Benjamin Franklin - biography, photo, personal life, books, quotes



He entered the history of America as an inventor, a scientist, politician, diplomat and philosopher. And also - a talented businessman, musician, writer and publisher. It is difficult to call the sphere in which Benjamin Franklin would not have noted. He is called the "first American" and universal person. Franklin's face is depicted at $ 100 bills, and the role of the policy in history is that it is mistakenly considered the American president.

Childhood and youth

Benjamin was born in Boston in the family of a large soap. From Britain to America, the head of the Josai Franklin family was transported by a wife with children in 1662: Puritanin feared religious persecution. The 15th child - the son of Benjamin - appeared in early 1706. After him, two more children were born. In 8 years, Ben was sent to school, but a boy learned only 2 years: his father had no extra money to study. 10-year-old Franklin helped her father on soap, but the exhaust work did not beat the hunt to learn. In the afternoon, Benjamin smashed wax for candles and cooked soap, and in the evening he read the swash. Father's book could not buy books, so I took them for a while with friends and acquaintances.

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin

The knowledge of the knowledge of the smart son was pleased with the parents, but Ben's unwillingness to work in a soap-made workshop was pretty. To become a priest, as the father dreamed, the 15th son also did not want. Therefore, Josaia sent a teenager to the eldest son who discovered the typography. 12-year-old Franklin worked aside, carried away by typographic business and writing ballad. One Ballad brother printed, but the fading of Benjamin did not like the father, who considered the poets to be nichelas.

The elder brother undertook to publish a newspaper. 16-year-old Benjamin Franklin understood that if his father finds out that he became a journalist of the publication, then everything will end, as with ballads - a ban. Therefore, the guy wrote notes in the form of letters in which the public morals were crushed. The eager satire of the author (letters subscribed to the pseudonym) enjoyed the readers' success. But when the brother learned who was their author, Ben was driven.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin copied money on a ticket and escaped to Philadelphia, where he settled in the printing house. The young and intelligent master was noticed and sent to London, entrusted to buying machines and open a typography in Philadelphia, which would take government orders. The British press liked so much Franklin, that a dozen years later, he became publisher of his own newspapers and almanac. The publications were printed in their own printing house of Benjamin and brought income. Having ensured a seedless family existence, Benjamin Franklin concentrated forces on science and politics.


Benjamin Franklin's political biography began in Philadelphia. Here he founded a discussion circle, which in 1743 transformed into the American philosophical society. Thanks to Franklin in 1731 in America, which was at that time an English colony, the first publicly accessible library opened. 15 years old Benjamin worked in the post of secretary of the Pennsylvanian General Assembly, which later led. He led the post office of Pennsylvania, and then by mail of the other possessions of the British metropolis.

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin

From 1757, 13 years old, Benjamin Franklin represented the interests of the four states of America in Britain, and in 1775 the politician and official became a delegate of the second congress of the colonies on the continent. As part of the group headed by Thomas Jefferson, Franklin developed a sketch of the coat of arms (big printing) of the United States. After signing the declaration in July 1776, the First American was standing at the head of the group that went to Paris to find support in the war against Great Britain. Until winter, 1778, thanks to Benjamin, Franklin under the contract was standing by the French signature, and a skilled diplomat was left in Paris as a messenger. In France, he joined the Masonic Loop "nine sisters", becoming the first American-Mason.

Signing US Independence Declaration

In the 1780s, politician headed as part of the delegation from America to negotiate in London, where he signed the Versailles Agreement, who set the final point in the US War for Independence. Benjamin Franklin called democracy "the contract on the rules between well armed gentlemen." He long before Adam Smith formulated and substantiated the theory of value, calling it with Meryil not money, and work. From the beginning of the 1770s to 1790th, Benjamin Franklin wrote an autobiography that did not complete. Politician expected to arrange it in the future as memoirs about the brightest moments of life. The book "Autobiography" came out after the death of Franklin.

Dean Norris as Benjamin Franklin

Among other popular works of one of the fathers of the sovereign state - his books "reasoning about freedom and necessity, enjoyment and suffering," "the necessary advice to those who would like to become rich" and "way to abundance". The legendary Americans did not pay the director's attention. Franklin's life was reflected in the films "John Paul Jones", "John Adams" and "Sons of Freedom." The last picture came out on the screens in 2015. This is a mini-series director Kari Cedema, telling about the times when the United States was a British colony. Franklin played Dean Norris.

War for independence

During the war of US independence, Benjamin Franklin developed a plan of the Union of Colonies, he established the work of the post office (became the general postmaster), was among the authors of the Declaration of Independence and Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the George Washington Army.

War for US independence

When the newly born republic began searching for allies, Franklin went to France and brilliantly coped with the mission. In 1778, France was first of the state of Europe recognized America's independence.

Inventions and science

Tract for sciences Franklin showed even in early childhood. One day, the little Ben appeared on the sea shore with skiing, which attached to the legs and hand. With these devices (later named flippers), he overtook comrades in the competition. Soon, Benjamin was again struck by friends, bringing a paper snake to the shore. Taking advantage of the passing wind, lay back on the water and, holding a rope, rushed along the water stroit, like under the sail.

Benjamin Franklin plays chess

The science and scientific experiments, Benjamin Franklin gave not so much time remaining from political and diplomatic work: a total of 5-6 years. But for such a short period, the scientist has achieved astounding results. Benjamin Franklin became an explorer of electricity, testing metals on thermal conductivity, studied how the sound in the water applies.

Benjamin Franklin studies electricity

The scientist managed to explore and curb "Heavenly Fire", which during a thunderstorm became the cause of terrible fires destroying cities and villages. The invention of the lightning conductor reduced fires to a minimum, and Immanuel Kant called Benjamin Franklin "New Promethem". The scientist suggested introducing "plus" and "minus" in electricity, formulated the law on the maintenance of an electric charge, invented lamps for street lamps and a flat capacitor.

Personal life

Relationship Politics with women is a special head of the biography. The personal life of Benjamin Franklin was saturated: he heard a loving man, loyalty is not his distinctive feature. In Philadelphia, Franklin met a girl named Deborah Reed, who became a bride. But during a long stay in London, the young man fell in love with the daughter of the owner of the apartment, where he lived. The beloved gave him the firstborn, son of William. In Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin returned to a illegitimate child, whom Deborah received. At that time, she remained a straw widow, left the husband who escaped from debts.

Deborah Reed, Civic Wife Benjamin Franklin

Two more children were born in civil marriage with Deborah: Daughter Sarah and Son Francis, who died at 4 years old, infected with smallpox. Life with a civilian spouse did not charge: the couple lived together for two years. The impressive and charismatic Benjamin Franklin was quite a few mistresses. In the mid-1750 in Boston, he met the beauty of Catherine Ray. Love Couple Cuppet lasted until the last days of life politician. For several years there was a connection with the owner of the house, in which Franklin lived with his family. It is concerned that the love intrigue developed in two directions: with a homeowner and her young niece.

Benjamin Franklin and Bryon de Zhui

At the end of the 1770s, Benjamin Franklin, who turned 70, met with a 30-year-old Parisian Bryon de Zhui, a widow of Gelving, which is called the last passion of politics. Franklin's famous letter - with sexual tips - dates back to 1745th year. 39-year-old Benjamin wrote it to an unnamed friend. The message has been preserved in the archives of the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Published a letter in 1926. A young politician advised a friend to choose her mistresses older and shared intimate details, why women aged better young girls.


The 84-year-old politician and the scientist died on April 17, 1790. 20 thousand people arrived at the funeral of the "first American" in Philadelphia (the population of the city was 33 thousand).

Tomb of Benjamin Franklin

The death of Nationally beloved Benjamin Franklin mourned millions of Americans. More than anyone in the United States was buried with such honors. In the United States, a two-month mourning was announced for the dead.


  • Crew three of the most important historical documents underlying the formation of the United States: the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the US Constitution and the Versailles Mirny Treaty of 1783.
  • One of the development development developers of the USA.
  • The first of the Americans who became a foreign member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.
  • Founding the first public library.
  • Introduced the designation of electrically charged states "+" and "-".
  • Proved the electric nature of zipper.
  • Invented a lightning result.
  • Invented bifocal glasses.
  • Received a patent for the design of the rocking chairs.
  • Invented an economical small-sized oven for the house, the name "Franklin's oven" or "Pennsylvanian fireplace".
  • The first applied an electric spark for an explosion of powder.
  • Collected extensive data on storm winds (Nord-Oda) and proposed the theory that explained their origin.
  • With the participation of Benjamin Franklin, the first Golf Stream card was created.


  • Too soft laws are rarely respected, too severe - rarely listed.
  • The first degree of madness is to consider yourself wise; The second is to talk about it; Third - to give up the councils.
  • Lead money to the enemy and you will acquire a friend; Lean money to a friend and you will lose it.
  • I donated freedom for the sake of security does not deserve or freedom or security.
Monument Benjamin Franklin in Chicago
  • The one who buys unnecessary will soon have to sell the necessary.
  • Critics are our friends: they indicate our mistakes.
  • The crown does not cure from headaches.
  • Spoogue breakfasts with wealth, lies with poverty, dines with poverty and goes to bed with a shame.
  • Who lives hope, risks to die hungry death.
Monument Benjamin Franklin in Pennsylvania University
  • The landpaste, standing on his legs, is much higher than the gentleman standing on his knees.
  • In twenty years, a man owes a desire, thirty-mind, in forty-reason.
  • Who claims that money can all, he can do everything for money.
  • Time is money.
  • Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today.
Monument Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia
  • One move is equal to three fires.
  • If you want to know the flaws of the girl, praise it in front of your friends.
  • The master to look for justification is rarely a master in something else.
  • The early angry ends shame.

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