Eldo Jung - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



ELODI JUNG - Actress Theater and Cinema of French Origin, who received world famous, fulfilling the role of Goddess Hathor in the BogBuster "Gods of Egypt". Eldo was born on February 22, 1981 in Paris and became the third child in a refugee family from Cambodia and Frenchwoman. As a child, the future actress had to face racial prejudices - classmates often teased the girl, so sport was one of the enthusiasms of Young Eldo.

Actress Eldo Jung

Jung was engaged in karate for more than 10 years, which later helped her in the acting career. After graduating from school with honors, Elodi enters the University of Sorbonne to the Faculty of Law, but after receiving a diploma about higher education, he did not work in the specialty. The girl goes to London to learn acting skills at the Academy of Music and Drama, where the course goes to Robert Cordier.


The first advent of Elodi Jung in cinema becomes an episodic role in the French Youth Sitkom "Life in front of us." Two years later, the actress is removed in the full-length adventure militant "Yamakashi 2: winds of the wind". In the film, fearless TSU appears in the company of seven athletes Yamakashi, which are sent for new sensations in Bangkok. A year later, ELO goes to the shooting area of ​​the series "Mademoiselle Zhuber", in which it was about everybody school teacher. In the film, Jung is reincarnated to the heroine Fanny Led, only three episodes of the first season.

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In 2006, the actress comes with the role of the first plan in the detective "Traineers: the first steps in the police." Heroine Laura Morry performed by Jung harmoniously fits into a motley kaleidoscope of the French police station. In 2007, the drama of the French director Martin Valente ("Papashi 2") "fragile", in which Francois Berlean, Caroline Selle, Jean-Pierre Darrusssen, Marie Zhillen play the main roles. Eldo managed to convincingly portray the heroine ISU on the screen. In the same year, the premiere of the mini-series "National Security" took place in French television, in which Jung enters the main acting, appearing as Josephine.

Actress Eldo Jung

In 2008, the actress filmography is replenished with a comedy directed by Didier Le Peshno "House, a Cute House", in which Elodi is filmed as Mary Joe. In 2009, the Comedy Melodrama "Little Wenzhou" with the participation of Elodi Jung comes to television screens. In the same year, Eastern beauty, which possesses sports training, is again invited to a film with a large number of combat production "13th District: Ultimatum", producer and screenwriter of which becomes Luke Veson. Having collected the team of prepared parquercury artists, such as Syril Raffaelli, David Bell, Philip Torrethon, Daniel Duval, the creators of the film received a profit of $ 9 million in the global box office.

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In 2010, the actress lit up in the French criminal comedy "Operation Casablanca", fulfilling the role of the main character of Isako. In 2011, the Frenchwoman enters Hollywood at the invitation of the creators of the blockbuster "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" directed by David Fincher. The detective thriller, in which the main roles play Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara, was created on the Saga Sting of Larsson "Millennium". Thanks to his heroin, Miriam Wu Elodi Jung managed to get into the card file of Hollywood artists, which influenced her creative biography.

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Two years later, the French actress lit up in a fantastic militant "G.I. Joe: Throw Cobra 2 ", starring with Dune Johnson, Adriann Duck, Bruce Willis, Ray Park. The picture gathered $ 375 million in the global box office in 2014 with the participation of Eldo Jung, 2 full-length films - Thriller Simon Blake "Silence" and the comedy Gila Dzhanger "10 things I hate in life." After a year, the actress, the growth of which is 165 cm, and the weight is about 56 kg, starred in the film "Narcopolis" in the role of Eva Gray.

Personal life

In 2013, ELODI Jung began to meet with English actor Jonathan Howard, who received fame on the films "War of the Worlds Z" and "Tor: Kingdom of Darkness."

There are no confirmations of this fact in the media, but the actress regularly lays out joint photos on its own page in "Instagram". The last shot was made at the premiere of the "Gods of Egypt". Despite the stability in his personal life, the actress is not in a hurry under the crown.

Eldo Jung Now

In 2016, Jung appeared in the second season of the fantastic series "Sorvigolov" in the main role of Electra Podios. In the same year, the actress's debut was held in the main composition of the blockbuster Alex Prurais "Gods of Egypt", filmed based on the ancient Egyptian mythology. In the film, Elodi performed the role of the Goddess of Love Hathor, which helps the beloved to gain lost happiness. The role was brought by the actress record for her fee - $ 5 million. The film also played Gerard Butler, Nikolai Koster Waldau, Brenton Taites.

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In 2017, two premieres of new projects will be held with the participation of Eldo Jung-comedy militant "Killer's bodyguard" with Ryan Reynolds, Salma Hayek, and Samuel L. Jackson starring and the superhero series "Defenders", in which Charlie Cox, Kristen play the main heroes Ritter and Sigurney Weaver. The mini-series show is assumed to be implemented simultaneously on the Netflix video service. According to the creators of the creators, the film will complement the cycle of superhero series ("Sorvigolov", "Jessica Jones", "Luke Kage", "Iron Fist"), which are planned to shoot full-length filmtin.

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In the spring of 2017, ELODI Jung hit the list of "100 sexiest models" according to the French magazine GQ, taking 35th place and rising above the famous personalities - Eva Green and Emily Blunt. In June, the actress went on a slight journey through the French province of Brittany. At the trip, Elodi accompanied her four-legged friend - Dog Giena.

Eldo Jung in 2017

Now ELODI Jung is involved in the COMIC CON panel dedicated to the game "Call of Duty: WWII". In the new mode "Army of the Dead" Actress will have to voice the heroine of the Games Olivia Durand, and the voice of her colleague David Tennant spoke the character Drostan Heind. The program participants will have to fight with zombie Nazis and find the "Barbaross Sword".


  • "Yamakashi 2: wind children" - 2004
  • "Mademoiselle Zhuber" - 2005
  • "Traineers: first steps in the police" - 2006
  • "National Security" - 2007
  • "House, Cute Home" - 2008
  • "Little Wenzhou" - 2009
  • "13th District: Ultimatum" - 2009
  • "Girl with a dragon tattoo" - 2011
  • "Narcopolis" - 2015
  • "The Gods of Egypt" - 2016
  • "Sorvigolov" - 2016
  • "Killer's bodyguard" - 2017
  • "Defenders" - 2017

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