Battered - biography, photo, personal life, invasion on Russia, Ryazan's ruin



The death of the Great Khan of the Mongolian Empire of Genghis Khan did not put an end to the grip wars of the Golden Horde. The grandson of the genius commander continued the tradition of the famous grandfather and organized the most treacherous campaign of the golden horde in history called the Great Western campaign. The invasion of Batius expanded the Empire of Genghis Khan to incredible borders.

Khan Bati

In one of the preserved documents of the time of the Batya, there are rows:

"He entered the northern shore of Meotian swamps with a huge army to Europe and won the Northeast Rus first, destroyed the rich city of Kiev, broke the Poles, Silesians and Moravians and, finally, rushed to Hungary, which he went to the end and led to the horror And the whole Christian world thrills. "

The ruiner's campaign of Batya on Russia and the following 250-year-old Tatar-Mongolian needle left an indelible mark in the history of the state.

Childhood and youth

There is no accurate birth date of Batya. In historical documents, different year of birth is indicated. Batu, the son of Juci, was born at the very beginning of the XIII century. The father of Batya is the eldest son of Genghis Khan, who was inherited by all the lands that are west of the Irtysh river. Also, Juchi received not yet conquered land: Europe, Russia, Khorezm and Volzh Bulgaria. Genghis Khan commanded the Son to expand the borders of the ulus (empire) by conquering Russian lands and Europe.

Portrait of Batya

Juci did not love relatives. Life father Batiya lived secluded, on his lands. After the death of Juchi, with unclear circumstances in 1227, the troops in the west of Irtysh called Batiya the heir. Genghis Khan approved the choice of the heir. The power in the state of Bati divided with the brothers: Most of the troops and the eastern part of the state went to the Ordan, and the rest of the Bati divided with the younger brothers.


Biography of Khan Batya - the history of the life of the Great Warrior. In 1235, the River Onon Kurultay (the Council of Nuty) decided to resume the campaign to the West. The first attempt to reach Kiev was undertaken by the troops of Genghis Khan in 1221. The victim defeat in 1224 from the Volga Bulgar (Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria is the state of the Middle Volga region), Chingis Khan's troops stopped promotion. The new campaign was entrusted to the grandchildren of Genghis Khan Khan Batu. The right hand of Batius was prescribed subeadi-baggage. Subedey went to all hiking with Genghis Khan, participated in the victorious battle with Polovtsy and Russian troops on the river Kalka (the current Donetsk region, Ukraine).

Troops Batya

In 1236, Bati headed troops in the Great West campaign. Polovtsy lands became the first conquest of the Golden Horde. Volga Bulgaria went into the Mongol Empire. There were several invasions on Russia. Battered personally led the seizure of Ryazan land and Vladimir in 1238, in 1240 - Kiev. Conquered the Volga Bulgaria, Battered with the army went to the Polovtsy on the Don. The last troops of Polovtsy are broken by Mongols in 1237. After breaking Polovtsy, Tatar-Mongols Batya moved to Ryazan. The city fell on the sixth day of the assault.

Map of the conquest Batiya

The ancient Russian story "On the ruin of Ryazan Batym" preserved to this day, dated the end of the XVI century. In the ancient lists, the invasion of Tatar-Mongol on Ryazan in 1237 is narrated. Khan Bati with Horde became on the River Voronezh under Ryazan. Prince Yuri Igorevich sent for the help of the Great Prince Vladimir Georgia Vsevolodovich. At the same time, Yuri tried to get rid of Batya with gifts. Khan robbed about the beauty, living beyond the walls of Ryazan, and demanded to send the Snooch of Prince Eupraction. The husband of Eupraxia resisted and was killed. The woman committed suicide by jumping with the terche. Failure served as a signal to start the battle. The result of the battle was the capture and ruin of Ryazan by Tatars Batiya. Yuri's army was broken, the prince died.

Bust Batya

According to legend, Voevod Ryazan Evpathy Kolovrat, returning home from Chernigov, saw the city destroyed by Tatars. Collecting a detachment of 177 people, went on the footsteps of Mongols. Having entered into an unequal battle with the troops of Batya under Suzdal, the squad was broken. Battered, giving the tribute to the Kolovrat's coupper, manifested in an unequal battle, gave the body of the murdered governor who remained Russian with the words: "Oh, Evpathy! If you serve me, I would hold you at the heart! ". The name of Ryazan governor is inscribed in the history of Russia next to other, no less glorious heroes.

Battered on the throne of the Golden Horde

Having destroyed Ryazan, Batya's army went to Vladimir. Moscow and Kolomna, who stood on Khan, were ruined. Osada Vladimir began in the winter of 1238. Four days later, Tatars took the city storming. Baty ordered to set fire to Vladimir. The inhabitants were killed together with the Grand Duke. Righting Vladimir, the horde was divided in two. One part of the troops went to capture Torzhok, the other went to Novgorod, on the way to break the Russian army on the River. Without reaching Novgorod 100 miles, Baty turned back. Passing through the city of Kozelsk, the Horde met the stubborn resistance of local residents. Osada Kozelsk lasted seven weeks. Capturing the city, the Tatars did not leave the stone and the stone.

Battered on horse

The southern direction Bati captured in 1239. On the way to the main goal - Kiev - Khan destroyed the Pereyaslav and Chernigov principality. The siege of Kiev lasted three months and ended with the victory of Khan Batya. The consequences of the Tatar-Mongol invasion on Russia are terrible. Land lay in the wreckage. Many cities did not. Residents are taken into slavery in the Horde.

As a result of the Mongolian invasion of Russia in 1237-1248, the Grand Princes had to make the political and data dependence of the principalities from the Mongol Empire. Russians paid tribute annually. Khan Golden Horde prescribed princes in Russia with labels. The Igo Gold Horde of the Northeastern Land of Russia continued two and a half century, until 1480.

The invasion of Batya on Russia

In 1240, a broken by the Horde of Kiev was transferred to Vladimir Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In 1250, the prince went by the representative of Kurultay to Karakorum, where he was poisoned. The sons of Yaroslav Andrei and Alexander Nevsky went after the Father in the Golden Horde. Andrei received Vladimir Principality, and Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Kiev was opened by the Golden Horde road to Europe. At the foot of the Carpathians, the West Hike was divided into two troops. One group led by Baidar and the Horde went hiking to Poland, Moravia and Silesia.

Khan Bati and Alexander Nevsky

Another, led by Batia, Kadanan and Subudem, won Hungary: April 11, 1241, the troops of King Bela IV are broken down by Mongols in the battle on the Shaio River. With a victory over Hungary, Batu opened the way to the conquest of Bulgaria, Serbia, Bosnia, Dalmatia. In 1242, the troops of the Golden Horde entered Central Europe and stopped at the gate of the Saxon city of Maissen. Hike to the West ended. The invasion of Rus has greatly pulled the Halior Tatars. Baty returned to the Volga.

Portrait of Khan Batya

Another reason for the end of the great campaign was the death of the Great Khan Ugteyya, the successor of Genghis Khan. The new kagan became GUUK, the longtime enemy of Batya. After the arrival of the GUUKU began interglant battles. In 1248, Great Han went hiking against Batya. But, having reached Samarkand, Great Khan Goyuk died suddenly. According to historians, Khan was poisoned by the supporters of Batya. The next great Khan in 1251 was a supporter of Batya Munke.

Troops Batya

In 1250, Battered founded the city of Saray-Batu (now - the village of Selitranny village in the Khalabalinsky district of the Astrakhan region). According to the reviews of contemporaries, Saraj-Batu is a beautiful city full of people. Bright bazaars and streets hit the imagination of guests of the city. Later, during the reign of Khan Uzbek, the city fell into decline and was disassembled on bricks for the construction of new settlements.

Personal life

Khan Bati had 26 wives. The older wife is Boracchin-Hatun. Boracchin originally from the Tatar tribe, nomadic in the east of Mongolia. According to unconfirmed data, Boracchin is the mother of the eldest son of Batya, Sartak. In addition to Sartak, it is known about two more sons of Khan: Tukan and Abukane. There is evidence that there was another heir to Batiya - Uralch.


Baty died in 1255. There is no accurate information about the causes of the death of Khan. There are versions of death from poisoning or rheumatic disease. The heir of Batya was the eldest son Sartak. Sartak learned about the death of the Father, being at the courtyard of Muni-Khan in Mongolia. Returning home, the heir died suddenly. Khan became the juvenile son Sartak Uralch. Boracchin-Hatun became regent for Khan and the Governor of the Ulus. Soon Ural died.

Bate died in the city of Old Shed

Boracchin opposed the coming to power in the Juciyan Ulus Son Juchi, the grandson of Genghis Khan Burke. The plot was revealed, and Boracchin was executed. Burke is a follower of Brother Batu's policy in expanding the independence of the ulus. He is the first Khan who accepted Islam. During the board, the ulus gained independence. Approved the burning of the Golden Horde over Rus.


Baty left a terrible memory of himself in Russia. In the ancient chronicles, Khan was called "wicked", "godless." In one of those preserved to the present days, you can read:

"The malicious king Bati captured Russian land, innocent blood shedding, like water, abundantly, and Christians tied."

In the east, Batyu is believed to Hanu. In Astana and Ulan Bator, streets are named after Batu-Khan. The name of Khan Batya is found in literature and cinema. A writer Vasily Yang was turned to the biography of the Great Commander. The books of the writer "Genghis Khan", "Bati", "To the" Last "Sea" are known to readers. About Bati is mentioned in the books of Alexey Yugov and Ilyas Esenberlin.

Nurmukhan Zhanturin as Batya in the film

The Soviet film of the 1987 director Yaroslav Lupia "Daniel - Prince Galitsky" directed by Golden Horde and Khana Batyu. In 2012, the screens of Russia came out the picture of Andrei Peskina "Orda". The paintings have consecrated events that happened in Russia and in the Golden Horde in the XIII century.

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