Daniel Gillis - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Daniel Gillis is a famous Canadian actor who remembers the audience in the "Vampire" TV series "Real Blood", "Vampire Diaries" and "Ancient" ("original"). The biography of this young man is not like a fairy tale, in the life of Gillis there was no happy circumstance when casting agents accidentally notice the future movie stars among passersby on the street: Daniel Shagall on the laughed of Hollywood independently, without relying on anyone's help.

Childhood and youth

Daniel was born on March 14, 1976 in the main city of Winnipeg Province of Manitoba, which is the commercial and transport center of the Canadian Middle West. When Gillis turned 5 years old, he, together with his parents, moved to Sunny and picturesque New Zealand.

Actor Daniel Gillis

The boy grew up in a nonworking family: his father is a pediatrician, and Mom is a nurse. It is known that the great-grandfather Daniel was Sir Harold Gillis himself, known as the studio of the Tubedpedical method in plastic surgery. Harold became the first to think about making skin transplant from intact body sections. He worked in London at the hospital of Queen Mary and conducted unprecedented operations for those times for the reconstruction of the face.

Daniel Gillis in youth

Despite the fact that Daniel was brought up in the medical dynasty, he did not want to go in the footsteps of his ancestors, although the actor's father dreamed of seeing his offspring in a white coat and with a stethoscope in his hands. Daniel began to engage in the hypocriteousness of no accident, the guy once said: "This is the only thing that I have ever liked." Therefore, all the attempts of parents to push their choices the importance of the medical profession was in vain.


In New Zealand, a young man did not get a happy ticket to a big movie. Daniel was not tired by Karozdil Casting, but he got only a fleeting role in the series "Street Legal" (2002-2003). Frustrated by the absence of opportunities in a sunny state, the guy went to try happiness in Sydney, the largest city of Australia, where six weeks stayed.

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Then the road of Gillis followed Canada. Few people know that in his homeland, the guy worked for the tips: he served dishes, linked drinks in the restaurant, as well as soap dishes. But this path was temporary, as Daniel wanted to accumulate money in order to leave to the center of the film industry - Los Angeles. Having gained the right amount, the young man threw the profession of the waiter and left to fight the expanses of show business in the city of Angels.

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Initially, Daniel performed secondary and episodic roles. But the young man did not give his hands and tried to draw the attention of the famous directors. Gillis's life resembled traveling on film tribes: a novice actor from an early morning was nomaded from one casting to another. Since the guy's money did not happen, Daniela had to run from a cafe without paying dinner.

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This success came to Gillis in 2004. He lit up in "Spider Man 2" - the superhero picture of the director Sam Raymi, who is familiar to the film on the cult trilogy "Evil Dead." In an adventure saga about the usual student Peter Parcera (Toby Maguire), which has supernatural abilities and fights evil, Daniel fulfilled a secondary, but memorable role.

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He appeared before the viewers in the image of John Jameson, the son of the editor of the Dale Bugl newspaper, who hates a spider man and dreams of making a sensation, posing a photo of who hidden under a mysterious costume. Also in the cast painting included Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Ilya Baskin, Willem Defo and other movie stars.

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In the same 2004 Daniel plays in Slachener "The Devil Returns", the plot of which revolves around Karl Brys, who kills his parents. In this eccentric horror movie, Gillis was reincarnated in the student brand, adoring such chilling blood stories. Mark is sent along with his comrades to the plantation, where Bryce was located, and faces a ruthless maniac in a dog mask.

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Next, Daniel tried himself in a completely new repertoire. If earlier he played in the superhero neonauric militant and bloody horror, then now lit in the Indian musical "Bride and Prejudice" (2004), which was put up based on the novel Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice".

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In 2007, Gillis performed a major role in an optional picture with a +18 "kidnapping" rating. The plot of this film resembles the classic ribbons in the horror genre with elements of the thriller: a beautiful girl abducts an obsessive psychopath and watches the torment of victims through video surveillance cameras. Daniel managed to show the audience despair, cruelty and fear, however, this film Roland Joffee even thanks to the play of actors did not receive high estimates of film critics and movie lovers.

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A year later, Daniel participates in the drama "Do not come with the stars," where it is reincarnated in the Troja, who is depressed due to the loss of his wife. The widower leaves for his aunt in the Arizonian desert and meets the amazing residents of this town, who are encouraged by a young man and help him reconcile with grief. In 2008, Gillis participates episodically in the series "Real Blood", and then removed in the famous "Vampire Diaries".

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The plot of the supernatural dramatic television series is nontrivial: In the foggy town, the Mystic Falls occurs unwanted and dark things. It is rumored that bloodthirsty creatures returned from the distant past in this is a cereal place. In the usual girl Elena (Nina Dobrev), who survived the death of parents, two vampire fall in love at once: Stephen (Paul Wesley) and Damon (Yen Somerhalder). Thus, a 17-year-old girl turns out to be involved in a cunning love triangle.

Daniel Gillis and Nina Dobrev

In the "Vampire Diaries" who added the actor an army of fans, Gillis was transformed into an antagonist of Elija Michaelson, a representative of the kind of ancient. It has a high speed of movement, immortality, can affect people's thoughts, as well as transfer heavy injuries. All these qualities make the ancient Vampire Elijah almost invincible. By the way, many fans of the series celebrate the phenomenal similarity of Gillis and Nathaniel Buzolich, who played Mic Micherson. Some were sure that these actors are brothers not only on the screen, but also in real life.

It is noteworthy that the Spinne-off show "Ancient" ("original") 2013 is the third filmaging in the life of Daniel, which tells about the lovers of human blood. This is a kind of reference to the "Vampire Diaries", however, here Gillis performs not a secondary, but a major role. Joseph Morgan, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Clair Holt and other actors played in this multi-sized film.

Personal life

Judging by the "instagram" Daniel Gillis, the actor - Philanthrop. For example, he is concerned about hunger problems in African countries. The actor encourages the public to draw attention to the situation occurring in the modern world.

"A year and a half conflicts de-energized this part of the world. Millions of people did not have access to food and clean water. Half a million children suffered from malnutrition. I ask you, join me and donate something for Action Against Hunger - this organization actively leads war against hunger, "the actor wrote on his social page.

As for love relationships, he had rumors that Gillis Gay. But these guesses did not find confirmation, since Daniel is a loving father and an approximate family man. In 2004, the actor married Rachel Lee Cook, who knew the viewers on the films "11:14" (2003), "American Crime" (2004), "Blonde with ambitions" (2007), etc. Beloved before the wedding met less than a year. In 2013, the spouses were born the daughter of Charlotte Easton, and in 2015 - the son of Theodore Vigo Sullivan.

Daniel Gillis in 2017

The actor told that due to the loaded schedule it seems with children once a week. It is also known that Daniel is worshiped fantastic literature and adores chocolate. Gillis confessed that in 2012 she sat on a strict diet, but still cannot deny himself in sweet delicacy.

Daniel Gillis now

In 2017, the actor continues to delight the fans with the role in the TV series "Ancient". Also, according to rumors, Daniel will appear in the Special Forces Drama, which tells us about the elite of the US naval forces.


  • "No one hears you" (2001);
  • "Snow Queen" (2002);
  • "Spiderman 2" (2004);
  • "The devil is returned" (2004);
  • "Bride and Prejudice" (2004);
  • "Abduction" (2007);
  • "Do not come across the stars" (2008);
  • "Real Blood" (2008);
  • "Vampire Diaries" (2010-2014);
  • "Ancient" (2013-2017).

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