Alla Balter - biography, photos, personal life, movies, cause of death



Alla Balter is a famous Russian actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. I know the audience in the roles in films that have become cults: "Risk degree", "casket of Maria Medici", "Black Square" and many other works. Alla Davidna Balter was born on August 23, 1939 in the city of Hero Kiev. The girl grew and brought up in a creative setting: her father David Balter, a Jew for nationality, served in the Kiev theater named after Lesia Ukrainka.

Actress Alla Balter.

According to rumors, Alla Davidna since childhood dreamed of becoming an actress: she was not frightened by the hard work of his father, who was dyed by day on tour and returned home tired, but on the contrary, the world of elegant and genuine scenic art was captured. After graduating from school, the Balter continued his studies at the Kiev Theater School in Kuadt named after I. Ya. Franco, which showed talent and indisputable artistic abilities.

Alla Balter in youth

Having received a diploma, Alla Davidovna began his creative biography on Lenkom's stage. Also performed on the scene of the Theater named after Lesia Ukrainka and was the leading actress of the theater named after V.V. Mayakovsky.

Alla Balter in the role of Cleopatra

Balter showed herself as a diversified dramatic actress: on stage she appeared before the audience, then in the image of the fatal seductive Cleopatra ("Game of Shadows", Y. Edlis), he was transformed into Fru Lynn - a girl who, after the death of her husband, remained without livelihoods (" Puppet House, "Ibsen).


Alla Daviden debuted in front of the directing cameras in 1968, it was an art film Ilya Averbuch "Risk degree". The plot of the paintings tells about the medical weekdays of the surgeon Mikhail Ivanovich Sedova, who will have to hold a risky surgery for replacing the heart valve, in order to save the life of the patient. In this film, Balter reincarnated in Anesthesiologist Alla. The actress was lucky enough to work on one set with the famous movie stars: Boris Livanov, Innochenty Smoktunovsky and Alla Demidova.

Alla Balter in the film

In the next picture, Alla Davidovna appeared only after seven years later - the actress participated in the detective cycle "The investigation is leading experts. Response strike "(1975), where he fulfilled the role to lie. In the same 1975, the Balter got the role of Lydia Pavlovna in the TV series Konstantin Khudyakova "Such a short long life."

Alla Balter in the film

In 1980, the actress appeared in the cult Soviet film on the novel by Publicist Yeremey Parotov "The casket of Maria Medici", which tells about the mystical disappearance of Antiquary Savigni. Captains of the police will have to learn not only the circumstances of the loss, but also to visit the vague XIII century to reveal the secret of the famous Larz. In this film, Alla Daviden got the image of Denza Monsenseur, Madeleine Mother.

Alla Balter in the film

Two years later, Alla Balter reappears on the movie clock. She played a woman on nicknamed Mermaid in the Drama "Transit". This film tells the story of evil intent and cunning of fate. Two lonely people Vladimir (Mikhail Ulyanov) and Tatiana (Marina Neelova) are found in full of everyday circumstances: a man was late for a train and met a woman who agreed to drink ingogetic tea before the upcoming expectation. In the course of the fleeting communication, Vladimir and Tatiana realized that such real love was at first glance, however, the lot was thrown so that the roads of new acquaintances disagree in different directions.

Alla Balter in the film

"Last Visit" (1984) - Next Tape in Alla Balter filmography. This time, the charming actress got the main role of Sayra Burton, the wife of a journalist, who tried to make a sensation from the involvement of the chver Multirldar to the dark events in the Latin American country. However, professional curiosity thwarted Tom, so Saire's widow began its own investigation, full risk and intrigue.

Alla Balter in the film

In 1992, Alla Davidovna appeared in Kinolent Yuri Claus "Black Square", where Dmitry Kharatyan also played, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly Solomin. Bartaš Balter performed his last role (Tamils ​​Chalvovna Bartos) Balter (Kamenskaya's TV series "(Episode" Death and a little Love "). Also, Elena Yakovlev, Sergey Nikonenko, Dmitry Nagiyev and other actors entered the acting of this multi-detective.

Personal life

In the life of Alla Daviden, the Balter was an amazing person on whom I wanted to be equal. Despite the fact that the woman possessed exceptional beauty, according to colleagues, she did not hear envious phrases in their address. It is also known that the colors of the theater never turned to actress by the name and patronymic, and called her affectionate name - Allochka. Balter always followed himself and surprised fans with femininity and charm.

Emmanuel Vitorgan and Alla Balter

About the first spouse Alla Davidna know a bit. The lover was the name of Emmanuel Anbroh, he was a goalkeeper of FC Tavria from Simferopol. The following elect, Balter was the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Emmanuel Vitorgan. Their love, perhaps, was the most romantic story of theatrical crowding. For the sake of Alla Daviden in 1970, Vitorgan divorced with the previous wife of Tamara Rumyantsev and left the daughter of Ksenia.

"I was worth the great strength to break our relationship with the first wife. I'm sorry that I then hurt my loved ones. But if everything returned, I would do the same, "the actor confessed in an interview with the newspaper Facts.
Alla Balter and Son Maxim Vitorgan

In 1972, the Son Maxim Vitorgan was born with the Son, who is familiar to the audience on the films "Mommiks" (2015), "Elections Day 2" (2016), TV series "Londongrad" (2015) and other remarkable work.


Alla Davidovna and Emmanuel Vitorgan really loved each other, but instead of a happy future, fate prepared heavy tests to actors. Balter constantly vinyl herself for led her husband from the family, but he could not do anything to do anything.

"... if the God of whom and rolls, so it's me! I still have to pay for my sins ... "," said Alla Daviden, as if he was hunting forward.

Partly her words became prophetic. At first, Emmanuel survived a complex operation during lung cancer. And then the oncological disease was revealed from Alla Daviden. Initially, due to pains in the back, doctors did the assumptions that the actress torments osteochondrosis, but then put the correct diagnosis of the spine cancer. It is this fatal disease that caused the death of a great actress.

Despite numerous operations and treatment in Israel, the disease did not retreat. But the Balter did not want to see the compassion in the eyes of fans and others, therefore did not make their illness of the public, but continued to play the theater. At the play "Laughing Flower" with Alla Davidnova, an accident happened: the actress turned up his leg. The directors wanted to cancel the production, but Alla through the pain, which only intensified, continued to play.

The grave of Alla Balter.

Emmanuel Gedeonovich told that the spouse had a leg refused and during an intermission doctors of the cure. But thanks to professionalism, the Balter, the audience did not notice the "trick" and awarded the actress with loud applause. True, Alla Davidovna did not come out. In 2000, after a long three-year struggle with the spinal cancer on the night of July 14, Alla Davidovna died in the oncological clinic literally in the hands of Vitorgan.

"I remember, at night I returned from the hospital, and in the morning they called me and said that Alla dies. I rushed. Something spoke to her, said ... In general, I was worn ... And one another day we were together. I brought my wife for the city, in nature. Allochka loved nature ... And next night at 0:40 it was not. She died with the words: "Everything will be fine, Emma!". And did not give me the second chance. She saved me, and I don't have it ... "," said Emmanuel Gedeonovich in one of the interviews.

Alla Davidan is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. The grave of the actresses is near the grave of Russian saticar Grigory Gorina.


  • "Risk degree" (1968);
  • "The investigation is conducted by experts. Response strike "(1975);
  • "Such a short long life" (1975);
  • "Casket of Mary Medici" (1980);
  • Transit (1982);
  • "Last Visit" (1984);
  • "When the saints are marching" (1990);
  • "And the wind is returned ..." (1991);
  • "Black Square" (1992);
  • "Kamenskaya" (1999).

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