Ali Baba - biography, 40 robbers, interesting facts


Character History

Arab fairy tale "Ali-Baba and forty robbers" is included in the collection "Thousand and one night". Ali-Baba himself, the main character of this text, is a simple Arab logger. The hero is married to a woman named Zeynab, he has a brother Casim, who achieved more success in life than Ali Baba. However, the Hero's street is a holiday, when he learns the mystery of the robbers, who hide the treasures minedly difficulty in the depths of the magic cave. In the hands of Ali-Baba, fabulous wealth falls.

History of creation

No traces of the plot about Ali-Baba and forty robbers have not been preserved in Arab countries. For the first time, this text becomes known to the Europeans in the XVIII century, when the Easternist, Antiquarian and Translator Antoine Gallan translates it into French along with other Arab fairy tales from the collection "1001 night".

Translator Antoine Gallan

Gallan's translation used for work Arabic manuscripts, but specifically the original fairy tale about Ali-Baba in Arabic was found only at the beginning of the twentieth century in the library Bodley Oxford University. Before that, the translator was accused of falsified by this text. There are, however, the view that the manuscript found is just a hoax, and Gallan did not translate this story, but only wrote it from someone's words when he traveled through the Middle East.


The merchant is dying - Father Ali Baba. The elder brother of the hero, Kasim, takes the inheritance, marries a rich woman and is successful on his father's business. Ali-Baba itself remains with nothing. The hero's wife becomes a poor girl, and Ali-Baba has to work a logger to feed the family.

Ali Baba

Somehow, the hero collects a brushwood in the forest and inadvertently becomes a witness to conversation 40 of the robbers. From the conversation of thugs, the hero learns about the existence of a cave, where those kept the treasures that managed to be reinforced. The cave is the magic, opens if they say magic words:


Having waited until the gangsters leave, the hero makes his ways to the cave and collects coins, putting a small pouch. However, Ali-Baba is interested to know how much gold he stole, and the hero goes to his brother's wife to borrow from that weight. A curious woman who is accustomed to the fact that a relative of her husband's husband like a port rat, smears waxed waxes to find out what Ali Baba is going to suddenly weigh. Golden coin sticks to the weights of the scales.

Having learned that the younger brother somewhere in gold, Casim was taken to put pressure on Ali-Babu, and he reveals the eldest secret of the magic cave. However, Casim Zhadalad, he takes a donkey with him to load that brass gold. Once inside, Casim from greed and forgets the magic words that need to open the cave and get out. As a result, the robbers find Casima in their cave when they return, and kill Togo.

Ali Baba in the cave

Ali-Baba is sent to seek the disappeared brother, but finds only the cave of the part of the dead body, which the robbers have chosen and threw themselves at the entrance, so that other potential thieves have been unconscious. Ali-Baba rides in the city and instructs the slave brother named Mardzhan to bury the remains unnoticed without noise. To turn it, the slave keeps the rumor that Casim is fatally ill. Then in the house to Ali-Baba lead tailor with knit eyes, and he stifles Casima's body. After that, Ali-Baba's brother managed to betray the Earth as if he died from the disease, without causing suspicions.

In the meantime, the robbers discover that Casima's body was gone. This means that someone else came to the cave and knows how to open. Thugs are taken on the turnover of the tailor, which was sewn the body of Casima, and with his help they find the house of Ali-women. Finding the house, the robber, which came along with the tailor, marks the door with chalk.

Rogue looking for Ali Baba House

This is done for sure to find the house at night, when the robbers were going to appear with the whole crowd and cut the inhabitants. Forefficient Mardzhan, the former slave of Casima, notices this and to bring down the robbers with a sense, just also marks the chalk of the door of each house in the district. When at night, the robbers come, they can not understand what kind of house they need.

On the second day, history is repeated. The tailor leads to the house of Ali-women of another robber and he marks the house, openings a piece of stone from a step at the entrance door. Slave Martzhan again invades the plans of the robbers with his hetdochum and the same marks the steps of other houses in the district. Thugs again remain with anything. Finally, the leader of the gang, whom the brainlessness of the subordinates, comes to the house of Ali-Baba himself, and does not marry him, but remembers how the building looks like and where it is located.

Robbers hide in pots

The cunning leader appears in the house of Ali-Baba under the guise of a merchant, which allegedly sells oil. The imaginary merchant asks the shelter for the night. Together with him, Mouli arrives who are carrying vessels. In one of those vessels, the oil for the removal of the eyes is poured, but the rest of the robbers were hidden. Thugs are waiting for the night to get out of the vessels and cut everyone who lives in the house. In the helica slave, however, it manages to laugh an imaginary merchant and find out the secret of vessels.

At night, she fills the vessels with boiling oil and so kills the robbers hiding in them. In the morning, the leader of the gangsters discovers that all the shag is dead, and leaves the house, and without realizing his plan. After some time, however, the leader of the robbers is trying to get into the house of Ali Baba again and again pretend to this merchant. While the owner of the house and the guest is sitting behind the meal, the slave performs the dance with the dagger and during this action, having imagined the moment, challenges the leader to the blow of the dagger in the chest.

Slave pours oil into pots

Ali-Baba is stunned and angry with the murder of a guest in the house, however, when the hero finds out who this guest is rejected by joy. Thanks to the hetrowem and courage, the slaves Ali-Baba becomes the only person who knows the secret of the cave and owns all the treasures hidden there. To thank the slave, Ali-Baba gives Mardzhan Freedom and marry her own son, who has now passed the case of the deceased Casima.

Interesting Facts

Ali-Baba's name is firmly entered into modern life and culture. For example, the name of the hero turned into its own name the largest Chinese company Alibaba Group, which works in the field of Internet commerce. And the "eastern" cafes and hookah with this title simply do not count.

Dharmenndra in the role of Ali Baba

About the adventures of Ali Baba more than once filmed cinema and cartoons. In 1979, a Soviet-Indian romantic fighter was released with the elements of the musical "Adventures of Ali-Baba and forty robbers." The film was shown in two versions, Soviet and Indian, and the last one for 24 minutes is longer, there are two and a half hours and is slightly different. Rollard of robbers in the film Plays Rolan Bykov, and Dharmendra transformed into the main character.

Oleg Tabakov as Ali Baba

And in 1983, the film-play "Ali-Baba and forty robbers" was released, where the role of the Robber leader was played by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, and the role of Ali Baba is Oleg Tabakov.

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