Kim Cattroll - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



The American actress Kim Kattroll was loved by Russian-speaking viewers for the most part for the role of Samantha in the series "Sex in the Big City". However, not all fans of bright and talented blondes know that in the creative biography Kim there are many no less interesting roles.

Childhood and youth

Kim Victoria Kattroll was born in the town of Visses, which is not far from Liverpool, August 21, 1956. Family of the future actress was not the Star: Mother Kim had a cotton house, and his father worked at a construction site. When the girl was three months old, Cattrolllas moved to Canada by choosing Vancouver New Residence. And after 12 years, Kim's parents decided to return to his native United Kingdom, and the family moved to London.

In the capital of England Kim, from early childhood I was surprised by relatives and teachers by the acting varia, began to study at the Academy of Dramatic Art. The dream girl about the career in the movie was so strong that, barely celebrated the 16th anniversary, Kattroll went to New York and entered the American Theater Academy.


I studied at the Academy, the beginning of the actress immediately signed a contract for five years with Otto Preminger, a talented director. In 1975, the young beauty Kattroll received a role in the film "Pink Bud". Already in youth, the game Kim has been so impressed by the film socialism, which, after a while, Universal Studios passed the contract with a beginner actress. So Kattroll fell on television. The next four years Kim could be seen in TV projects, including in the TV series "Colombo".

In 1979, Kim returned to large screens, playing the role of Dr. White in the film "Incredible Hulk". A year later, in the 1980s, Cattroll, along with Jack Lemmon, starred in the film "Reward". This filmwork even claimed Oscar, but did not receive the cherished award. The first work, after which the actress became recognizable and beloved by the audience, became a role in the Police Academy. There Kim played Kadet Thomson.

It is worth noting that the actress did not consider the role of the second plan below their dignity, and also tried not to refuse from one sentence, removing in three or four films simultaneously. Therefore, the Kim Cattroll filmography was replenished quickly: from 1985 to 1992, the actress played more than 20 paintings. The most memorable of them became the "borders of the city", "a big cross in small China", "mannequin", "crazy honeymoon", as well as the role of Valeris in the fantastic militant "Star Path - 6". These films with Kim Cattroll still love stars fans.

In 1995, Kim Kattroll was invited to the role in the series "Beyond the Possible". This is a fascinating science fiction picture, telling about the heroes, which can be unrelated to mysterious events. The next two years is marked with filming in the "Invasion" paintings, "undead", "Creature of Peter Benchley" and the horror movie "Jaws".

In 1997, Kim was invited to participate in the shooting of the series "Sex in the Big City". The actress agreed, not knowing that the series was destined to become a cult. This film system, telling about the life, feelings and experiences of four heroines, conquered women around the world. Any girl could see himself in each of the four girlfriends.

Kim Kattroll got the role of sexual beauty Samantha. The actress is not better suited for a similar image due to bright beauty and ideal shape parameters (the growth of Kim Kattroll is 170 cm, and the weight is 60 kg). Kim's colleagues along the shooting area "Sex in the Big City" were Cynthia Nixon, Christine Davis and Sarah Jessica Parker. The picture itself was filmed on the book of Candez Busthell the same name. In addition to the series, two full-lengths (in 2008 and 2010) came out under the same name), telling about the further adventures of the four girlfriends.

In the execution of Kim Samantha, Jones became an attractive character, whose phrases willingly disassemble the quotes. Kattroll admires even in those moments when her heroine shaved sleep and changed hairstyles with the help of wigs.

After the completion of the series "Sex in the Big City" Kim Kattroll continued his career actress. In addition, the star proved the justice of saying about talented people who are talented in everything by opening themselves as a writer. Books Kim Kattroll "Sexuality Dossier" and "Find yourself" were published in 2006 and instantly attracted the attention of fans and fans of the actress.

Samantha is one of the main roles in the filmography of the performer. Many fans often compare Kim Kattroll with this heroine. However, the actress itself claims that she has nothing to do with a sensual blonde from the famous four.

"This is just the image created by me in the film, but people think that I am actually such. They want to talk to me about the problems of sex, relationships and business women, "she told in an interview to edition Daily Mail.

However, the actress has repeatedly reincarnated in Samantha outside the "Sex in the Big City". Kim Kattroll used this image in promotional projects for Pepsi and Nissan.

The authors of "Sex in the Big City" assumed in 2018 to release the third full-length film about the adventures of the four friends. However, the shooting of the picture was broken, since Kim Kattroll did not agree to participate in the project. The reason for the refusal of the actress was disagreements with directors who did not increase its fee. Samantha appears on the screen as often as Carrie, but Sarah Jessica Parker received several times more - this was the cause of the conflict.

Personal life

Personal life Kim Kattroll was not less bright than a career. The actress three times got married officially. The first husband Kim became Larry Davis. This marriage, registered in 1977, already collapsed in 1979. The next husband actresses - Andre Lonison. With him a star divorced in 1989. The most durable marriage was the third; The chief of Kattroll became Mark Levinson, who worked as an audio engineer. With him Kim lived until 2004. The cause of the conflict between spouses was that Mark Levinson did not allow Kattroll to be implemented as actress.

Kim attribute numerous novels, including Pierre Trudo, Canadian Prime Minister. Among the beloved actresses at different times were noticed Cutenino Mobley and actor Alexander Siddig. Also the star was attributed to the relationship with the artist Clifford Rosem, but Kim denied the information about the novel. In 2007, the star reported that he was going to marry Alan Wise, but in 2009 it became known that the couple was broken.

Now Kim Kattroll is in a relationship with the teacher on acting skills - Russell Thomas. For the first time a couple saw on the carpet in 2017. Kim and Russell rarely appear together in public. In 2018, Kattroll told the Glamor edition, which she met Thomas at the Air Force.

Despite the fact that Kim Cattroll never became a mother, the actress believes that children play an important role in life. According to the stars, each woman can decide on their own, give birth to a child or not. For myself, Kim chose the path of the Childfree and does not regret it.

In 2018, tragic events occurred in the personal life of the actress: her younger brother left his life - Suicide became the cause of death. A 55-year-old man suffered from depression. Kim for more than a year could not recover from loss. The star also watched the father suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Kattroll confessed in an interview for The Guardian, which was suppressed because of how a close man suffered, and she was unable to help. The divorce with Mark Levinson also left an unpleasant footprint: after a break with her husband, Kim experienced uncertainty and it was difficult for her to find strength.

All this has become another reason for the removal of filming in "Sex in the Big City". The case was not only in the unfair distribution of remuneration. Kattroll stopped experiencing attachment to the project.

"Now I don't even want to spend the hour of life on what is uninteresting. It is important for me to carefully choose, with whom I spend free and working hours. This is my life, "the star noticed.

Kim is rarely divided by details of personal life, but sometimes snapshots and video with a boyfriend appear in the star profile. For example, in 2020 before Christmas, she published a roller in which she decorates the Christmas tree with Russell Thomas.

Kim Cattroll now

In August 2020, the first season of the series "indecently rich" came out. Kim Kattroll played Margaret Monroe. The FOX channel management reported that the series will not receive a continuation. The reason for the freezing of the project was the high costs of shooting due to COVID-19 and low ratings: on average, each episode was gaining no more than 3 million views.

In his account in "Instagram" Kim Kattroll published frames from the TV series "indecently rich." In the photo you can see that the actress still looks luxurious.

In January 2021, it became known that with the support of HBO there will be a continuation of "sex in the big city". Kim Kattroll finally refused to participate in the shooting of the series.


  • 1975 - "Rose Buton"
  • 1976-1981 - "Charlie Angels"
  • 1978 - "Colombo: how to commit murder"
  • 1978-1982 - "Incredible Hulk"
  • 1984 - "Police Academy"
  • 1985 - "Robbery"
  • 1986 - "Big Star in Little China"
  • 1987 - "Mannequin"
  • 1988 - "Full Transition"
  • 1990 - "Crazy Honey Monastery"
  • 1997 - "Invasion"
  • 1998-2004 - "Sex in the Big City"
  • 2010 - "I am Monica Velur"
  • 2018-2019 - "Tell me a fairy tale"
  • 2019 - "Terrible stories: film - Ancient Romans"
  • 2020 - "indecently rich"

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