, spouses raise five children. The second son of Peter was born on July 7, 2010, Ivan was born on November 4, 2011. Two younger daughters Anna and Sofia were born with a difference in 1 year: January 18, 2014 and October 1, 2015. Over the past 9 years, there are no scandals, including lovers, in the biography of Polina, Nevzorova did not appear. She never started to communicate with his father. Alexander Nevzorov argues that he does not have a desire to reunite with his daughter. He is not even familiar with his grandchildren and was not present at the wedding celebration of Polina and Sergey.

Polina Nevzorova with family

One of the reasons is called the regular visit to the Church with the family. The TV journalist is often expressed against any religion. Polina herself does not like to talk about his past, including the famous father. Currently, Mama Polier works in the manuscripts of the Russian National Library. The actress has a brother Alexander, who was born in Marriage Nevzorov and the artist Lydia. However, with a brother, as with his father, Polina does not communicate. Grandmother on the Father Galina Georgievna, who elapsed the artist, died in 2001. She worked by a journalist of the newspaper "Change".

Polina Nevzorova now

The Gobchenko-Nonorov family constantly lives in St. Petersburg. Spouses regularly travel around the world and spend time together.

Polina Nevzorova in 2017

Often Polina exhibits photos of children and husband on its page on the social network "Instagram". Currently, she pays more attention to the family and its appearance than career.


  • Streets of broken lamps 4 (serial, 2001)
  • Specotmer (serial, 2001)
  • Time to love (serial, 2002)
  • Black Prince (2004)
  • Charm Evil (Series, 2006)
  • Nine oranges (serial, 2008)
  • Anna Karenina (2008)
  • Star Love (2013)
  • PPS 2 (TV series, 2013)

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