Artyom Artemyev - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Artem Artemyev is a Russian actor, the star of the series Tatiana Day. Artist filmography - 29 paintings. Most of the work - roles in multi-sized melodramas. A pretty actor is invited to role in family films. Artem Artemyev was born on June 25, 1973 in the capital of Uzbekistan - Tashkent. Artem's parents are architects. To the upbringing of the Son, they came seriously and creatively. At three years, Artem performed the first hiking campaign. By five years, the boy overcomed along with his parents, hiking hiking in the mountains.

Artem Artemyev in 2017

At seven years, Artem went to the music school: he studied in the Cello class, visited the lessons of choral singing. In one interview, the artist told that parents did not fundamentally bought a TV in the house, so as not to develop stereotypical thinking in the child. The "talking box" in the house of Artemyev replaced the musical player with a multitude of plates. Studying at school was given to Artem with difficulty.

Artem Artemyev

By graduation, he decided to become an artist. Passion for a hypocrisy boy inherited from his grandfather who played in the amateur theater, and Mom Artem in his youth dreamed of becoming a director. In 1995, Artem graduated from Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. A. N. Ostrovsky, Acting Department. In 1997 - School of Dramatic Art Theater "Ilkhom" (Tashkent). Working with the director Marka Vaille, played in the performances of E. ionesko "Rhinos" (old Mr.), J. Steinbeck "Quarter Tortilla Flet" (Deni), N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (Manilan), A.P. Chekhov "Three sisters" (salty).


After moving to Moscow, the career of the novice artemist Artem Artemyev was not very successful. For a while I had to make a living by performances in show programs. The debut in the movie took place in 2003 in the episodic role in the series Evgeny Serov "Instructor", filmed based on the detective works of Andrei Voronin. The first way out to the shooting area of ​​Artem Artemieva occurred in the company of famous artists Dmitry Brusnikna, Andrei Smirnova, Viktor Rakov.

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In 2003-2005, the artist played in the paintings "Operation" Color of Nation "and" Gemini ". In 2005, Artem Artemyev received a proposal to play in the film "Lawyer-2" directories Ilya S. Maksimova and Andrei Sokolova. The artist fulfilled the role of Egor Polyansky, the former husband of the singer Irina Demidova (Lyudmila Nilskaya).

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In Serials, Artem got predominantly the role of negative characters. The turning point in the career of Artemieva came with the role of architect Igor Gonzalez in the TV series "Tatiana Day", the adaptation of Columbia Sitcoma. In the 221-Series picture, Artem was filmed in 2007-2008. Igor Gonzalez - Hero Artemieva - lawyer, owner famous in the city of the firm. According to Artem, Igor is an ambiguous character, but by and large - a sin. Playing Gonzalez was interesting. Work in the TV series "Tatiana Day" brought Artemyev's popularity in the audience.

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In 2008, Artem Artemyev starred in Lithuanian short-term ribbon "Uncomfortable Morning". In the film, only two actors appear. The plot is simple: barely familiar man and a woman wake up in the morning in one bed. He hides that he is married, and she will know about it. Morning ends with a scandal and shots. The pair breaks up. Film Partner - Lithuanian actress Sigit Mostavichut.

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In the same year, the artist played another major role: Artem Markelov in a two-particle criminal drama Valery Roznova "Criminal Passion". Artem Markelov - a friend of the main character, Alexey. Men work in operatives in the investigative department. Everyday life collapses when Alexei's wife is killed, and the opera himself turns out to be behind the bars. Vyacheslav Raughgaev, Natasha Shvets, Yulia Delos, Boris Shevchenko, were filmed in the picture.

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In 2011, Artem Artemyev starred in the Melodrame "South Nights" director Valentina Vlasova. The artist played Kirill, the groom's bridegroom, Julia. Julia is completely absorbed by the business, the new business idea is to buy a vineyard. Kirill supports a girlfriend in an endeavor. In 2009, Artem Artemyev played a major role in the TV series about love and friendship "Golden Country". Female students dream of opening a casino. The film tells whether Friendship will be able to transfer the test with money and difficulties, whether friends will remain blond and decent people.

Personal life

After moving to Moscow in 2002, Artem sang from the scene in show programs. During one of the speeches in a casino, the young man noticed a pretty visitor in the hall. Artem and Julia met. The period of courting lasted for a short time - two months after the acquaintance, Artem made a hand and heart suggestion.

Artem Artemyev with his wife and daughter

The couple got married in 2004. Lush wedding was not. In 2007, Artem at the same time learned two joyful news: he was invited to the role in the TV series "Tatiana Day", and the wife became pregnant. The daughter of Nicole was born simultaneously with the beginning of the Pope in the most significant film in his acting career. As the artist notes with humor, the present wedding celebration was only one day, in the TV series "Tatiana Day". Julia and Artem say they will definitely cope a lush wedding when they choose time.

Artem Artemyev now

The last work of Artem Artemieva in the cinema - the role of writer Peter Barkov in the romantic comedy director Timur Kabulov "Princess from Khrushchev". Artem graduated from the highest courses of directors and actors (the course of Vladimir Menshov), tries himself as a director.

Artemyev is preparing the output of the album. On the Internet you can find and listen to the songs of Artem Artemieva "Roads", "Winter Night", "Tatiana Day", "My love", etc. The song "Shelest Leaves" Artist performed in a duet with Katya Lel. Artem rarely communicates with the press, does not lay out the photo in instagram. Artemyev admits that the series does not watch, but removed with pleasure. Work in Sitcoma is a source of good income.


  • "Cape" (2005)
  • "Young and evil" (2006)
  • "Love as love" (2006-2007)
  • "Confidence Service" (2007)
  • "Tatiana Day" (2007-2008)
  • "General therapy" (2008)
  • "Criminal Passion" (2008)
  • "Equation with all known" (2008)
  • "Boris Godunov" (2011)
  • "Only love" (2011)
  • "Thin Edge" (2011)
  • South Nights (2011)

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