Emily Vanecamp - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, pregnant, TV series, "Instagram", wedding 2021



Emily Wancaps - Canadian film actress, who received recognition at the youth. According to the performer itself, possessing a slight character, the acting profession she perceives as a big adventure. It helps her feel the taste of life and enjoy communicating with colleagues and friends.

Childhood and youth

Emily Vanecamp was born on May 12, 1986 in a small town of Port Perry, which is located northeast of Toronto (Canada). The future actress grew in a large family and was a third child of four children: Emily 3 sisters (Katie, Alison and Molly).

Her father Robert worked as a veterinary nutritionist, and Sindy's mother led a household. It is known that in childhood Emily worked on his father: he delivered food to customers in his hometown and beyond.

Vanecamp from an early age to work for creativity, but dreamed of tie their life with dancing. She began to study from 3 years old, and when Emily turned 11, the girl convinced his parents to send it to the summer training in Montreal. A year later, the future actress entered the Supreme School of Ballet, located in the French-speaking province of Quebec.


Despite the fact that Emily dreamed of becoming a popular dancer, fate made its own adjustments: thanks to the random circumstance, Vancaps began to be interested in the immense expanses of the film industry. It all started in the distant 1998: her sister Katie Epizodically participated in the film Gabriella Christian "Lady Room", where she worked on one set with Molly Parker and Veronica Ferrel.

Emily was inspired by the work of the sister, so he began to master the acting skills: she hipped the hypocrisy art every Saturday after lunch. Soon the girl found an agent, and her creative biography was replenished with several commercials. Wanckamp made his debut on the screens in the children's TV series of horror A la "bikes from a crypt" - "Are you afraid of darkness?" (2000). The character of the girl was not remembered to the viewers, because the silent heroine Emily was present only in one episodic scene.

Emily for a long time performed the role of the second plan: she played in the films "First Lady" (2000), "You will not catch up" (2001) and several TV shows. But the real fortune of the actress in 2002: Vancap began to be filmed in the dramatic series "Lyubov Widders", which was broadcast for 4 years. The plot of this multi-sieuled film rotates around the picturesque town of Everwood in Colorado, where the unusual New York family of Brown moves.

The protagonist of Andrew Brown (Trit Williams), the doctor in the specialty, lost his wife in a car accident, so trying to start life from a clean leaf in a new place. But a quiet place is undisturbed by a non-resident guest: the head physician begins against Brown against Brown. Since now Andrew raises children alone, he has to face typical teenage problems. In this series, Emily played the role of Amy Abbot, Efroum Brown's beloved.

In 2004, Vanecamp starred in the Marec Thiller Kanesk "Double Agent". Her Colleagues on the set were Sharon Stone, Rupert Everett, Michael Cochrane and other movie stars. A year later, Emily appeared in the short filing "Calls", which is the first part of the film.

The plot is based on the fact that a mystical video tape that kills people after 7 days from the moment of viewing, fans appear and organize a secret club. Young guys and girls browse the ill-fated video and share their impressions, but they are not suspected of playing with death.

In 2005, Emily starred in the candle-2 Call-2 candle. It is noteworthy that this film has significant differences from the Japanese original, so the viewer saw a new and original story about the gloomy "Girl from the Well."

In addition to Vankemp, Roles were performed by Naomi Watts, David Dorfman, Simon Baker, Kelly Steel and other actors. After 2 years, he participated in the brand Ganna "Black Irendan" drama, where he worked with Michael Angarano and Brendan Glison.

At the same time, Emily passed the casting into a large television project "Brothers and Sisters". In the soap opera, the actress played the heroine Rebecca Harper. The series was successful, so the actress was detained for 4 full seasons. A film about a friendly American family was broadcast on the ABC channel.

In 2008, Vankemp once again participated in the horror film, this time in the picture "Vehicles", which tells about the deadly virus, which circumscribed people to painful death. In 2010, Emily played the Comedy "Norman". The plot concentrates on a high school student, which for the sake of its own benefit is pretended by cancer patients. While the young man plays the public, his father is really incurable sick.

In 2011, the actress tried herself as a young teacher Stacy Bess in the film Jeff Blocket "behind the school board." Stacy is not a simple teacher: it leads lessons at homeless and problem children. Store the dream that all students deserve decent education, the girl overcomes his own fears and superstitions every day.

Also, the filmography of the performer has replenished the superhero picture of Anthony and Joe Rousseau "First Avenger: Another War" (2014), where Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Anthony, Samuel L. Jackson and other world-scale stars were made by colleagues. In this film, Emily got the role of Sharon Carter, which is also known for the alias Agent 13. Fragile girl (the growth of the actress is 173 cm, and the weight of 56 kg) is a master of martial arts and understands all types of firearms. In addition, Sharon perfectly owns spying and computer programming skills.

In 2016, Emily took part in the filming of the second part of the franchise "The first avenger: confrontation," where he played with Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner and shedvik Boustry. She also starred in the Canadian drama "Country".

In 2018, the audience saw the American series "Ordinator", where Vanecamp performed one of the main roles. This is a medical drama, which was broadcast on the Fox channel. Matt Zukri, the executor of the role of senior alternator, Dr. Conrad Hawkins became partner of the Canadian actress on the screen. The film received high ratings of the views, so it was extended for another few seasons.

Personal life

In his free time, Emily loves to communicate with friends and travel: on a page in "Instagram" actress often lays out a photo from a holiday on the beach. Also Vanecamp actively uses Twitter and adores to cook and visit various restaurants.

Emily admitted that from stresses that accumulate during acting, it gets rid of meditation. Also, the girl admitted that he did not like cardinal experiments with appearance, for example, she would never have made a tattoo.

As for the personal life of the actress, it is known that in 2010, Emily had close relations with a colleague on the Ben-Gur project by Joseph Morgan. There was a couple for a while, but the novel ending with parting. Earlier, with his ex-boyfriend, Chris Pratt, she played his brother and sister in the film "Love Widders".

In 2012, Joshua Bowman, An Englishman by nationality became the beloved Canadian performer. They played together in an American soap opera with elements of a psychological thriller called "Revenge". From the very beginning of their relationship, the Internet was filled with rumors about the ambulance wedding of lovers.

But the actors were in no hurry to register relationships. Only in 2017, snapshots from the engagement ceremony appeared on the Emily page in "Instagram". The solemn event happened in May, and only after 1.5 years, the youngs were exchanged by the oaths of loyalty. According to Emily, the wedding took place in a circle of close people in the Bahamas.

Fans assumed that the favorite performer married, because she was pregnant. But Vanecamp reported that it was not. In an interview with the star, the screen noted that he really wants to become a mother, but the exciting event, with her husband, decided to postpone at a later date.

The actress admits that he grew up in his house, so used to attending nearby shops without makeup and in sports costumes. But Emily has not been doing this for a long time due to numerous paparazzi.

Wannempt fans note not only its simple character, but also an attractive appearance. According to the fans, the Canadian performer is similar to the American colleague Bree Larson, which remains more successful, winning a number of such awards as Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe and Emmy.

Emily Wancaps now

The main work in the career of the actress for 2021 was the premiere of the superhero series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers", in which the performer appeared in the form of Sharon Carter. In a conversation with journalists, the artist stated that since her participation in the "confrontation" of the heroine was in the run. It was about this period of her life and a new project was discussed.

Now, in addition to the acting career, Emily often appears on the pages of glossy publications. In March 2021, her photo session was decorated with a Gotham magazine.


  • 1988 - "Lady Room"
  • 2000 - Are you afraid of darkness? "
  • 2000 - "First Lady"
  • 2001 - "You will not catch up"
  • 2002-2006 - "love of widow"
  • 2004 - "Double Agent"
  • 2005 - "Calls"
  • 2005 - "Call 2"
  • 2007 - "Black Irishman"
  • 2008 - "Carriers"
  • 2011 - "For the school board"
  • 2014 - "First Avenger: Another War"
  • 2016 - "First Avenger: confrontation"
  • 2018 - "Ordinator"
  • 2018-2021 - "Resident"
  • 2021 - "Falcon and Winter Soldiers"

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