Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Wife, Sam Taylor-Wood 2021



British Cinema Star Aaron Taylor-Johnson has gained the love of the audience around the world, appearing on the screen at a young age. He managed to fix it in the starry sky due to roles in Hollywood blockbusters. The favorite role of the performer is the vicious handsome, but there are other, more noble images in its repertoire.

Childhood and youth

Aaron Perry Johnson was born on June 13, 1990 in the south-east of England in the city of High Whita in the County of Buckinghamshire. The boy's father worked as an engineer, and his mother was a housewife.

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In the 5th grade, Johnson, in order not to wrap up without anything, decided to sign up for the football section. True, before the initial destination, the boy did not reach and, yielding to the second gust, preferred the theater studio, in which he later became the star.

The acting teachers have always noticed both the expressiveness of the voice of a talented student and the insane self-dedication with which he recited from the scene the work of classics. After released from school, Johnson entered the Theater Studio Jack Palmer, where he studied dramatic art, singing, jazz and engaged in acrobatics.


The debut work in the filmography of Aaron was the family Christmas film "Tom and Thomas", released on large screens in 2002. Despite the young age (at the time of filming, the actor was hardly 12 years old), Johnson coped brilliantly with his role assigned to him and proven himself well.

Soon, a talented boy starred in the comedy fighter of the director David Dobkin "Shanghai Knights", thereby replenishing his cinematic piggy bank with the role of young Charlie Chaplin. Johnson's colleagues on the set were unsolicited actors Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson in the role of Vronsky in Anna Karenina

The period from 2004 to 2007 was marked by entering into the light of several paintings. Works did not brought the WORLD MASTER OF UNIVERSITY GLOVE, but helped to get comforted in the actor's environment. In addition, director Grunder Chadha based on the book Rennison Luis "Kiss, Sweet As Iriska" removed the film "Angus, Thongs, Kisses, Caucasus" with the participation of Aaron in the lead role.

In the militant "Pipets" Johnson played a teenager Dave Leesvski, who, reading comics, decided that she could easily become a superhero in reality. Together with Aaron, Evan Peters appeared in this film, which became popular after the exit to the large screens of the television series "American Horror History", and known to many by the Comedy "Time Machine in Jacuzzi" Clark Duke.

In the painting "Become John Lennon", Aaron reincarnated in the founder of The Beatles group - the British musician John Lennon. The premiere of the film took place at the closure of the London Film Festival. Despite the fact that the critics and connoisseurs of art of the singer did not impress the film, the ribbon was awarded a number of BAFTA Academy Awards.

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In 2012, the actor replenished his cinematic piggy bank of Alexey Vronsky (Drama "Anna Karenina"). On the main role before, Robert Pattinson was tried. In the removal based on the novel of the Lion's novel, a thick film, Johnson's colleagues along the set of steel Keira Knightley and Jude Lowe. According to the director of Joe Wright, the drama was removed in theatrical scenery, but part of the scenes was created in the Russian north - on the island of Kizhi.

Taylor-Johnson one of the first in the cast received the role of Ford Brodi in the fantastic militant Gareth Edwards "Godzilla". Over the creation of the character of his hero and its relationship with the character Elizabeth Olsen, he worked together with the director. Such was the idea of ​​the director, despite the fact that the scenario was registered in sufficient detail.

Later, Aaron starred in the image of the mercury superhero (Pietro Maximoff) in the film of the filmmatic Universe Marvel "First Avenger: Another War." Next year, the actor together with Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson played in Siclele "Avengers: Era Altron." Although the organizers assured that a minimum was used by schedule, 5 design studios worked on the project.

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The American psychological thriller "under the cover of the night" went on large screens in 2016. The plot of the film director Tom Ford is based on Bestseller Austin Wright "Tony and Susan". For the role of Ray Marcus Johnson in January 2017 received the Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Actor of the Second Plan".

The premiere of the drama director Dag Laiman "Wall" with Aaron took place in a year. In Chamber Tape, Taylor-Johnson tried on the image of Sergeant Allen Aizek, who, along with his partner (John Sina), fell under the shelling of a sniper. The Iraqi shooter intentionally did not kill the soldiers, deciding before the final shot to get acquainted closer to those who were trapped behind the martial wall.

In the same year, the shooting of the new film Netflix "King Outside Law" began. In the tape, telling about the struggle of the rulers of Scotland Robert I (Chris Pine) for the independence of the state, Aaron, received the role of a faithful assistant and adviser to the autocrat - Knight James Douglas. The film after the premiere at the International Film Festival in Toronto was truncated: the director decided to shorten the scene of the battle of the waterfall, her most cruel frames.

It is worth noting that the reporting master manages to combine shooting in cinema with an active social life: the actor appears on the pages of world prints (Vanity Fair, Yes & No, New York), visits the film and exhibitions, as well as with enviable regularity becomes a guest of television and Radio broadcast.

In addition, the famous artist became the face of the new male fragrance from Givenchy - Gentleman Givenchy. As part of the advertising campaign, Taylor-Johnson took part in a photograph dedicated to the exit of the perfume on the counters. Despite the lack of an actor's own account in "Instagram", his photo appears on the Fan Club page. In addition, materials related to the creative biography of the Hollywood Star are published on various Internet resources.

Aaron appeared and in the King's MAN comedy militant: the beginning. In the project, the actor passed the casting not for the first time. Previously, he was tried to the role of Son Lee Gary (EGGSI) Anvin in Kingsman: Secret Service.

The artist took part in the creation of the film Christopher Nolan "Argument" on the prevention of third world war through the efforts of the main characters. The picture was created in conditions of strict secrecy, and the graphics were completely absent. All complex scenes, including the pursuit of the autobahn, were filmed with the involvement of a large number of cascaders.

Personal life

From the first and only spouse Aaron met in January 2009. Then his future wife and at that time, the successful director Sam Taylor-Wood trusted the 19-year-old actor a major role in his new film "Become John Lennon." This kinocartine has become the starting point and in the career, and in the personal life of the artist. According to the service personnel, lovers were not shy to express their feelings. They were repeatedly kissed and embraced in the eyes of the entire film crew.

It is worth noting that no one believed in the long term of these relationships. The solid difference in age (Sam older than Aaron is 23 years old) and the presence of two children from the first marriage, according to many, did this union unprotected. However, a torture young man did not worry the opinion of any friends or parents.

In his youth, Aaron listened only to the voice of his heart and remained faithful to this rule and today. At the end of the filming, the couple announced the engagement. In July 2010, Samantha gave birth to their first joint daughter Wilde Ray, and in 2012, Johnson and Taylor legalized the relationship, playing the wedding. Later the second child appeared - a girl who, happy parents called Romi Hiro.

Celebrity growth - 180 cm, weight - 77 kg

Aaron Taylor-Johnson now

Advertising is not the only work of the artist outside Hollywood film production. He became a member of the shooting video to the single Black Rain of the American group Rhye. According to the public, Aaron, the growth of which is 180 cm, and the weight is 77 kg, dancing in the video as a professional performer. The director of the roller was the actor's wife.

The fact that Aaron will play a major role in the Craven-Hunter project, it became known in 2021. Initially, it was about another artist - Keanu Rivze (information about this appeared in the Edition of The Illuminerdi). But a contract with Taylor-Johnson was signed in May. It is assumed that the British performer will appear in several films of the franchise about the main spider human antagonist. Now the date of the premiere of the first part declared on January 13, 2023.


  • 2002 - Tom and Thomas
  • 2004 - "Boy in feathers"
  • 2007 - "Magic door"
  • 2008 - "Angus, Thongs and Kisses.
  • 2009 - "Best"
  • 2009 - "Become John Lennon"
  • 2010 - "Pipets"
  • 2011 - "Mysterious Albert Nobbs"
  • 2012 - "Particularly dangerous"
  • 2012 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2013 - "Pipets 2"
  • 2014 - "Godzilla"
  • 2015 - "Avengers: Era Altron"
  • 2016 - "Under the cover of the night"
  • 2017 - "Wall"
  • 2018 - "King Out of Law"
  • 2018 - "Million Small Shards"
  • 2020 - "Argument"
  • 2021 - "King's Man: Start"
  • 2023 - "Craven-Hunter"

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