Ursula Le Guin - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, books



Ursula Le Guin is a famous American writer who loved fans of fiction. It can be said that Ursula is an innovator in this genre, since its works are considered both fictional universes and acute social problems.

Ursula Kreter Le Guin was born on October 21, 1929 in the historic town and Scientific Center Berkeley, which is on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay (California, USA). The writer was lucky with the place of birth, because Berkeley is considered one of the most liberal cities of America.

Ursula Le Guin in 2017

In addition, losses from the Great Depression, which began in 1929, did not affect the inhabitants of this town due to the developed educational structure. Also under the influence of the university in the city, modern technologies have emerged. Ursula grew and brought up in the large family of Alfred Luis Krerekh and his spouse Theodora Krereter. The writer has three consolidated brothers from the previous marriages of Mother and Father: Clifton, Feodor and Karl.

Parents Ursula Le Guin

The father of the novelist, born in the family of German emigrants, worked by the anthropologist and studied the life of the Indians, in the position of Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Museum of the same scientific focus at the University of California. Alfred Louis was a recognized scientist and participated in archaeological excavations, which influenced the story, and his articles and philosophical thoughts had exceptional success. It came to the point that Alfred's contemporaries seem to be imitating to him, began to grow beard and mustache, and during his lifetime a man acquired a nickname dean of American anthropologists.

Ursula Le Guin in childhood

Ursula's mother was a writer, known in narrow circles, which became the author of the Ishi biography - the latter in the world of the Yana language. The future fiction grew in an intelligent setting: Theodore and Alfred discussed literature, science and news in the world for breakfast. Ursula adored hearing these interesting conversations of adults. As expected, Le Guin was addicted to reading and literature from an early age, at 7 she had already composed poems. When the gifted girl was 9 years old, she wrote a debut fantastic story.

Ursula Le Guin in youth

Two years later, Ursula became the author of the scientific fiction story sent to the "Astounding Science Fiction". Although the editor refused to publish a work on the pages of the magazine, the young writer did not lower his arms and continued to engage in favorite activities. Le Guin attended high school in Native Berkeley. The girl Corpel over the textbooks on biology and studied poetry, but in mathematics, the student had a firm troika: it was seriously given equations and algebraic formulas.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Ursula continued his studies, specializing in medieval Romanesque literature. Her choice fell on the Radcliff College of Harvard University. Master's degree writer received in Columbia University.


Although Ursula wrote many children's stories, poetic collections and critical essays, readers were accustomed to perceive Le Guin as the author of scientific fiction novels, but the woman herself calls himself a novelist. Her books differ from the works of Tolkien or Martin, because Ursula mercilely seasoned his work by anthropology and social problems.

Ursula Le Guin at the beginning of a career

In the fictional worlds, the writer meet quite real things: Le Guein philosophically argues about intercultural interactions, xenophobia, feminism, communism, gender, anarchism and other phenomena of society. Therefore, her work with difficulty fits into the framework of modern ideas about science fiction. Le Guein almost always focuses on the origin of a person and describes the details of the life of fictional races.

Writer Ursula Le Guin

It is also worth noting that the Writing style of Ursula is strict and understandable. The writer does not overload the works by excessive metaphors or pretentious proposals and does not tell about the beaten thread of the struggle of good and evil. But on the pages of her books, deep thoughts are traced, for which Le Guin rightly got the laurels of Honor. The Debut Roman Ursula "Planet Rockannon" was published in 1966. The early story of the writer "Necklace Semam" (1964) became prologue to this work.

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This book, telling about the Universe of the Technological Cycle, introduces the reader with amazing people and extraordinary things: Fantastic amateur learns about the relativistic effect, and also goes on a journey along with the main hero of Rockannon on the endless space of space.

Le Guin loved to scrupulously describe even the smallest details of the work, for example, the writer came up with an Ansiva - a special device that guarantees an instant bond between objects located on astronomical distances from each other. Also, this miracle apparatus is used in the story "Word for the Forest and World One" (1972).

In 1968, Ursula begins work on the "Land Magnish" cycle, which includes six books: "Magician of the Earth Marine", the "Tomb of the Atuana", "on the last bank", "Tekhana", "on other winds" and the collection of stories of the Land of Land " . The writer's invented by the writer is an archipelago, which is divided into small islands inhabited by people, fabulous beings, dragons, kars, navigators, sorcerers and white barbarians. In this universe, magic becomes not supernatural phenomenon, but an ordinary part of life.

Ursula Le Guin's book "Magician of the Earth"

In 2004, the famous director Robert Lieberman removed the film based on the cycle Le Guin "The Wizard of the Earth Marine", where Sebastian Rocher played, Chris Gautier, Jennifer Calvert and other movie stars. Not all fans of the writer rated the work of Lieberman: in their opinion, to fit 6 Ursula books in a 170-minute timing is almost impossible.

In 1969, Ursula Le Guin pleases the fans by Roman "left hand of darkness". In this work, the writer made an obvious focus on the description of the race of the inhabitants of the planet Winter: they show signs of dikogami, as well as Ursula tells about the sexual activity of the hetenaants and raising children. But this is not just a story about a fictional tribe, but a terrible tale with an unpredictable junction.

Ursula Le Guin's book "Left hand of darkness"

In 1973, Le Guin gives admirers of a psychomif-parable called "Leaving from Omelace". This story raises important philosophical problems: for example, whether people who are thrown into the side of life are capable of exist in a single society with happy citizens who are very complicated by the fate of the "scapegoats".

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It is noteworthy that Fedor Dostoevsky in the novel "Brothers Karamazov" touched this topic. This work Ursula deservedly received the Hugo Prize for the best story (1974). Also in the Arsenal Le Guin there are prestigious literary awards "Locus", "Involla" and many others.

Personal life

With the future husband, Charles Le Guin Ursula met in France, where he went under the program of Fulbright. Beloved writer is an American of French origin, a professor of history. In 1953, Ursula and Charles crossed the relationship of marriage and since then for many years they have hand in hand, keeping each other. It is known that the spouses of three children (Elizabeth and Caroline daughters, as well as the son of theodor), four grandchildren, pets and many faithful friends.

Ursula Le Guin with her husband

Ursula did not like to tell the details of his personal life. It is only known to journalists that its existence was calm and monotonous. In recent years, the writer admitted that, having achieved elderly, they no longer travel with her husband, but they live in peace and read fiction lousy literals aloud - from Tolstoy, Chekhov and Turgenev to Rainner Rilke and Jane Austin. Also in the list of Favorites Ursula, the recognized geniuses of the literature of Bulgakov, Zamyatin and Goncharov were listed.

Ursula Le Guin

Moreover, the books in the novelist did not have any particular preferences: a woman did not call the name of the beloved writer and considered the issue of listing the best works incorrect, since the race and the struggle for the championship are not appropriate. Also, the spouses Le Guin in the evenings viewed movies and sometimes went to the deserted and deserted place - South-East Oregon to be alone with nature.


In 2017, Ursule Le Guin turned 87 years old. The last work was written in 2008 - this is the story of "Lavinia".

The writer died on January 22, 2018 in his home in Portland. According to the son of Theodore, the last months of Ursula's health was unimportant.


  • "Planet Rockannon" (1966);
  • "Semlie Necklace" (1964);
  • "Magician of the Earth" (1968);
  • "Left hand of darkness" (1969);
  • "Tombs of Atuana" (1970);
  • "On the last shore" (1972);
  • "Word for the forest and the world one" (1972);
  • "Going out of Omelace" (1973);
  • "Tekhan" (1990);
  • "On other winds" (2001);
  • "The legends of the Earth" (2001, a collection);
  • "The Birthday of the World" (2002);
  • "Transplant" (2003);
  • "Damned Dar" (2004);
  • "Lavinia" (2008).

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